Oct 112018

It’s a temperate day here in the CatBox.  The cool air crossing the room is countering the sun on the wall so far, but I may need to break out the A/C later.  WWWendy was late last night, because a parent did not pick up a special needs child at her school, so Wendy had to stay there, until an alternate relative arrived.  I got to bed late, and we had been working so hard on tasks, that I had trouble winding down and getting to sleep.  So today, I feel groggy.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:39 (average 4:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Brian Kemp Holding Up 53K Voter Registrations As He Runs For Governor


How vile! Decent people would recuse themselves, but not Republicans!  Don’t let Republicans steal YOUR vote! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (MoveOn Channel): Willie Nelson sings "Vote ’em out"


Amen Willie! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): The right-wing attacks on Kavanaugh protesters are out of control

Barf Bag Alert!!


The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, and the rest of the Republican bubble machine are full of Kava-Crap!! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Damn Koch Suckers!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/11/2018”

  1. [4:23] I wouldn’t exactly say “cow,” but whatever.

    OK, I got George Takei’s newsletter yesterday and the lead article, in the Subject line, was “Who Calls the Cops on Humpback Whales?” Srsly. With video.

    New from VoteVets (for Michigan)

    Georgia – Someone said, “We need the UN to sent election observers to Georgia – the state, not the country.” Yup.

    Willie – This will be a classic for sure.

    Faux – Yeah. Selective amnesia also.

    Cartoon – Yup. That’s Charlie. He recently ousted David, so he is now both Koch brothers. Well, all of them really, He and David beat down the rest many years ago.

  2. MSNBC: Boy, I’d be po’ed if I lived there, and found this out. Some folks don’t even know…I’d be checking the computer link just to make sure though. Wow, how low can he go?? Pretty dam low, imho.
    GO, Stacey!!! 

    MOC: Funny that you put this up, Tom, as I have this in my ‘favorites’ and listen to Willie alot !!! 

    BBA: How stupid and ridiculous!! of them to say that. They are the opposite of sane. 

    Cartoon: Ugh, of course. 

    Sorry for Wendy getting there late, I remember those days, as I’ve had to wait for a parent to p/u their student a few times. Glad the student got home okay. Mowed half of the ’40’, w/do the rest tomorrow. Was really cool this morning, yay! Hope that you have a good evening, get your rest, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “If a political party does not have it’s foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and moral, then it is not a political party, it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.” Speech, 3/6/56 by ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower ~

  3. How Trumpkins define “Mob”

  4. Brain Kemp: He needs to go to prison! An “UGH” something…

    Willie Nelson sings “Vote ’em out”  YUP, VOTE THEM OUT!! VOTE THEM OUT!!

    The right-wing attacks: A definite “BARF BAG ALERT”. Where do faux people come from…? Gad, they are awful. YUCKS!! lol.

    Cartoon: The Koch’s dream is coming and they are SOOOOO happy these days. Unbelievable.


  5. MSNBC: TC, we must be drinking from the same waters, oh, but of course:
    MoveOn: Yes, being a patriot does NOT mean following the dumbest clown in the country, just because….
    MMC: Faux BS channel would find a way to spin Mother Teresa as a communist, at the drop of a hat!
    ‘Toon: I won’t bore you with my Charles Koch rant, again, POS that he is!

  6. MSNBC:  I’ve been sharing this news since it came out to let people know to check their registration.  He should be in jail and not running for governor.

    MoveOn:  I have always loved Willie and this makes me love him more.  I got to see him in Ft Worth at the stock yards during a 4th of July celebration several years back.  I had the time of my life.

    Barf Bag:  I couldn’t watch all of it.  I became ill after a few seconds.

    Cartoon:  Yuck

    I’m sorry for you and WWWendy getting there late.  I remember those days well from teaching.  I hope you can rest tonight.

  7. Rachel: Democrats in Georgia, take Rachel’s last words to heart and drag Kemp’s fraudulent a$$ before a judge before it is to late. The Republican corruption must be brought to an end by having Stacey Abrams duly win.

    Willie Nelson: ?????

    MM: No, I’m not going to watch that; I’ve had my fill of your right-wing hatred for this week (it’s already Friday here in Oz)

    And the same goes for the cartoon, however good it is.

  8. Puzzle — 3:49  Holy cow!  As a holy cow, it is off limits to ravenous Puddy Tats!!!

    MSNBC — How terribly Republican of Kemp . . . tilt the field aka steal the election.  First, this is a conflict of interest and Kemp must be taken to task in court if need be.  Second, yet another case of Republican election fraud!  Georgians need to challenge this Republican thief right out of office!  The US has been on groups monitoring elections in other countries.  That needs to stop until the US can demonstrate fair and equal elections.  Perhaps other nations or the UN should be monitoring US elections.

    MoveOn — Amen Willie!  Vote out all Republicans!!!

    Media Matters — “They are now in full revolt against the constitution, the United States, the Union and the rule of law.”  What has he been smoking?  The only ones I see reflected in that statement are the right wing idiots, the Republicans!

    Cartoon — Ugh!!!  I’m going to hurl!!!

  9. Thanks and pooped hugs to all! 26

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