Oct 062018

It’s another chilly day here in the CatBox.  I’m feeling very depressed, because Pervert Kava-Nazi will be confirmed shortly after this is published, or shortly thereafter, and I thought we were going to stop him.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are visiting the Jets, and it will be televised here.  May the Orb shine it’s holy light on your team, unless they are planes.  Tomorrow is also a WWWendy day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:40 (average 5:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Brett Kavanaugh Vote Will Drive Political Backlash If History Is Guide (25 min.)

From Rachel’s mouth to God’s ear! Pervert Kava-Nazi’s decisions will drive backlash for a years. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!

Also from YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Lawrence: ‘The Senate Is An Unfixable Crime Against Democracy’

He is so right. I wish I knew how to fix it.  RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Daily Kos: Just after Maine Sen. Susan Collins spent 50 minutes on the Senate floor rolling out the twisted logic of her support for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin finally decided he had enough cover to announce he would help push Kavanaugh’s nomination over the edge.

His support was full of useless caveats, like having “reservations” about Kavanaugh’s “temperament” and the “serious accusations” against him. “I do hope,” Manchin said, Kavanaugh won’t let his self-professed partisanship “follow him onto the court.” Gee, that’s reassuring. But here’s the most craven defense of his decision, concerning the pre-existing conditions coverage for West Virginians that Kavanaugh may well shred thanks to his position on the Supreme Court.

I think I disagree.  You all know that the only reason I ever support Manchin [DINO-WV] is that even the worst DINO is better than the best Republican, because the DINO counts towards having a Senate majority. That said, I want to give Manchin the benefit of the doubt here. He could choose an easy reelection by voting yes or a knife fight by voting no. After Collins announced, it was a done deal with or without Manchin’s vote. I think he would vote no, if it mattered. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  14 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/6/2018”

  1. 4:20 Looks really good, especially since I couldn’t sleep last night.

    Rachel – I’m confident of the backlash. I wish I were as confident of the counting of the votes.

    Lawrence – Yeah. I can come up with a few bandaids, but the screams would be so loud Lona and Animae would hear them. And all they would be is bandaids anyway. There is something to be said for some legislators having terms long enough that they don’t have to rin every two years, but I’m not sure how to accomplish that with even a little more fairness – and still less with democratic fairness.

    DKos – I think you are right, TC. I’ve been following a VERY vocal progressive commenter on Disqus who has a lot of family in WV, and that’s exactly how she analyzes it. (And if I didn’t consider her bright, I wouldn’t be following her.)

    Cartoon – Oh brother.

  2. The final vote was: 50 for Kavanaugh, 48 against. sigh…

    Rachel Maddow: Backlash… I certainly do hope so. Let’s get all the republican pukes out of office, period. Make the GOP extinct!!

    Lawrence: ‘The Senate Is An Unfixable Crime Against Democracy’ And Drumpf is doing what Putin wants him to do to pay off his debt to Putin and the Russian mob. Bought Bitch Mitch McConnell is enabling him in every way possible to tear down USA’s democracy.

    KOS: I tried listening to Collins’ long winded speech but I simply became ill at what she said. I really wanted a barf bag but, unfortunately, none was on hand. Manchin needs to go. He may be a dino. But, he is one of the worst ones around. A true demo needs to replace him ASAP!

    Cartoon: He lied.


    • Yesterday Mitch also commented WRT Collins’ “Bloviating speech”

      I got a kick out of this Tweet …

  3. Rachel: Dixon as precursor to Collins?  Probably.  I stopped the video right after his emotional BS, as he was already committed!  
    Lawrence: Even 45%????????????????? approve?  Not just white men, but white men who were landowners, and so on!  TC, I sure your sense of defeat on this.  Fix it?  It just “Fixed” us!
    DK: You can bet the damned farm that Kavanaugh’s “Self-professed partisan ship” will keep him company on the court for however long this POS sits there.  He and Thomas will probably share stories and a snicker, or two, over a beer, every so often!
    ‘Toon: There is “The Big Lie” being born!  It has been the primer for McTurtle, and so many other GOPIGS, all along.

  4. MSNBC: Good video. The Senate voted Saturday to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court, following a contentious confirmation battle. The vote total was 50-48. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia was the only Democrat to vote for the nominee. Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska was the only Republican who opposed the nomination. *cnn

    MSNBC: Sad, and depressing, I agree Mr. Lawrence. I’m sure that MM is crowing about this now.

    DK: Manchin: Actions speak louder than words, imho. I like your analogy better tho, Tom.

    Cartoon: Liar then, dt lies now.

    We play a night game vs. the Cowboys tomorrow. Boy, talk about having the wind knocked out of one’s sails…I feel ya, re: the Kavanaugh confirmation. Hope you have a good rest of your day, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  5. The fight against Kava-nazi is not over. First – get out the progressive vote! Do your homework on your local, state and national candidates so you can cast an informed, complete ballot. Make sure all your progressive kith and kin are planning to vote, and if not, sweet-talk them into getting their arses to the polls. Volunteer to drive people who lack transportation. Your voice is your vote, so raise it – and remember, losers don’t make policy. If we get enough blue seats in Congress, we can impeach the womanizing S.O.B.

    As for the cartoon, remember what tRump promised not to do.

  6. Rachel: History seems to have repeated itself with a vote of 50 to 48 in favour of Kavanaugh, and one of the ‘yes’ votes coming from a Democrat, the habitual traitor Manchin. I don’t think it fair to say Manchin is a DINO, he’s betrayed the Democrats too often in decisive votes and working with the GOP on abortion and the NRA. Wikipedia: In February 2018, Congressional Quarterly published a study finding that Manchin had voted with President Trump’s position 71% of the time. As of June 2018, Five ThirtyEight, which tracks congressional votes, found that Manchin had voted with President Trump’s position nearly 61% of the time. Manchin certainly isn’t pal to all like Dixon was, he’s a pal to Republicans, but in fact is only interested in keeping his own seat.
    The Democratic leadership of the party should consider their support for Manchin in the November election. If he remains their candidate, the backlash Rachel alludes to may be the end of this Democratic seat for West Virginia.

    Lawrence: A sad and very uncomfortable truth. Yet a Democratic majority in the senate will be infinitely better to this majority mess you have now.

    DK: I think I’ve said more than enough on Manchin. This is such a depressingly sad day.

    Cartoon: I do hope that Americans realize that Hitler, while known to lie, wasn’t a compulsive liar, while Drumpf is and can’t go without lying for 10 minutes.

  7. Manchin had no choice if he wanted to be re elected.  His opponent is scurrilous and will stop at nothing.  I have no respect for Manchin or any of those who voted to confirm Kavanaugh.  The only alternatives we have are to get rid of ninety percent of those in Congress now and I don’t see that happening in my life time.

    • It isn’t 90% of those in Congress from any particular state, though.  In  my state, Colorado, it’s just about 50%.  Some of those we will not move in my lifetime either, but some are more vulnerable.  We need to do what we can.  And particularly in state legislatures for multiple reasons, one of which is that state legislatures are a prime source for out bench.

  8. Thanks all.  Very sad hugs! 19

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