Dec 042018

It’s another crazy day here in the CatBox.  I’m getting closer to getting my on demand O2 system.  There is no more news on a place to live.  So far today, I’ve had visits from a nurse and a physical therapist.  I’ve also replaced my bio recovery company.  Finally, I emailed my grocery order to Store to Door.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 5:17).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the news from our own fantasy football league.



Congrats to Vivian, Pam and me for winning our games.



Kudos to Wendy for leading the league.

This coming weekend is the last in our regular season.  Our playoffs begin the following week.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): TALKING ABOUT RAKING IN FINLAND – Parody


Don, I hope you agree that saying he isn’t too bright defames millions of low yield minds by comparing them to Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten. 🙂 RESIST!!

From Axios: Democrats are moving women into leadership roles in key party organizations, including the campaign arms for national and state races — and even in the moderate Blue Dog coalition, which will be led by a woman of color for the first time in its 23-year history.

Why it matters: It’s a recognition of the importance of women in the Democratic coalition — especially the role women voters played in the House midterm election victory — and a nod to the growing diversity of the party’s elected officials. Republicans haven’t made similar moves in their leadership ranks.

These positions carry tremendous influence in candidate recruitment, messaging, and securing donations in future elections. Elevating more women addresses some of the concerns from the party’s base and more progressive members who want fresh faces to lead the caucus.

It’s about time. Click through for a half a dozen examples. RESIST!!

From Robert Reich: Donald Trump’s “America first” economic nationalism is finally crashing into the reality of America’s shareholder-first global capitalism.

Last week, General Motors announced it would cut about 14,000 jobs, most of them in the politically vital swing states of Michigan and Ohio.

This doesn’t quite square with the giant $1.5 trillion tax cut Trump and the Republicans in Congress enacted last December, whose official rationale was to help big corporations make more investments in America and thereby create more jobs. Trump told Ohio residents “don’t sell your homes,” because lost automaking jobs “are all coming back.”

GM got a nice windfall from the tax cut. The company has already saved more than $150 million this year. But some of those Ohio residents probably should have sold their homes.

The Reich on the Left, Robert Reich, is right. There is a word for the auto workers, who believed the Reich on the Right, the Republican Reich. That word is fools! RESIST!!



  14 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/4/2018”

  1. 5:19 I suppose you’re going to tell us you could eat a horse (a SMALL horse).

    Okay, someone came up with a new nickname for Trump and I can’t stop giggling – “the Quicker F*cker Upper”

    And THIS is funny! How did it get by? Truth in advertising for sure!

    PP – What a hoot. Too bad it’s so sad.

    Axios – Damn right.

    Reich – You would almost think that GM is deliberately trying to undermine Trump with his base. That couldn’t be possible, could it?

    Cartoon – And they ARE.

  2. YT: Great song! No question that the Orange Ogre is a ramp shy of a cloverleaf.
    So, GM gets a bigass tax break and STILL lays off workers? It will be a long time before I buy a Chevrolet or a Buick. I’ll replace Connie (my Ford Focus) with another Ford. Maybe.

  3. PP: Excellent parody, well done!!!

    Axios: Suh-WEET !!!!

    RR: Sad for the families who work at GM…and right around the Holidays too.

    Cartoon: Of course!! Why not?

    *Joanne: I like dt’s new nickname…and the faux pic…Treason for the Season, lol. 

    Sounds like you’ve had a very busy day! Take good care, rest & relax, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “As we enjoy our Holidays..the Tent City in Tornillo, TX now houses 2324 migrant children without their families.” ~ Haze D. ~

  4. YT: Great one.
    Axios: Wonderful …..It about time.
    RR: So true. tRump’s America First quote nothing but worthless words out of his flipping mouth. He’s only out for himself. .
    Love the new nickname Joanne posted. Fits him perfectly.
    Cartoon: Ain’t that the truth.

  5. PP: Another excellent parody song. It’s remarkable that lately no one has a problem with calling out the President of America for the dumb-ass (excuses to all the long-eared, slow, patient, sure-footed domesticated mammals) he really is.

    Axios: Great news, but sad it’s great news now and not decades earlier.

    Robert Reich: Reich is correct again, of course, but Drumpf isn’t taking those tax cuts away, is he? Oh no, that would hurt others too much, including himself. The Trump administration is now ending subsidies for electric cars to get back at GM, and other items that were imposed during the Obama administration while they’re at it, including renewable energy sources. That on top of stepping out of the Paris Agreement. If Drumpf keeps it up, there will be no history to judge him.

  6. Puzzle — 4:16  Sorry little horsie!  Run like hell from that rapacious maw of the Puddy Tat!

    Parody Project — LOL!!!  Just excellent!!!  Don C (not Don T) is so talented.  This entire episode proves how just bloody stupid Trump is!!!  As I said yesterday, his elevator does not go to the top!

    Axios — I have maintained for years now that putting women in charge is a brilliant move.  It will be interesting to see if the old boy’s club gets their knickers in a twist.  I certainly do not expect the Republicans to open their doors any time soon.  I wonder if Republicans will push back even harder against any Democrat women committee chairs than they did with the men.  I dare them to go after Sen Kamala Harris or Sen Elizabeth Warren.

    Robert Reich — When Trump and the Republicans conceived their great tax break for corporations, they should have asked themselves “What would I do with a big tax windfall were I the CEO of a large corporation?”  If they answered honestly (I know, that is a skill generally unknown to Republicans), they would be doing exactly what the corporations are doing — stock buy backs etc.  Further, if they expected re-investment which created jobs, they should have tied the funds to measurable results.  Trump and Republicans have only themselves to thank for this boondoggle.

    Cartoon — They are so good at it! . . . unfortunately!

    Tomorrow is a busy day with physio and teaching!

  7. Thanks all.  Crazy Hugs! 26

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