Jul 062018

It’s not as hot today, but the sun hit the window early, and the building was already overheated from yesterday.  I was sweating on the throne at 6:00 AM.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:10 (average 5:19).  To do it click here.  Hoe did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Rick Wiles Says Democrats Will Kill Republicans To Prevent Them From Voting In 2020

Barf Bag Alert!!

Some men in white coats need to throw something on Wiles: a net. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From NPR: As the day dawned across the U.S. on Friday, a new economic reality dawned with it: The tariffs long threatened against billions of dollars in Chinese goods took effect just at midnight ET while many Americans were sleeping — but Beijing was ready immediately with a wake-up call of its own.

The new trade regulations imposed by the Trump administration, which levy a 25 percent tariff on $34 billion worth of Chinese imports to the U.S., have "violated [World Trade Organization] rules and launched the largest trade war in economic history to date," China’s Ministry of Commerce declared in a statement Friday.

Chinese authorities quickly retaliated with equivalent tariffs on $34 billion worth of imported U.S. goods — previously promised as ranging from vehicles to soybeans, beef and other agricultural products.

The rapid tit for tat follows weeks of anxious anticipation over the "trade remedies"President Trump vowed last month to implement. At the time he announced the tariffs, back in mid-June, Trump said the current U.S.-China economic relationship had grown to be "no longer sustainable."

The people Trump is hurting most are US consumers and workers. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Think Progress: With a top coal lobbyist stepping in to serve as acting administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), few people are expecting Scott Pruitt’s resignation to slow down the Trump administration’s efforts to deal a knock-out blow to the agency’s ability to protect the environment.

President Trump on Thursday named EPA deputy administrator Andrew Wheeler — whose beliefs on environmental protection are as radical as Pruitt’s — to serve as acting administrator of the agency.

As extreme as Pruitt’s graft became, it did not hold a candle to the level of damage the Republican Reich is doing to the environment. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!




  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/6/2018”

  1. BBA: Can’t believe that people actually believe this crap, good Lord! I don’t know what he’s smoking or drinking, but he needs to quit. now!!

    NPR: It’s going to get worse as time goes on. He (dt) needs to ‘be gone!’

    TP: Very, very depressing to read this. Our environment is going down, as is everything else! RESIST!! and VOTE BLUE!!!

    Cartoon: Yep!

    Hope that you have a good evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. 7:52 Ferns.

    RWW – Rick Wiles – Can you say P-R-O-J-E-C-T-I-O-N ? What you are talking about is what Republicans do. The GOP is a terrorist organization, and has been for decades. Like, ever since all the racist Democrats went to the GOP. Which is killing babies.

    NPR – Of course the people hurt the most are his base. With some collateral damage to the actual working middle class and consumers. That’s been his platform, and it has informed everything and his thugs have done.

    NPR – From what little I have seen, Wheeler is Pruitt on steroids. When will we learn not to rejoice when a horrible person resigns before we see what’s coming next? I’ve been saying this a long time, and screaming it starting with Boehner.

    Cartoon – You mean you’d allow them to have one more? I wouldn’t – unless it is going to include “special” Kool-Aid” and informed consent thereto.

  3. RWW: I have no time to waste on listening Rick Wiles. It would only serve to alienate me from America, unable to come to grips with what it is turning into, shaking my head at the abuse of free speech.

    NPR: Trump is literally driving Europe and China into each others arms with his trade war, not realizing that such alliances go further than trade alone. This is going to smart long after Drumpf has disappeared from the political scene.

    TP: I can’t remember where I read it or who said it, but someone noted that it was a very sad state of affairs that it took a build-up of scandals to make Pruitt leave and not the enormous harm he’s done to the environment and to the EPA department.
    With Andrew Wheeler taking over, it’s going to be so much worse. Not only is Wheeler smart enough not to cause such scandal, but he’s also far more competent than Pruitt and his dismantling of regulations and EPA itself will probably not be thrown out by the courts that easily. It really is getting from bad to worse.

    Cartoon: That Last Convention is long overdue. Make it happen!

  4. Nothing he does, no matter how outrageous or dumb, bothers his base.  I have people who have been life long friends that support him much to my dismay.  People like Wiles continue to spout their venom and the press keeps giving them coverage.  Fox News is not news, it is propaganda.

  5. OMG that wiles character is so inciting violence!!!  He has infowars syndrome!!!
    Lovely to see the pruit disappear into the sunset….
    but a coal lobbyist next??? ?

  6. Puzzle — 4:30  That wall may come tumbling down if the fern isn’t removed!

    Right Wing Watch — Wiles and idiots like him where the reason birth control was developed.  Too bad his mother did not use it before he was born. 

    Some of the comments at YouTube were terrific!


    Projection, lies, lunacy & hate. It’s all they really offer…


    Dems don’t need to tear the country down. If they wanted to do that they can just sit back and let their crazy president continue to do it for them.

    Stephen Minton

    I’m not sure it’s fair to laugh at a mentally ill man like this. He needs medical care and a soft room.

    Secular Guy

    No, Republicans and Trump want to deport citizens by stripping their citizenship (it’s true. Look it up). It’s the only way they’ll be able to win an election before long. They want to “make America white again”.

    NPR — “…Trump said the current U.S.-China economic relationship had grown to be “no longer sustainable.”” — What the hell does der Fuhrer know about sustainability?  He can’t keep a single idea in his head for more than 10 seconds!  What’s more, he does not care one wit about anyone else except himself!  Of course those that follow him like a bunch of blind sheep will be the ones that get hurt the most . . . and he does not give a damn!  I won’t feel sorry for them because the sheep allowed themselves to be lead by this know nothing charlatan!

    Think Progress — Wheeler has that enigmatic smile of the Cheshire Cat!  All that is missing are the telltale display of bird feathers in his mouth.  As Stanley Tucci said in “The Devil Wears Prada”, “gird your loins!”  It is going to be an even bumpier ride than with Pruitt.

    Cartoon — Too bad it wasn’t the last one!  But, back in the ‘good old days’, Republicans were the liberals while Democrats were the conservatives.  Lincoln’s head must be spinning faster than Michael Keaton’s in Beetlejuice!

    We were supposed to have thunder and lightning last night but I certainly didn’t hear or see anything.  We did however get rain and it is currently 14C (57F) and raining.  It is 2 dreaded tasks today . . . laundry and deep cleaning the litter box!

    • I didn’t have a chance to listen to Wiles before commenting because the sound on my laptop is toast.  But now I have listened.  Wiles sure doesn’t know, or perhaps doesn’t want to know the true US history.Yes, Lincoln’s Republicans were abolitionists and the Democrats were pro slavery, but those two parties are as far away from today’s iteration as the earth is from the sun.

      Wiles is a despicable, depraved person.

  7. Thanks and hugs to all. 23

    The big difference between Pruitt and Wheeler, is that Pruitt spent time filling his pockets.  Wheeler will concentrate all his filling our environment with filth.

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