Now We Know Why!

 Posted by at 1:16 pm  Plus, Politics
Sep 142018

Some thought that Trump picked Kavanaugh because he always rules for the rich.  Some thought it was because of his prejudice against people of color. Some thought it was because of his homophobic hatred of LGBT folk.  Some thought it was because he will either overturn or eviscerate Roe v. Wade.  But at last, now we know why.  Both are pussy grabbers!


The senior Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee referred information involving Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, to federal investigators on Thursday, but the senator declined to make public what the matter involved.

Two officials familiar with the matter say the incident involved possible sexual misconduct between Judge Kavanaugh and a woman when they were both in high school. They spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.

The statement by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California came a week before the Judiciary Committee is to vote on his nomination. “I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” Ms. Feinstein said in a statement. “That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.”

The information came in July in a letter, which was first sent to the office of Representative Anna Eshoo, Democrat of California, and accuses the judge of sexual misconduct toward the letter’s author, a person familiar with the letter confirmed… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Lawrence O’Donnell covered this story in two segments.  Here’s the first:

And the second:

Late this morning we learned more about the contents of the letter.  Kavanaugh committed attempted rape.  He held the girl down, covered her mouth with his hand to muffle her screams, and tried to force himself on her.  She fought him off.

Senate Republicans are trying to cram the nomination through, before the story becomes widespread enough to trigger #metoo responses, in case Kava-Nazi has other victims.

I trust Clarence Thomas is polishing the furniture at SCROTUS (Republican Unconstitutional VD) in gleeful anticipation, and Trump is preparing to nominate Judge Roy Moore to the next open seat.



53 DAYS!!


  8 Responses to “Now We Know Why!”

  1. Birds of  feather fock together!!!!!!!!!
    He, and Thomas, on the court together?  I don’t think Anita Hill will be cheering them on!

  2. BMitch is going to try and get him through, what an as- !! ‘the fix in in’…I pray it’s not. Not by a long shot. Gawd, this is downright sickening, that he’s lying about it, in his confirmation hearing. What a creep. 
    NO to KavaNaziNope!!!

  3. Just one more reason why Kavanaugh is Kava-NOT!

  4. Oh, thank you for this! I have been thinking that, if both were in high school, as “boys will be boys” as we still are (and were more so then), if it is sexual it would have to be forcible, and almost certainly involve conduct other than (in addition to) “straight” sexual intercourse. In view of statutes of limitations, it may also involve payment for silence in excess of $10,000, which is bank fraud. Hearing Lawrence (and Lisa’s and Jonathan’s and even David’s) analysis is helpful.

  5. This new revelation, so close to the elections, is going to be the litmus test for Republicans and their view on Democracy. We’ve seen them condone everything from pussy-grabbing to racism to collusion with an enemy state to criminal financial transactions on top of hundreds and hundreds of lies from this president; the question now is if they can condone the same from Kavenaugh before they finally go bust on it.

    My guess is that with Kavenaugh Republicans have gone beyond the point of no return and can’t allow themselves to fail him and themselves now even if it costs them the election. The GOP must be pretty sure of enough gerrymandering and voter suppression in place to keep them from losing all control of Congress.

    • “… on top of hundreds and hundreds of lies from this president”???  Are you giving him the benefit of doubt?  LOL!  That would be “thousands and thousands of lies” as the count is over 4,200 by those keeping track. 

  6. Not to sound too crude, but did Kavanazi change his last name from Pecker???  It seems that the Republican “family values” really means grow them big any way they can . . . including rape!  Such a fine example for his two daughters that he trots into the hearings ostensibly to demonstrate his moral rectitude . . . NOT!!!

    If McTurtle and Republicans are hell bent on shoving this nomination through, I suggest that they shove it up where the sun doesn’t shine, like this

  7. Thanks, hugs and Amen to all. 28

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