Dec 212018

Since we’re now in “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” I decided I would try to keep it seasonal and lighthearted.

So, to start us off, a little boy unwraps the best Christmas gift he could hope for:

This year the Secret Santa enlisted a homeless man, Moses Elder, in Phoenix to help him distribute his signature $100 bills to total strangers.  All they had to do was show some kindness to the homeless Elf and then be rewarded with their $100.

I should note that I saw this on CBS News, so it had closed caption.  I could only find it as a YouTube video that does not have CC – so CLICK ME to read the story:

Some Secret Santa Trivia Tidbits: The original Secret Santa tradition actually started in Kansas City decades ago.  I’m not sure if the one in this story is the same guy, since it’s filmed in Phoenix, or if others have adopted it in other cities.  Either way, it’s a nice tradition.

UncleBee at Daily Kos wrote a fantastic parody of that traditional Christmas poem we all enjoy – but in an updated, political version.  Paying heed to the Fair Use Doctrine, I’ll just quote a few stanzas – but the entire version is a very enjoyable read!

‘Twas the Night Before Drumpf’s Mess–Twas-the-Night-Before-Drumpf-s-Mess

 ‘Twas the night before Christmas when through the White House,

The occupants panicked, wond’ring which fire to douse.

The smocking guns hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes maybe no one would think to look there. 


The Traitor Tots trembled with fear in their beds,

While visions of jail time danced in their heads. 

And Twitler rage-tweeted his usual crap

While Melania eyed him like he had the clap.


When in the Rose Garden there arose such a clatter,

Dumpster spilled all the cheeseburgers off of his platter.

He waddled to the window and opened the sash,

Hoping maybe it was Russians delivering cash.

Staying in a Christmas motif but also adding a political overtone, former mayoral candidate in Minneapolis, Tom Hoch, elected to put up a sign recognizing Twitler’s accomplishment of racking up 89 criminal indictments from his administration … in less than two years – which surpasses Nixon’s count.  (The “Trump Is A Traitor” letters are 4-feet tall and in Christmas colors of red and green – so not a bit subtle!)

But ending on more positive notes, if you’re still in a quandary on what decoration to use to top your Christmas tree, someone has come up with the perfect ecumenical option: Notorious RBG!

And I can’t think of a better Santa Claus than a surprise visit by Pres. Obama handing out gifts to kids at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC:

So Happy Holidays to AllAnd Safe Travels



  11 Responses to “Friday Fun: Holiday Edition 2018”

  1. Very cool goodness, Nameless. 04

    Merry Christmas to you too. ?

  2. Thanks, Nameless, and Merry Christmas!

  3. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

    • Good thing they didn’t make him wait, isn’t it.  12

      Pretty sure the original Secret Santa passed away and was picked up by someone else, and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it had spread either.

      Wonderful doggerel!

      Seen on the ‘Net —
      Tweet – Scientists believe that the first person to live to 150 has already been born.
      Response – Please, God, let it be Ruth Bader Ginsburg !!!

      That is a surprise visit … yet, somehow, not surprising.  15

  4. Ohhhh my goodness, what beautiful vids, i so needed them, i’m actually sobbing & smiling!

    THANK YOU SoINeedAName!!

    Happy, Peacefull & Safe holidays to y’all!!! ? ? ? ? ?

  5. Thanks, Nameless, for this smorgasbord of Christmas videos and pictures, sure to please all of us with at least one or two. But I loved them all!

  6. Love all of the Christmas videos.
    The little boy being surprised by the gift with his dad in the package..
    The homeless man playing along with the Secret Santa.
    Obama playing Santa.  ‘
    Thanks Nameless

  7. Little boy loving his daddy being home. Wish (back many years ago) I had thought of this when my children opened presents from Santa, and their dad was inside the present after a long deployment. I didn’t though, but this video warms my heart.

    SS: Had me choked up on this one…..“Do to others as you would have them do to you”, so very sweet!

    Twas the night….awesome, and words so true!!

    Love and admire RBG, and wish her well in her convalescence from her surgery.

    Lordy, how I miss Mr. Obama. Such a kind and caring President!!

    *Joanne: Petco, ……kindness and love go a long, long way, doesn’t it? Loved this.

    Wonderful and heartfelt post, Nameless, thank you!!! Happy Holidays, all. xo

  8. Damn, there should have been a hankie warning! I am all teared up and my glasses are fogged over! It is great to see the reactions of the kids to a dad home on leave and to Obama. Man I miss that man and I am not even American! 

    Joyeux Noël! Bonne Année! 

    Christmas Mobarak!!! Sol nos Mobarak!!! (Persian) 

    Merry Christmas!!! Happy New Year!!!

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