Jul 272018

Here at the CatBox, the heat wave goes on and on and on.  Does anyone have a spare blizzard?  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:40 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Sean Hannity in 2008: “If you cheat on your wife, are you going to be honest with your country?”

Barf Bag Alert!!



From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Who’s Trying to Kill the Affordable Care Act?


The Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, gives us RepubliCare. If you’re rich enough to pay, you get health care. If not, you get the RepubliCare Death Benefit. Republicans allow you to die at no extra charge. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Cohen Prepared To Assert To Mueller Trump Knew About 2016 Trump Tower Mtg.


That’s proof of conspiracy with Putin [R-RU]. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: House Republicans on Thursday accused the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, of “secretly and nefariously” implementing a plot to uphold the United States Constitution.

In a joint press conference, Representatives Mark Meadows, of North Carolina, and Jim Jordan, of Ohio, said that they had “ample evidence” that Rosenstein was prepared to protect the Constitution “by any and all means at his disposal.”

“There is only one way to describe Rosenstein’s obsession with putting the Constitution before all other concerns,” Meadows said. “Conflict of interest.”

“It is almost as if Rod Rosenstein had taken some kind of solemn oath to defend a centuries-old document,” Jordan said. “This should make every American very, very scared.”

It sounds like Andy is reporting straight news, and Rosenstein is guilty. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/27/2018”

  1. Tell me about the friggin’ heat! I’m in Atlanta, which is called Hotlanta for good reason, and it was hotter than ghost peppers even before the Summer Solstice.

  2. 5:52 Yeah, I guess those waves are pretty good sized

    OMG, she is gorgeous! (Cue ugly pink supremacists in 3…2…1…)

    OK, this is very, very funny.

    Hannity – What changed? Absolutely nothing. Well, except as you point out, the party of the politician.

    Reich – TC, I’m not sure you actually CAN die at no extra charge. Have you priced funerals, caskets, and cremation lately?

    MSNBC – Well, sure – but you don’t think his base are going to believe it? No matter WHO says it?

    TNY – This is EXACTLY how they are thinking. If only they would actually say it out loud this way!

    Cartoon – Alas, it is.


  3. BBA: Hannity is so pretentious! (faux newz). 

    RR: Good video, I’m not happy with anything the repugs are doing in screwing us. Passing this on too.

    MSNBC: dt will lie about anything that looks bad for him…..despicable! (back to digging the deep hole).

    NYer: Jordan & Meadows will get their comeuppance in due time…….

    Cartoon: Word !!!

    We could use some rain here. Hope that you have a relaxing afternoon/evening, take care, Thanks, Tom.

  4. BBA: Hannity is a pus pocket, nothing more.
    RR: The ACA is a remembrance of Obama days, and is good for the ordinary person, so of course it has to be obliterated, not!
    MSNBC: This could be very interesting!
    New Yorker:  I’m only surprised that Gowdy was not in on the plot to save America from the constitution!

  5. MM: I know nothing about Hannity’s background, nor do I want to know about it, but the thought entered my mind that Hannity himself has joined the GOP’s old-boys-club and treated himself to some extra-marital activity, rendering him somewhat milder towards other old-boys.

    RR: Can’t see the video, but there’s no doubt in my mind that Robert Reich is absolutely spot on.

    MSNBC: Drumpf will deny it (already has), and his base will believe him rather than anything Mueller brings to the table as solid evidence.

    TNY: You’re so right, Andy, and some Americans are already very scared of a man who wants to uphold the constitution. Let’s hope soon there will be even more.

    Cartoon: So sorry

    We’ve escaped The Netherlands just in time; it has been more than 36°C (97°F) for the last two days, breaking all records. Normal summer temperatures used to be around 24°C. But here in Queensland the weather is off too. It should be winter, but right now it feels like the start of summer, with temperatures 8 degrees above average across the state. Which makes for lovely day temperatures of 24-26°C, and cool nights with temperatures dropping to 4°C just before sunrise. Temperature-wise you’d love it here, TomCat.

    • IIRC, Hannity turned out to be one of Cohen’s three (count ’em, three) clients, so there’s at least some evidence you are right on the money again.

    • According to Wikipedia, Hannity has been married to the same woman since 1993.  Having said that, that does not mean he has not had a tryst or two . . .or more. How she has stayed married to this POS I don’t know.

    • Sounds divine!  Put a dingo on the barbie for me! 26

  6. Puzzle — 4:24  Not my idea of fun!  I like the water and the breeze but not the hot sun!

    Media Matters — IOKIYAR indeed!!!  Sean dear, why don’t you mention this to your buddy Trump, you hypocritical has been!!!

    Robert Reich — Canadian healthcare is not perfect, but when compared to the American system (or should I say lack of system), it wins hands down!  As a Canadian citizen, one must be registered in their province.  Premiums and scope of coverage can differ to a degree amongst the provinces though.  Here in BC, my premiums were cut in half by the new NDP government so they are $37.50 per month, but there is also premium assistance if someone cannot afford the premiums.  Nobody goes without!  Drumpf lied during his campaign and afterwards when he said his new healthcare plan would be better than Obamacare.  Republicans have taken a jackhammer to the ACA and don’t give a rip who is hurt or killed because of their BS.  And related to this is the cost of prescriptions.  The provincial governments negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies for bulk buying which keeps prices down.  There is also a plan for a national negotiating policy that may take prices even lower.  I believe that Trump wants to put an end to lower pharmaceuticals in Canada as part of the NAFTA negotiations.  Interesting though, there are Americans who get their prescriptions here.  I have said enough . . . this is a hot topic for me.

    MSNBC — Everybody, stock up on Orville Redenbacher!  I hope Drumpf is wiggling more than a fish worm on a hook!  My guess is that Drumpf, not Cohen, leaked the  info.  Drumpf can’t keep his mouth shut when it comes to things that ‘offend’ him.  Now Giuliani is in this to do some damage control but hopefully it is too late for that!  Isn’t it interesting that Giuliani took on the mob earlier in his career and now he is part of the Drumpf mob.

    The New Yorker — Straight news indeed!  If I were Rosenstein, I’d be saying “guilty as charged”.  Republicans don’t give a rat’s ass about the constitution!  They only use it when it is to their advantage.

    Cartoon — AMEN!!! 

    It is supposed to be in the high 30sC (95 – 100F) for the next 3 days.  I think I will be living on my front stoop once the sun passes to the back of the house which is about 1400 hours.  Either that or I’ll do the dreaded task in the cooler basement.  Stay hydrated Puddy Tat!

  7. Thanks.  Hot tired hugs! 23

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