Everyday Erinyes #145

 Posted by at 4:11 pm  Politics
Nov 242018

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Actually this has nothing to do with the Erinyes today. But, without this, all I have are short takes, a couple of which are so dreadful they would make the Furies themselves hurl, let alone us frail humans. And we’ve had a rough week and could use something nice to think about. So, instead, I’ll talk about the Congressman from the Fifth District of Missouri.

Emanuel Cleaver II is serving his seventh term in Congress, to which he came with some experience: twelve years on the Kansas City Council and eight years as the Mayor of Kansas City (the first African-American to hold that office).

Along the road he has racked up five Honorary Doctorates to augment his earned Bachelor’s (Prairie View A & M) and Master’s (St. Paul’s School of Theology, Kansas city). He is in fact an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church.

Kansas City is split over two Districts, so I don’t know whether Nameless can claim Congressman Cleaver as his own. If so, Nameless is a whole lot luckier in his Congressman than I am in mine.

In Congress, he is serving on the House Financial Services Committee, he is the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance, and also a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. In the 112th Congress, he was unanimously elected to the Chair of the Black Congressional Caucus. You can read his official biography, of course, for more details on specific achievements. But it’s clear that if for some reason he wanted to stand on his accomplishments, to claim some privilege on that basis, the basis is pretty solid – so unlike some Republicans I might mention.

But apparently standing on position is something Congressman Cleaver just doesn’t know how to do.

Yesterday, Friday, home from Washington for the holiday, he was driving in Kansas City, and happened to be on the scene to witness a head-on collision.

Several people who witnessed the crash, including U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, helped pull the victims from the wreckage.

Cleaver was on his way to a meeting when he drove upon the wreck, according to a statement issued by Cleaver’s office.

It appeared that one of the motorists was unconscious behind the steering wheel of one of the cars. Cleaver and three other bystanders helped pull the man to safety as fire quickly spread across the engine block, the statement said….

“I was just helping the same as every other person on the scene,” Cleaver said in the statement. “Tonight, my prayers will be for this man and his family during this holiday season.” 

The other driver did not survive, but I have not found any updates on the rescued man and assume he is still hanging in.

Nameless, if Congressman Cleaver is yours, my deepest congratulations!

Nothing for Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone to do here except to feel good – along with the rest of us.

The Furies and I will be back.

Meantime, may the holiday season be as enchanting for us as it is for this cat.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.


  13 Responses to “Everyday Erinyes #145”

  1. Cleaver is now something like my Senator Booker, who ran into a burning building, in Newark, N.J., some time back, to help out, rather than be a bystander.  Congratulations to him.  Can anyone imagine Paul Ryan,or Turtle McConnell doing the same thing?  

    • No.  I can’t possibly imagine.  In fact, just the thought made me laugh out loud.  Sardonically, of course.

      I didn’t know that about Cory – if I had, I would have included it.  It doesn’t however, surprise me.

  2. Kudos and blessings on Emanuel Cleaver! He doesn’t boast – he does, unlike tRump saying he’d run into a school while a shooting was taking place. After weaseling his way out of the draft because of “bone spurs.”

  3. Emanual Cleever is a hands-on man and a brave one at that. Every politician should be like him: forget your “station” when help is needed and don’t be afraid to get yourself dirty, just like any of us. Kudos to you, Mr. Cleever.

    Enjoy your rest, dear Furies. I’m sure there’s a lot of work waiting out there next week, with Thanksgiving done and dusted.

  4. Kudos!!!! to Mr. Cleaver for helping save the motorist from the crash. He sounds like a kind, caring man, ….one that we could use here in Texas (and thereabouts). I see that he is a Texas native, and went to Prairie View, which is right down the road here going into Houston too.

    I miss having men in office who have these positive qualities about themselves, (like Mr. Booker and Mr. Cleaver) who are modest, and with no fanfare, get the job done, and also saving lives! Such a great uplifting story.

    Thanks, Joanne (and Furies) for a great post!!

  5. Even though I live in the KCMO Metro area, sadly GOP Gerrymandering prevented Rep. Cleaver from being my Rep.

    I’m stuck w/ Sam “I Dig” Graves (R-MO-6)


  6. It seems to me that there was another Democrat, Corey Booker maybe, that ran into a burning building to save someone from a fire.  You’d never see a Republican do these types of things.

    Great piece!

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