Aug 102018

Here at the CatBox the heat wave goes on.  It will only be low 90°s today, but the building is so super-heated that I can feel heat from the hallway through the door, and the outside wall is a radiator all day and night.  Tomorrow will be high 70°s, but the heat will be right back, before the building has time to cool.  ARGH!!  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:44 (average 4:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show is a toxic cesspool

Barf Bag Alert!!


Whether Laura is wearing her swastika or her sheet and hood, she exemplifies Republican family values. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: Trump and the Art of the No Deal


The Reich in the left, Robert Reich, is right. The next time the Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, offers candidates, say "No Deal!" RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: In a development that could dramatically change the composition of the federal penitentiary system, Republicans are projected to pick up as many as seventy seats in prison, a leading incarceration expert said on Thursday.

“Prognostication is an inexact science,” Davis Logsdon, who studies conviction rates of corrupt politicians for the University of Minnesota’s Guilt Project, said. “Having said that, if current indictment trends hold up, the Republicans could be flipping at least seventy key prison seats.”

Logsdon broke down criminal cases against Republicans into likely convictions, likely acquittals, and toss-ups, and found that the G.O.P.’s path to the magic number of seventy new prison cells was “very doable.”

According to his projections, Republicans are running for prison “especially well” in districts where the G.O.P. member of Congress was an early supporter of Donald J. Trump.

Andy, you’re breaking my heart! Only 70?!!? RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



Betsy DeVos is so proud!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/10/2018”

  1. MMC: Dirt bag living in some other reality.  
    RRC: The only deal he has made, can make, is the silent one with the media…”As long as you will focus a camera on me, I will provide drama, all about me.”
    New Yorker: I suspect that Logsdon’s research is not funded by the NRC, right?
    ‘Toon: Ah, the next head of the NRA!

  2. 5:43 Cute little fuzzbutt.

    From George Takei’s newsletter. Interesting. GOTV!

    YT/MM – Even supporters – some of them – are starting to catch on, though.  If you want to help some of the CEOs of her advertisers find their consciences, here’s a list

    Reich – Of course Reich’s correct.

    TNY – Yes, more would be better, particularly if 15 were to be from the Senate. But seventy would be a start.

    Cartoon – Good Lord, what a little terror!

  3. If they can send one Re-thug-lican to prison, why can’t they send them all?

  4. MMC: Encouraged by dt, and his ghoulies, she personifies what the gop is all about. She ‘foists’ lies pretty well too, doesn’t she?

    RR: Very well said, dt pulls out of deals, with no concerns, and then lies about them. He’s a ‘look at ME, kinda guy, screw everybody else’.!

    NYer: Candy to my eyes!! I love this, make it come true, Andy. lol

    Cartoon: Dang, he looks way too focused too!! Dang!!!

    What a bummer about the heat, we’re supposed to get some rain tonight, & tomorrow. We’ll see. Hope you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom. Texans won vs. KC 17-10! Yay!

  5. After Laura Ingraham gave her speech (which I’m sure sounded better in the original German) at the RNC back in 2016 , she was so jazzed and hyped up she let her true Nazi sympathies show before she realized “OH SH1T!  This is being recorded, isn’t it!?!” and tried to segue to a wave …

  6. MM: The most worrisome about Ingram is that she’s a real professional and doing a great job of keeping up this stream of BS, fabrications and lies. And because it is done so professionally, it is so much easier for Faux news addicts to swallow it hook, line and sinker. She is to Republicans what Göbbels was to the Nazis.

    Robert Reich: Spot on: Drumpf has perfected the art of the “no deal”. Some of the people or groups Drumpf is dealing with are giving him cookie made of his own dough (Dutch proverb) and either pull out of deals Drumpf thin made or just pretend to go along with his deal while doing nothing of the sort. His only response to that is bullying and intimidation and doubling down on wrong decisions and ending up with yet another “no deal”. His doubling of steel tariffs on Turkish steel to get Erdogan to do what he wants, is just one more example of making enemies  but no deal.

    TNY: As his research is in early stages, it is to be expected that Logsdon’ predictions are very careful indeed. I’m sure, Andy, that his data will soon allow him to double his current prediction numbers, a mere 150 prison seats is nothing for Republicans once set their minds to it. Like their orange leader they go for total victory and will put extra money to build more prisons on each state budget they control. No doubling up in a cell for them.

    Cartoon: This one keeps giving me the creeps.

  7. Puzzle — 3:48  Very cute pup!

    Media Matters — A “toxic cesspool” is an understatement!  Like most Republicans, she wants to live in an alternate reality, one which they build and bears no ressemblance to the real world.

    Robert Reich — Reich is absolutely correct!  Diaper Don’s supporters need to pull their heads out of their asses!  Diaper Don is not the real deal!

    The New Yorker — It seems they may be adding 6 more in addition to Rep Chris Collins (R-NY) based on this AlterNet article:

    ““If you get in early, you’ll make a big profit,” Collins reportedly told House Republicans last summer. 

    At least six Republicans appear to have been convinced by Collins’ pitch (though at various times they claimed to have arrived at the stock purchase through media reports).

    They were:

    1. Tom Price … 2. Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) … 3. Rep. Mike Conaway … 4. Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) … 5. Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) … 6. Rep. Billy Long (R-MO) “

    Seems Andy may indeed be doing straight reporting!

    Cartoon — Yup!  Canada is having its own gun control debate right now, especially in Ontario! (More later)

    It’s Saturday morning and 18C (64F) but very humid at 77%.  No rain yet but it is cloudy.  I can only hope this lasts for a few days but I am not holding my breath.

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