Nov 132018

Between everything going on, I’m completely swamped, and running behind schedule.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:45 (average 4:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest news from our own fantasy football league.



Congrats to Wendy, Pam and Vivian for willing their games.  Viv gave me a Saguaro butt scrub.



Kudos to Wendy and Pam for leading the league.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Tonight’s Winner: Congresswoman-Elect Jennifer Wexton (D-VA)


Kudos to both Tasha and Jennifer. Maybe we can protect the US from RepubliCare, the plan that allow you to pay for care or die for free. RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Democrat Kyrsten Sinema wins Arizona Senate race


I can’t say I’m always going to agree with her, but not only is she a butt in a D seat, but also, she’s infinitely better than any Republican. RESIST!!

From Alternet: On Saturday, tensions flared in Orange, Texas over the Confederate Memorial of the Wind, a structure erected on private land by the Sons of Confederate Veterans near Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Jeremy and Tracey Parzen, who have been protesting the memorial and took out a billboard urging its removal, were out demonstrating when a man got out of his pickup truck, got in their faces and started shouting.

Barf Bag Alert!!


What a Republican pseudo-Christian way to act! RESIST!!



  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/13/2018”

  1. 4:20 Most of the snow is off the ground in front of my house, which is a good thing as I need to see the doctor for an annual visit today. [Back now and all is well.]

    No one here needs me to tell them that Orange Judas’s administration kills and tortures. Here’s a petition – actually a way to comment – on a fresh hell.

    Wexton – Part of that confusion was because something like 60% of Americans (or maybe just 60% of Republicans, but still way too many people DID NOT KNOW THAT ACA AND OBAMACARE WERE ONE AND THE SAME. Sorry to shout it, but it’s so hard to believe.

    Sinema – What did McSally say? She said she doesn’t have a chance at going for McCain’s seat unless she makes nice.

    AlterNet – The demonstrator stayed very cool indeed. I would love to say to him “Jesus doesn’t f***ing hate anyone, but there are actions that he hates, and yours qualify.” (Too many syllables, ya think?)

    Cartoon – I’ve seen better looking Tarot cards, but the content is the same.

  2. Conga-rats to Wexton and Sinema! Now let us hope Stacey Abrams can join the gang. I wanted to go to a special session at the Georgia capital today, but I caught a cold yesterday and had to stay home. 🙁 Fortunately, I was able to promote the session on my local #Resist Meetups.

    I’ve seen the video of that @$$hole mewling about the removal of Confederate monuments. What the Hello Kitty was going through his worm-ridden skull, anyway? Does he think Jesus loved the Confederacy? Creeps like him give the Deep South a sh*tty name.

    The cartoon is dead on. “Republicare” boils down to “Dick you around till you die and your family is bankrupted by medical bills.”

  3. MSNBC: Congratulations, Ms. Wexton!!! and to Ms. Sinema!! I echo Freya’s comment re: Stacey too, for the win!!!! Signed petition, thx, Joanne.

    AN: Yea…..why in the sam hill are republicons so mean and hateful?? I just can’t fathom the depth of their spiteful hurtful words. Kudos to this lady though, as she didn’t dip into his hateful rhetoric.

    Cartoon: yup!!!!!

    Congrats to your winners in the FFL. It’s cold and dismal here, We’re at 42. Hope that you have a chance to relax. Take good care and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “All gave some, some gave all. Trump doesn’t give a damn.” ~ Lisa R. ~

  4. Congratulations to Ms. Wexton and Ms. Sinema. Hopefully Abrams, Nelson and Gillum can also pull off a win.

    AN: Freya, you stated it perfectly.

    I hope you get some rest TomCat and thank you for the articles.

  5. MSNBC: I hope we see a lot more winners, who honestly stood for affordable, quality healthcare for everyone, and the activist voters who made them winners. It brings home better than any ad how these winners actually care about their constituents and are prepared to listen to them in contrast to those who tried to steal their victory by lying to their voters and not listening to them.

    CNN: Funny how McSally tried to paint Sinema as too progressive for Arizona, while we’re happy she’s a Democrat in that Senate seat, but not particularly progressive at all. In the end it was down to McSally making the wrong choice and going all Drumpfian, including all the mudslinging, not understanding that most women in Arizona have had it with Drumpf. Another Republican who didn’t listen to her constituents bites the dust.

    Alternet: Let me guess: a Texan Republican? An angry little white male who has to shout really hard to have the ??of a dwindling, fearful minority heard?

    Cartoon: Start fighting this image, Democrats. Start writing a rock solid Healthcare-for-all bill and have it ready by 2020.

  6. MSNBC: I also want to say Congratulations to Ms. Wexton and to Ms. Sinema. So happy they won. Like I have been saying for days, I have the faith that Stacey Abrams still will come thru too.Alternet: I agree with Freya’s comment..Cartoon: Ain’t that the truth?

  7. Thanks all.  Pooped hugs! 19

  8. WOW that vid of the yelling rethug POS really made me nauseous!!!

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