Nov 212018

Note: This is SoINeedAName & I’m accessing this through an “Edit” feature of Squatch’s last post, so not sure how (or if) it’ll appear.

I was able to contact the office staff in the building TC lives in & she (Amanda) went up to check on him.

She relayed he answered the door and is alert, responsive, in no acute distress, but under the weather.  But I have NO idea what her medical assessment skills are.

She’s going to check on him every couple of hours.

Hopefully one of our staff writers who can actually easily talk w/ Amanda will be able to check back w/ Amanda later today to see how he’s doing.

Not as good as I’m sure we all hoped, but not as bad as we all feared either.


  15 Responses to “UPDATE on Wednesday 10:30 CST”

  1. I volunteered to call Amanda today (I’ll be a lot less flexible for the next three days  and I reached her a little over 3 hours after Nameless got through, which was the plan.

    She was actually in the room with TC at the time!  She put me on her phone with him while she was going for water, and he sounds pretty good except for the cough (of course he FEELS like something the cat forgot to bury.)  He asked me to call back after he had the water, so I did, and he says WWWendy WW (with wings) is coming this afternoon.  I told him that would be a relief to a lot of people, and that we are all praying or whatever it is we do to be in touch with the universe.

    Definitely not as bad as we’d feared, although it certainly could be better.

    Cross posted to Care2 HERE

    • Note to Nameless – My last two emails to update you have been returned as undeliverable.  They were replies, so it’s not a question of mistyping.  It happened once before but it’s happened a total of three times today – oh, shoot – make that four..  I’m not ignoring you, and I expect Comcast is just being overwhelmed with holiday emails – there may be quite a lot not getting through.  But I wanted you to know.

      • How odd.  I’ve never encountered that snafu before.  

        But what trumps (yeah, I know … but that word is actually appropriate to convey my thoughts) that disappointing news is your contact w/ TC!

        No doubt this is a HUGE relief for all of us!

        I spent five hours this afternoon raking leaves, then mowing & bagging the straggler leaves (for the last time this year).  Then blowing the leaves off the backyard which is now mostly a rock garden  (Much easier than when it was grass.)

        I’m tired, sore and getting too old for this much work!  But it was beautiful autumnal day and they’re saying KCMO might get 3″ of snow on Sunday!

        I’ve earned my drumstick for tomorrow!

  2. Yes, much better than the horrid thoughts that had been running through my, and, I expect, others’ heads!

  3. Thank Gawd!!!!!!! that Tom is all right.
    Mitch, I was thinking the same thing,….the worst, and thankfully after reading, not so. 

    Joanne, and Nameless … Thank YOU so much for this information, as Tom has been on my mind since his illness began, and Amanda for checking on him every two hours. Glad to read that WWWendy (WW) will be there to access him further, and report back with any news she may have. 

    Thanks again!! Joanne for posting. 

  4. Let him know that I am sending healing vibes his way!

  5. I’m ever so grateful to hear that you were finally able to reach TC. Been praying royally. And will continue to keep him in my daily prayers. Glad to hear that Wendy will be going there soon. I thought from past postings that she did it a couple times a week. Hope Tom gets in to see a doctor ASAP. Glad of Amanda checking in on him too.
    Thanks again for the update, Joanne. 

  6. Thank goodness!!!

    Thank you so much Joanne & Nameless!!!

  7. Couldn’t wish for better news, which can only get better if we can get our dear TomCat to have himself checked by a doctor.

    Thanks you for all you did, Joanne and Nameless. And, not to forget, Amanda too! Sorry I couldn’t do more.

  8. Great news especially where my mind was going since yesterday.  Sorry I could not help as I was at physio followed by a visit to the podiatrist.

    I am currently doing up another OT and will have it up in an hour or so.

    Thanks for the follow up Nameless and JD.  Much appreciated!

    • Hey, YVW, that’s why there are four of us.  I’m sure you’ll cover for me when I’m on the road   I’ll look for the OT – I’ve already done the puzzle (v-e-r-y- s-l-o-w-l-y.)

  9. Thank you so much Joanne and Nameless.  I agree with the others.  This is much better news than what was going through my mind too.  I’m very thankful that Amanda  will check on our dear Tomcat every two hours and that our angel WWWendy will be there to give him a more thorough check-up.  I hope he goes to his doctor ASAP also.

  10. I’m sure TomCat will feel better after watching this

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