Aug 222018

I’m waiting for Store to Door to deliver my groceries.  They are running late.  The weather today is a little worse than yesterday.  In a late afternoon surprise yesterday, I went out to look at a room in the Alder, a few blocks away from my current location.  The room is about the same size, and may be workable.  The next step is to see if I can fit the income requirements.  When I returned home my eyes were on fire.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 8:58).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): A sampling of Mike Cernovich’s vile commentary (that he’d like you to forget)

Barf Bag Alert!!


CernoBITCH is currently touring Arizona with Kelly Ward, the Republican candidate for US Senate. If Trump sees this, he’ll be working in the White House. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: Memo to the Press


The Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, is criminal. And there’s another way to cover the Fuhrer. Put him under the seat in an outhouse, and leave him, until it’s full. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: Michael D. Cohen decided on Tuesday to plead guilty to a host of financial crimes shortly after Rudolph Giuliani offered to be his lawyer on a pro-bono basis, Giuliani confirmed.

In an interview with Jake Tapper, on CNN, the former New York City mayor said that he had offered to give Cohen “the kind of defense that only I am capable of giving.”

“The minute I said that, the blood drained from his face and he was out of there like a shot,” Giuliani said. “It was the strangest thing I’d ever seen.”

Dang, Andy! If Rudy 9/11 was my lawyer, I’d cop a plea in a heartbeat!! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/22/2018”

  1. 5:34 OK, that average is ridiculous. It’s not THAT hard.

    YT/MC – Why would anyone listen to him? He’s nobody.

    Reich – Yes, I read it earlier, and of course he’s right, but it will never happen.

    TNY – LOL!

    Cartoon – Sadly, Oz today has many of the same problems we do and some they are handling no better than we.

  2. BBA: uh, hell no!! ugh!!

    RRC: Great video, I need to watch this every morning with my coffee, to prepare for my day. Good advice!!

    NYer: Get outta there now!! lol

    Oh, I hope that it will work out for you, (relocation). Sounds nice. Hope that you have a good rest of your day, & evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. Well-put, Robert Reich! You rock! Who are doing most – if not all – of those nine things? Alternate sources such as Alternet, TruthOut, etc. Be sure to support them – I have, and will again.

    Actually, the water in loos does not swirl “the other way” south of the equator. For the skinny, visit Science Geek Girl.

  4. MMC: Sorry, but I just ate dinner.
    RRC: Love it!  Number 4- What is he really doing?  He is using his office to pay back the massive debts he owes to the Russian Mob, and “Oligarchs,” aka “Robber Barons” of Russia, and the funds provided by the “American Oligarchs.”   Right, like we need to “Bring back asbestos,”much of which is made in (you get one guess, and it starts with an “R.”  “It is no longer economically necessary to conserve gas and oil?’  Wow, just who might benefit from that imbecility?
    New Yorker: Andy nails it again!!!!  Rudy expresses the heart, and soul, of the GOPIGS!

  5. They had a piece on the terrible smoke in Seattle on this evening’s news showing lots of people wearing masks.

    It looked terrible and they showed a map of Washington & Oregon rating the air “Unhealthy”.

    Take care, TC.  Don’t go out unless absolutely necessary!

  6. Robert Reich: Excellent advise, but long overdue. By giving attention to each and every tweet Drumpf ever farted as if it was news-worthy and significant, the press has helped normalise Drumpf’s use of Twitter to manipulate and has helped him to divert from the main topics, from what ‘s really happening behind closed White House doors and from the legislation the GOP is working on and pushing through in Congress.
    Follow Reich’s advise, go back to relevant reporting and isolate the dangerous old fool so he can’t do even more harm.

    TNY: Have you been advising Cohen, Andy? This was too smart a move for Cohen to think of. Did you tell him it was better to leave Rudy to tear down Drumpf’s house of cards further?

    Cartoon: Since 1870 the aboriginal peoples have tried to reclaim their rights, but haven’t succeeded. Flushing Republicans swirling in the opposite direction hasn’t helped one bit. But at the moment, Republicans (called the LNP here, a coalition of the Liberal and the National parties) are in the process of tearing themselves apart by having the premiership challenged – again – this time by nasty piece of work on the far right, of centrist PM Turnbull as I type. With elections needed to be called ultimately bu the end of May 2017, let’s hope this will be the downfall of the coalition in the elections as the people of Australia are just as fed up with parliaments too busy (in)fighting to govern as elsewhere.

  7. Puzzle — 4:15  Nothing to eat here Puddy Tat!

    Media Matters — I listened to about 45 seconds which was 1 minute too long.  You mean to tell me there are  actually people who listen to this moronic asshole?

    Robert Reich — Great advice but will the MSM really listen and take it to heart, after all, sleaze sells?  And if nothing else, Diaper Don is sleaze (I am trying to be polite).

    The New Yorker — I’d be running in the other direction too!  With friends (or attorneys) like Giuliani, who needs enemies?

    Cartoon — Captain James Cook really got around.  In Mar – April 1778, he dropped anchor at Nootka Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island.  Apparently his logs mention a Chief Maquinna who was chief of a large area that included present day Tofino.  I lived there during mid 1970s.

    Cloudy, smoky and humid today.  We are supposed to have rain maybe Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Hopefully, if there are no lightning strikes, the rain should help the wildfire situation which number well over 500, and reduce the smoke.  I can hope can’t I!

  8. Thanks all.  Pooped hugs! 19

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