What Happened to Bill?

 Posted by at 1:07 pm  Politics
Jul 082018

I wondered yesterday what had happened to Bill Maher, since I usually post his Friday night clips on Saturday.  It turns out he was doing a special in Oklahoma.   

I’m sorry but YouTube took the clip down. 🙁

Bill Maher went to Oklahoma to perform for his live HBO special, opening with a bit about how much he loves both Red State liberals and Millennials who don’t need “Safe Spaces.”

It was a theme he continued to return to throughout the hourlong special, in which he poked at liberals for making room for Trump with their own brand of extremism.

Specifically, he said #MeToo is an important issue for Democrats—provided they don’t get off track.

“Liberals have the high ground on this issue—let’s not veer off, as we so often do, into that weird place where we look ridiculous,” Maher said…

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Instead of the small clip embedded in the article, I found the entire thing for you.





  7 Responses to “What Happened to Bill?”

  1. Hubs and I started watching it, then company came over. He is so spot on with comments sprinkled with humor. So Bill. I’ll watch the rest later.

  2. Oh, surprise! I thought he was going on vacation, so didn’t even look. So, random thoughts:

    Making room for Trump with our own brand of extremism? I thought we made room for Trump with our neo-liberalism (not your and mine, of course, but our party’s).

    Incidentally, a Tax Cut Bill Part 2 is in the works which will defind the agencies responsible for museums and libraries … which could well affect local libraries and museums. Another proof that Trump loves the poorly educated!

    He does know that there are a whole hell of a lot of Muslim women who not only don’t wear a burqa,or even a hijab, but have Islamic-style clothing that makes them look like runway models, right? And some even wear torn jeans? But I suppose that wouldn’t be good standup.

    My understanding is that if a transgendered woman has had the complete surgery, the penis is not removed, but utilized to line the new manufactured vagina. Of course I may be wrong. I’ve always had the plumbing I have today.

    Quote from an AlterNet article on fighting trolls: “At the height of crisis, worthy causes get back-burnered. During Nazi occupation or the rape of Nanjing, there wasn’t much attention left for pet causes. It would have been a hard time to fundraise for PETA.” Sure, there’s a difference between a pat on the ass and rape. There’s also a difference between speeding and murder. But the difference is NOT that one is acceptable and one isn’t. The difference is that one is a lot less serious.

    “Is it really a sport if one team doesn’t know the game is going on?” Woo-eee! Good one!

  3. Anybody can parrot “Resist and persist!” We have to put our money where our mouths are – support progressive candidates, get other progressives registered to vote, and above all, cast informed ballots!

  4. Oh! I wanted to go to this so bad!!! But, my son had dental surgery on Thursday and couldn’t go with me. It was only about 2 1/2 hours away in Tulsa Saturday night. It was a great one, tho!!! He was effervescent, as usual. And he had a wonderful message throughout. Just make sure you don’t call the other side “idiots”. That seemed like a good message to me. And the last time he was in Oklahoma, I got to go see him in OKC. It’s so much more fun to have someone with you when you see him, ?! But, I’m kinda old fashioned when it comes to a concert. Gotta have someone to laugh with ya when he makes a real good dig at Mary Fallon or, UGH, Scott Pruitt! So glad that that prick is gone from the EPA!!!!!
    Kidos for getting the whole thing online. I had to record it four (!) times to get the end of it cause HBO had the timing screwed up on it!! I wish I had known that it was up on here before I recorded that many times! Coulda saved myself a lot of anxious moments on the dvr!
    Thanks a lot, TC! Good one!!

  5. A very big thank you for looking for the whole video and posting it, TomCat. It’ll have to wait until later tonight when hubby and I are spread out on the couch, hopefully not too exhausted and falling asleep right through it.


  6. Thanks all.  I’m sorry, but YouTube took the clip down. 05

  7. Missed it.

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