Sep 122018

Store to Door is running late with my grocery delivery again.  When they arrive, I’ll need to break to unpack them, put them away, and eat lunch.  Unless the sun hits the wall within the next couple hours I’ll get my first A/C free day.  This evening WWWendy comes to de-grunge the sticky TomCat.

They came, and all is stowed.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:21 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Breaking: President Trump Admin Took Millions From FEMA For ICE Detentions


In Trump’s racist Republican Reich locking up "those filthy Latinos" matters more than protecting families from natural disasters. Oregon and Jeff Merkley lead the way! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): The obvious irony of right-wing media complaining Obama is the "narcissist-in-chief"

Barf Bag Alert!!


Those of us, who watched Obama in IL and CA know that he talked about almost everything BUT himself. The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, is betting that Republican Sheeple are too stupid to check it out for themselves. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Alternet: In reporter Bob Woodward’s new book about the President Donald Trump’s administration, Fear, ex-economic adviser to the president Gary Cohn is reported to have been baffled by Trump’s failure to grasp the principles of government fiscal and budgetary policy.

Woodward describes a conversation between Cohn, Trump, and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, based on anonymous sources — though many have suggested that Cohn himself appears to be a major source for the book.

"We should just go borrow a lot of money right now, hold it, and then sell it and make a lot of money," Trump told Cohn, according to the book.

"Cohn was astounded at Trump’s lack of basic understanding," Woodward writes. Cohn explained that Trump’s plan would balloon the federal deficit.

“What do you mean?” Trump asked in Woodward’s account. “Just run the presses — print money.”

The more I learn the more convinced I become that trump is just the idiot fronting for the Republican Reich, the true and ultimate source of all political evil in the US. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!




  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/12/2018”

  1. 4:40 Don’t fall overboard.

    MSNBC – I knew you would be on top of this, since it is Rachel AND Jeff, and all you need is Rachel OR Jeff to be right there. I do want to add Chris Murphy’s Twitter-winning tweet as an exhibit.

    Just to clear this up for anyone not from CT, he IS a Senator. His term started in 2013, which means he is up for reelection, hence the designation “candidate.”

    MM – Don’t need to watch to know that Rethuglicans’ specialty is projection. Can’t afford the barfing which would ensue.

    Alternet – There is a tiny grain of truth in the “Just print it” remark, but it’s a very tiny grain and the remark indicates he couldn’t possibly grasp how or why that might work (the “printing” is the least part of the process.) It is difficult to know as a rule just how smart he is or isn’t – narcissistic sociopaths are by definition extremely clever at manipulating and getting their way through manipulation, and of course he exhibits that. But when it comes to any subject in which he needs to make contact with reality, he is clearly an idiot. One wonders whether Putin had any idea what he was getting into.

    Cartoon – Amen! (I think that’s what you call “Tough love.”)

  2. MSNBC: Disasters bring out either the best or the worst in people. No need to explain which applies to the Orange Ogre.

    Barf Bag: People frequently attribute to those they hate their own worst characteristics.

    Alternet: Squirrelwig Stalin has no sense of responsibility because, whenever one of his harebrained ventures failed, the National Bank of Daddy bailed out his arse.

    Cartoon: I know this is a nasty thing to say, but wouldn’t it be something if a hurricane slammed into D.C. while tRump’s tangerine tush is still in the Oval Office? What kind of message would that send the evangelists? Oh, they’d come up with some kind of sophistry to make it look like a good omen.

  3. MSNBC: Absolutely disgusting, and heartbreaking. Shame it’s within the law too. (I was hoping it wasn’t). Those poor little ones & relatives!!!!

    MM: I.can’t.stand.their.insanity. ‘Seriously….I, I, I, I, can’t…..’

    AN: Good Lord. What an ID.

    Cartoon: trump called Hurricane Florence ‘Tremendously big and tremendously wet’. He immediately got skewered for his comments. (As in Puerto Rico w/over 3000 deaths and NO assistance from hurricane Maria!!!) how deplorable!

    Hi, WWWendy, doing okay? Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “The Liar in the WH has ordered his staff to find the liar in the WH.” anon

  4. How Twitler can claim that his & FEMA’s response to Hurricane Maria – that killed nearly 3,000 Puerto Ricans – was:

    “… an incredible, unsung success.”

    Only proves how batshit crazy he is.


  6. MSNBC: In the next edition of the slang dictionary, the picture accompanying POS, will be one of Dumpy.
    Alternet: “The more I learn the more convinced I become that trump is just the idiot fronting for the Republican Reich, the true and ultimate source of all political evil in the US.”  this is just what Pres. Obama meant when he said the Dumpy is just a symptom.   Had the GOP not devolved to a pile of poo, under the virtually demonic leadership of Boehner,  then Ryan (also a symptom) and McTurtle, dumpy would not have had a foothold for getting into real politics.
    MM: Joanne put it perfectly-  “Don’t need to watch to know that Rethuglicans’ specialty is projection. Can’t afford the barfing which would ensue.”
    ‘Toon: As much as I do not wish to see the Florida coast beaten to a pulp by florence, I with she’ veer south, and give Mar-A-Bull***t a walloping!

  7. Rachel Maddow: This is wrong on so many levels, it’s hard to know where to start
    a. FEMA did such a A+ job in Puerto Rico last year with their budget that thousands of people died days, weeks and months after Maria hit the island because of lack of care and infrastructure. Even now people are still waiting to have electricity reinstalled.
    b. They must have saved some money this way on their budget, which would be a good thing at the start of a new hurricane season given the increasing severity of hurricanes due to global warming.
    c. However the money isn’t used to help people who are victim to natural disaster, but $10 million is instead siphoned-off to a man-made disaster, ICE.
    d. Not only is that amount taken away from FEMA and given to ICE, that money is earmarked to have ICE build new concentration camps to detain the men, women and children they consider illegal immigrants in.
    Jeff Merkley is doing a most excellent job by exposing it all.

    MM: Oh no, not another video full of Republican projection…

    Alternet: I suppose Woodward could have written a book twice as thick full of examples of Drumpf’s stupidity in the 18 months he’s now been in office, and another one just like it full of his stupidity while he was “the best businessman ever”. I’m starting to thing politicians and businesspeople alike keep on supporting Drumpf and his ingenious approach because if they stop praising his intellect people will notice how dumb they are too.

    Cartoon: ???

  8. Thanks all.  Hugs! 19

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