Pervert Kavanookie Update

 Posted by at 1:52 pm  Politics
Oct 022018

From what I understand, the White House has removed restrictions on the FBI investigation, but I hear rumblings on TV that Bought Bitch Mitch may still have his thumb on the scales.  Time will tell, but  this article may already be out of date.  In the interim, here’s what I thought I knew and some of the stories coming out about Pervert Trump’s Pervert.


The White House authorized the F.B.I. to expand its abbreviated investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh by interviewing anyone it deems necessary as long as the review is finished by the end of the week, according to two people briefed on the matter.

At an event on Monday celebrating a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico, President Trump said he instructed his White House counsel, Donald F. McGahn II, over the weekend to instruct the F.B.I. to carry out an open investigation, but the president included the caveat that the inquiry should accommodate the desires of Senate Republicans.

The new directive came after a backlash from Democrats, who criticized the White House for limiting the scope of the bureau’s investigation into Judge Kavanaugh, Mr. Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court. The F.B.I. has already interviewed the four witnesses it was originally asked to question, and on Monday it reached out to others.

The broadening inquiry produced an unusual spectacle as friends and classmates from Judge Kavanaugh’s past provided dueling portraits of the nominee in his younger days — either a good-natured student incapable of the alleged behavior or a stumbling drunk who could easily have blacked out and forgotten inappropriate behavior at alcohol-soaked parties… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>
Graphic credit: Daily Kos

Joy Read has more on new stories including an attempt by Pervert Kavanookie to silence Debbie Ramirez.

Keep calling your Senators every day!



35 DAYS!!


  13 Responses to “Pervert Kavanookie Update”

  1. Gawd, it gets worse with each passing day.

    By all the news, he’s a mean drunk, belligerent, aggressive, and a perv.

    KavaNazi who should certainly NOT be considered for this position.  

    I can’t wait to vote!!! BLUE !!!

  2. Kavanaugh is unfit to sit on the Supreme Court, period. End of discussion.

    The Trade Deal most likely benefits the very wealthy and big corporations. F__k the little people. sigh….

    Let’s not forget that the Director of the FBI is a Drumpf appointee. 

    Joy Reid gives a good summary of what is going on these days. Kavanaugh continues to “lie”.


  3. I haven’t finished reading this yet, but maybe we all need to sooner than later.


  4. Kavanaugh is definitely the kind of person we do NOT want on the Supreme Court. Period.

  5. Kavanaugh should never have been nominated for SCOTUS for a diversity of reasons which all make him a terrible, partisan and bigoted justice who is not above lying himself. But with all media and dozens of people chiming in it is all getting very unsavoury. Meanwhile the GOP is pushing further tax cuts through. For Americans’ sake this will be over soon be over, hopefully with Kavanaugh not getting enough votes for a nomination. Then tart paying attention again to what Congress and state Congresses are doing to make sure Republicans can rule beyond their graves.

  6. Snarly vile critter!!! ? 

  7. Of course McTurtle would try to minimize the issue, and put out a red herring about H.S. drinking!  McTurtle is a master at manipulating, dancing and weaving around the truth, as are all of the GOPIGGIE leadership semi-people!

  8. Kava-NAH has proven he lacks the demeanor, impartiality and temperament to be a judge … ANYWHERE of ANYTHING!

  9. Last night in Mississippi Trump attacked Dr. Ford, her testimony, and women who tell false tales. He also said he felt sorry fpr men who have to defend themselves against women’s false accusations. Just a day ago Trump was saying Dr. Ford was credible. This pig is a real piece of work!
    Now we are told (by McConnell) the FBI investigation will never be made public and a floor vote to confirm Kavanaugh will happen this week. Lets hope there are at least 2 Republicans who can’t stand the garbage their party is spewing, but don’t bet your house on it.

  10. I understood from several articles that Kavanope contacted  a number of former classmates to help upend Ramirez’s story.  But he was found out. 

    In The Hill, two former law school classmates who previously supported Kavanope, withdrew that support in a letter to the Judicial Committee.  

    “Michael Proctor and Mark Osler wrote in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that they can no longer support Kavanaugh’s confirmation because of the “nature” of his testimonty in front of the committee last week while addressing accusations of sexual misconduct.

    In our view that testimony was partisan, and not judicious, and inconsistent with what we expect from a Justice of the Supreme Court, particularly dealing with a co-equal branch of government,” they wrote.

    And as Jerry has noted, Diaper Don took on mocking Dr Ford at a Mississippi rally.  I listened to part of that swill he called a speech.  DD said Kavanope is a perfect man. This from a serial womaniser and liar!

    You know, Diaper Don is such a loser, I don’t know how the US can take another 2 years of his bullshit!!!

    VOTE BLUE!!!

  11. Thanks all! Jerry and Squatch, see today’s Open Thread. 16

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