Aug 212018

Here in the CatBox, I expect a high in the high 90°.  The humidity is 48%.  My COPD is acting up and my eyes are burning from the smoke.  Trump overload has caused a case of Republicosis.  ARGH!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:21 (average 6:24).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Oregonian Channel): Portland’s hazy skies as seen from aerial tram


That was yesterday when it was just beginning. Today, it’s much worse. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Donald Trump Claims "I Could Run" Robert Mueller Investigation "If I Want"


Once again, the ogre, whose head is swelled as huge, as his hands, etc. are tiny, has demonstrated his PhD (piled higher and deeper) in Bullshitology! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: Vladimir Putin is reportedly “very close” to firing Rudolph Giuliani as Donald J. Trump’s attorney, a source close to the Russian President confirmed on Monday.

According to the source, Putin allowed Trump to hire Giuliani in the first place because “it’s important to let Trump think that he has some autonomy from time to time,” but now the Russian President has apparently determined that “enough is enough.”

Over the next few days, the source indicated, Putin is likely to replace Giuliani with a handpicked successor, Arkady Lubetkin, a criminal-defense attorney who has represented several prominent Russian Mob figures.

Dang Andy! After Meet the Press, Putin (R-RU] does have just cause for doing do. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



Vintage 2012


  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/21/2018”

  1. 7:00 Hunting, for a change from fishing?

    New from VoteVets for Amy McGrath

    OK, now HERE’s an inspirational story.

    You can’t make this stuff up. Roots Action has come to the concluson that, since progressives can’t seem to get air time, the next best thing is for the networks to put Giuliani on more, on the theory that he is so far out that he will alienate voters. I’m not so sure of that, but if anyone wants to sign their petition, here it is.

    Portland – Good grief, the Los Angeles of the north. Hopefully this will pass … but it can’t pass soon enough.

    MSNBC – As many things as he’s already done that we thought he couldn’t do, I hesitate to say he couldn’t possibly. Who’s to stop him?

    TNY – Well. This ties in with the Roots Action petition I cited above. Looks like Andy would happily sign the petition.

    Cartoon – Well, yes, except that that’s just a mockup.

  2. First and foremost: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF – And do whatever that takes!

    Looks like good times are starting to roll, and I’m looking forward to your take on the upcoming good news!

    So take it easy for a bit, if that’s what it takes.

  3. Portland: Oh! Not good. At all. I’m so sorry to see that for you, and the residents of Portland!

    MSNBC: This is scary ……yea, what’s to stop him. I’m sure that Mr. Mueller has plans in place if this happens. amiright? Is dt watching tv, and getting pointers? from other channels, aside from his favored faux newz? good vid, btw…

    NYer: Keep him on. Thanks, Joanne I signed petition. Thank you for helping to impeach Trump by getting Giuliani more air time*Great video by Amy too.

    Jury is back! The Manafort trial: Guilty on 8 counts, Mistrial in the other 10.
    *Cohen has also pleaded guilty of 8 counts, and has surrendered to the FBI. See link above. (CNN).

    Gee, I hope the haze goes away soon. It’s hot as Hades here, with no rain in sight. Hope that you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. Manafort convicted? I’ll drink to that! However, the conviction isn’t enough – that creep MUST receive a harsh sentence, and it must be served!

  5. Y/T: That’s really sad.
    MSNBC: Sure he could!  Just as well as he he’s been able to run a casino, or two…into the ground!
    TNY: Oh, but Rudi has been such a good mouthpiece for the clown!
    ‘Toon: You must know where I would suggest the GOPIGs shove that baby!

  6. This particular summer with all its heat, humidity and smoke from wildfires is really getting the better of you, TomCat, so do keep on taking care of yourself, please, and lay low as much as possible (and you can stand).

    Oregonian: It really looks dire.

    MSNBC: Drumpf’s dementia is clearly getting worse under stress, but when will his followers see his bragging and lying for what it is: the emanations of a very diseased brain.

    TNY: Only one thing missing from your straight report, Andy. What does Putin have on Arkady Lubetkin to force him to put his reputation on the line to defend a dotard living in his own reality and who is going to go completely ballistic now Manafort is found guilty on 8 counts and Cohen has pleaded guilty on most counts too, including paying Stormy and her “colleague” off to keep the campaign on track?

  7. Puzzle — 4:47  I love this peaceful scene!

    The Oregonian — That looks like Metro Vancouver on Monday, maybe not quite as bad.  But today, the smoke was less here.  More smoke is coming in tonight . . . I can smell it even now.  Even people that don’t have asthma are complaining about burning eyes and lungs.  I am staying quiet. Temp now is 16C which is better for sleeping.  A heat respite for a day or so!  Phew!!!

    MSNBC — Diaper Don could not run a lemonade stand let alone the Mueller investigation!  But then, that is the whole point . . . he would just shut it down!  I spent some time earlier today listening to a 2017 interview of David Cay Johnston, and I came away thinking even more definitely that Diaper Don is not that smart.  His assertion about running the investigation shows

    1) just how scared he is;

    2) how out of control he is;

    3) how over his head he is;

    4) just how narcissistic he is; and

    5) how criminal he is.

    The New Yorker — Sounds like Andy is doing straight reporting again!  Giuliani belongs in Bellevue wrapped in a cozy straightjacket!  “Truth isn’t truth” sounds a lot like “alternative facts”.

    Well what a day!  Manafort guilty (8 of 18 charges) and Cohen 8 charges) pleaded guilty without trial.  Rachel Maddow had over 40 minutes of excellent info and discussion; then Lawrence O’Donnell followed with more.  I spent almost 3 hours listening.  I look forward to your take on it all.

  8. Thanks and hot, muggy smokey hugs. 24

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