Jul 242018

Welcome to the hot CatBox with 90°s weather and an air quality alert (smog) all week long.  Yesterday’s CAT-Scan (both chest and abdomen) was pretty grim.  The injected dye made me sweat all over, but the worst was the the great big bottle of dye I had to drink for the abdominal portion of the scan.  I had a bad taste in my mouth, and chemical smelling burps and farts for the rest of the day.  I had red-hot burritos for breakfast to overpower the dye.  I’ll get the results next Thursday, but there’s no reason to suspect anything problematic.  I hope you are enjoying your day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:41 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: We’re Living a Constitutional Crisis


Of course the Reich on the Left, Robert Reich, is right, except for one detail. Donald Trump, Fuhrer of the Reich on the Right, the Republican Reich,is a Resident. He is not and never will be a President. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Representative Adam Schiff: Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy Lied About The F.B.I.


Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy won’t be expelled from the House until and unless Democrats take control of the HR. Even then, it might be a bad idea, as the Fuhrer could put them on SCROTUS (Republican Unconstitutional VD). RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Remember This?): Dixie Chicks – Not Ready To Make Nice


Fifteen years ago, when they said they were ashamed of GW Bush performed this song, he was the worst occupant of the White House I can remember. Republicans tried to destroy them. Now, Trump is far worse that Bush ever thought of being.  But remember, Trump is just a very blatant form of what the Republican Party has been for decades.  Trump is the tumor.  The Republican Reich is the cancer.  RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/24/2018”

  1. 6:19 Couldn’t get out fast enough.

    Just in case this doesn’t get wider distribution – TRIGGER WARNING – dreadful as it is, I don’t feel right about just ignoring it.

    Owning a business while black – sheesh

    VoteVets petition against military parade

    Reich – Yes. We certainly are. (One other detail is that if he pardoned himself on federal criminal charges, he would never after be allowed to take the fifth when questioned on thise charges, and he would have to speak. He’d be crazy to do that.)

    Schiff – The only people who would be surprised to hear the sentence “Democrats were right” would be the people who wouldn’t believe it no matter what. So what has changed? (Incidentally, yes, Gowdy is an attorney, and has been a prosecutor. Nunes’s highest degree is an MS from Cal Poly. I’m sure that would not stop Trump from nominating him, but it might stop him from being confirmed.)

    Chix – “Trump is the tumor. The Republican Reich is the cancer.” Good one. I may just rephrase it a little so it will ring more familiarly to non-readers of this blog. We’ll see.

    Cartoon – Always has been. Always will be.

    • Signed the petition.

      Sheesh is indeed!!!  There seem to have been a rash of these kinds of calls — a child selling chocolate bars while black, a child selling lemonade while black, a teen delivering newspapers while black.  This bull shit has to end!!!  Everybody, no matter the colour of the skin, the size of the bank account, or where they live, bleeds red when cut. I will say that the fellow showed remarkable understanding into the job that the constables were doing.

      I saw the story about the 3 yr old earlier and was heartbroken for the parents and the child.  Gone at least 80 years too soon!

  2. The only thing that has any chance of saving this country from tyranny and/or violent convulsions is for the Blue Wave to sweep lots of red out of Congress and sweep in Progressives. The only thing that can stop our bugnut excuse for a leader (I adamantly refuse to dignify him with the title “President”) from totally effing up everything is to stymie his evil plans, and only a Democrat-dominated Congress can do that. Vote blue no matter who! Make sure you are registered to vote, make sure you progressive kith and kin are registered, volunteer for a voter registration drive in a marginalized community, and above all, cast an informed vote in November!

  3. RR: Gawd…he want’s to be a dictator. Aligns with Russia, being a traitor. Foreboding news, about this potus. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE BLUE !!!
    MSNBC: The repulicons must stay up late to speak these lies…unbelievable! My head is spinning.
    DC: Even though they sang this 15 years ago, it applies (much more so) today.
    Cartoon: Everyday!
    Glad you survived your visit. Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *Joanne, I signed (already) VV’s petition. Thanks! 

  4. RR: We got here with the help of Faux News, which polarized the country from its get go with claiming its propaganda was “Fair and Balanced,” and fed heavily skewed opinion as news.  They connected to the anxiety of so many people, and rather than easing it, they fueled it.  And then along came this television faker!
    “Four judges appointed by three Republican presidents found probable cause….” and Trey Gowdy, and others support the BS!  Nunes needs to be wearing orange jumpers, along with the rest of them!
    Dixie Chicks: Trump is the tumor, he is also the symptom, and the RNC is the disease!

  5. Puzzle — 4:07  Obviously I didn’t run fast enough!

    Robert Reich — In my mind, the US has been in a constitutional crisis for some time.  Drumpf might as well be literally shredding the document the way he ignores it or re-interprets it when it suits him.  Drumpf IS a constitutional crisis!

    MSNBC — Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy lied about the FBI?  Oh geeze, that is a surprise, NOT!!!  They both have PhDs in Republican bullshitology! . . . and lie about more than the FBI!

    Dixie Chicks — “…Trump is just a very blatant form of what the Republican Party has been for decades.  Trump is the tumor.  The Republican Reich is the cancer.” . . . the US needs chemotherapy in the form of a blue wave, a BIG BLUE WAVE!!!

    Cartoon — I wish that wall were Drumpf and Republicans!

  6. Thanks and big hurry hugs! 26

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