Oct 262018

This “Friday Fun” is going to be a little different than other ones I’ve done.  I’m going to get up on my Soapbox and rant a little bit – so bear with me.

One of my pet peeves that really irritates me is that common ploy among pundits referred to as “Both-Siderism”.  You know – the idea that BOTH sides are guilty of something when in our hearts we know that’s not true.

But we see it in full-bloom these days surrounding the issues of violence and civility.  Pundits keep telling us that Democrats are just as guilty as Rethuglicans.

Being reality-oriented and interested in facts, I decided to actually do some research to see if it were true.

Well, it turns out those pundits were absolutely correct – and I can prove it!

Remember when Pres. Obama called Mexicans coming across our border “Rapists” and “Drug Dealers”?

Or when he called tiki-torch waving white supremacists, who held a rally for ethnic cleansing and drove a car into a crowd of protestors killing one of them, some “Very fine people”?

And do you recall when Vice-President Biden’s PAC put out an ad with gunsight crosshairs on Congressional Districts Democrats were “aiming for” – and then a representative from one of those Districts in Arizona was shot in the head?

Or how about when Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) took offense at what a reporter asked him, so he picked him up and body-slammed him to the ground – and then Pres. Obama praised him for it and called him “My kinda guy”?

Remember the time Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) promised to pay for the legal defense of one her supporters at a raucous rally when she told him to “Beat the crap out of” a protestor?

And how about when Pres. Obama met with Putin and defended Putin’s hacking in an effort to influence the outcome of our elections – and it worked?  Or when he literally said he “Fell in love” with the despicable despot Kim Jong Un because of the letters they exchanged as “pen pals”?

And then there’s Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) who decided to start calling her colleagues offensive, demeaning, racist and misogynist names.

What about when Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) got caught admitting to sexual assault when he said he could grab women by their genitals?


So, do you remember all those times Democrats behaved this way and said those things, thus documenting that, in truth, “Both Sides Do It”?


Yeah … me neither!


For the record, let’s take a look at just a sampling of the times Twitler has literally encouraged violence – courtesy of no less a reputable source than Snopes!


“I’d like to punch him in the face”

“Maybe he should have been roughed up”

“Part of the problem is no one wants to hurt each other anymore”

“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will”

“The audience hit back. That’s what we need a little bit more of”

“If you do (hurt him), I’ll defend you in court, don’t worry about it”

“I’ll beat the crap out of you”

“Knock the crap out of him, would you? I promise you, I will pay your legal fees”

 Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

“The president in no way, form, or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence.”


But since it’s Halloween Time – I think I should end on a happier note.

So here’s a site with an interactive map that you can use to find out what the favorite Halloween candy is in your state:




  17 Responses to “Friday Fun: Remember When …?”

  1. Strange . . . neither do I!!!

    Now as to Hallowe’en candy, I loved Milky Way when we had it up here.  I have not seen it in decades and presumed that it was no longer, only to be replaced by 3 Musketeers.  Of course, now I can’t eat any of it unless they make a diabetic friendly version!

    I’ll be dreaming about Milky Way for some time now!

  2. “Both-Siderism, I guess, is a way to try to appease any, and all, who may listen to what one says, and is, by definition, then, a lost cause.  Those who are the jackasses who “Did” whatever will be happy, and this who know they were wrong to do it, will not be changed.  So, the jackasses think they are great, which they, mistakenly thought in the first place, and are encouraged in their idiocy, and the both-siderist is seen by anyone with intelligence as ALSO a jackass!
    Dumpy has to appease his “deplorables,” as they are the core of his (bowel) movement.

  3. So, is it now just a matter of time before the Dumpy one comments about how “Sayoc seemed like such nice guy, at the rallies.  You know, he really likes me.  None of his bombs went off, so maybe he really is a nice guy…there are nice guys on both sides.”

    • Don’t tell me your Twitler’s speechwriter!

      Because you pulled the words right out of his mouth … or maybe some other orifice lower down, because that’s where he seems to pull a lot of his words.

  4. Cross posted to Care2 HERE.

    • Thank you for doing this.  If you hadn’t, I would have, with THIS

      and this picture (and a few others that are out there.)

      • That was one of my inspirations.  There were a number of sites that were running similar type posts so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon.  (Not that I haven’t used those quotes of his before.)

        The man is Evil Incarnate.

  5. Yes, both Democrats and Republicans have their ugly aspects. However, just because one side does something doesn’t mean the other side does it too. Or that the second side’s sin is as bad as the first’s. We always attribute to our enemies our own worst characteristics.

  6. The mud slinging will continue as he rallies for his ‘troops’ state by state. And…continue the blame game, it’s the other side doing this! on & on, sick as it is…..

    Quite frankly, I can’t listen to him speaking, with his slurs, lies, and offensive disparaging comments. He states the Democrats, have divided the Country, the media is ‘the enemy of the people’… 

    Now, while he repeats over and over the same old words, and mannerisms, all lies, mind you….it’s tiring to watch (at least for me). I. just.can’t. 

    Milky Way, (dark chocolate), Hersey’s, and Reese’s (TX), are my favorites. I’m not a big Skittles fan NJ + PA, and that’s okay. lol 

    Thanks, Nameless for posting, 
    and Joanne for cross-posting. 

  7. It shows Swedish Fish for Kentucky.  I don’t even know what that is.

  8. Amen my friend! 04

  9. Spot-on little rant, Nameless. You can get on a soapbox any time for this.

  10. “Both sides” is the most dangerous and insidious narrative in today’s political climate
    From JD’s link above: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/25/1807242/–Both-sides-is-the-most-dangerous-and-insidious-narrative-in-today-s-political-climate?utm_campaign=trending

    Thanks for this Nameless.

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