Dec 142018

[Few minor updates & format corrections, since WordPress changed their writing software & I’m still on a learning curve]

Nothing makes the Season brighter than the fact that Mueller now has Twitler in his legal crosshairs and the walls are closing in … provided that Twitler doesn’t go totally bonkers and kills us all.

But Twitler has provided another neologism classic with his “SmockingGun” Tweet – which he misspelled not once, but TWICE.

So pour yourself another cup of smocking hot covfefe, and settle back to see what the Intertubes did with it.

(Although I should note that it is a real word:)

No matter how many crimes and misdeeds Mueller uncovers, we are forced to agree on one issue …

Also in an effort to help Twitler out with something totally foreign to him – The Truth – Mueller’s team has extended their superb redacting skills to his Tweets – and the results have been refreshing:

But sadly, their efforts came too late.  The “Washington Post” Fact Checking editors were forced to create a brand-new category to accommodate Twitler’s endless whoppers since their previous max of four was NOT enough.  Meet the “Bottomless Pinocchio”

And his search for a new Chief of Staff goes on with no success.  (Which is no surprise – who would want to work for an impending felon?)

Let’s close out the week with a heartfelt “THANK YOU!” to Sen. Schumer and Rep. Pelosi for showing the world on real-time TV what a totally incompetent ASS Twitler is.  Here they are triumphantly leaving the White House after destroying him …


  7 Responses to “Friday Fun: Smocking, Redacting, Searching …”

  1. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

    • I have done smocking by hand … on knitting.  I would surely appreciate a sewing machine attachment which would do it.  It could be called a “smocking gun.”  (I mean, hey, it’s tedious work!)

      However, the creator of the gunbelt, gun and holsters deceived you.  That’s crochet, not smocking (and a real tour de force it is!)

      Redactions more revealing than unredacted text.  That’s headspinning.  Who woulda thunk?

  2. The redacted statements are hilarious!!!! 
    Love the pics too! 
    Sen. Schumer and Rep. Pelosi kicked A– !! Nancy throwing some shade…suh-weet!!! 

    That’s one smart ficus there, as no one in their right mind would accept the CoS position.
    No.One. lol 

  3. Wow….hilarious post. Love all of the twitter remarks tRump has been posting. Talk about dumb….he ‘s certainly is the leader of the pack.
    Your photos are fantastic. With all of the other idiots he has been choosing, it’s like he takes the dumbest ones, who have no qualification for these positions. Only reason I figure is that he’ if he’s so paranoid that they may know more than him? Which isn’t much.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Argh…a smocking gun. That brought back some horrible memories when girls were taught knitting, crocheting, embroidery, sowing and as a piece de resistance smocking a doll’s dress in school. It was pure torture, but as it was the fashion for little girl’s dresses in the 50s and 60s (and possibly still is) and could only done by hand, it was a craft to be learned for a proper girl. One of the reasons I never managed that, I guess ?

    You get bonus stars on “collusion with a spell checker”, Nameless, but – as usual – the whole article gets full marks and then some again.

  5. Oh Lona, you’re bringing back memories!  My grandmother used to smock dresses for my cousin and I — always pink and always nylon I think.  I wore them until I was 8 years old.  Princess Charlotte can often be seen in smocked dresses.

    But those guns etc are crocheting, not smocking as JD says.  They’re very good, but none the less crocheting.

    That last picture is great . . . like Tom Cruise perhaps walking away from a Mission Impossible stunt.  I am surprised the WH has not gone up in flames with the Orange Pissant in residence.

  6. “Smocking”- What one writes when the recently sniffed Adderall is still burning through what little bit is left of your originally dysfunctional brain!

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