Jun 132018


Lynn has now won her twelfth Big Mouth Award.  Her last Big Mouth award was for the 87,000th comment on 2/18/2017.  For many years she has been one of our top commentators, and is also one of only two people, other than myself, that I have authorized as a co-equal administrator of this site..  Lynn is a denizen of Care2, and is still a Canadian, unfortunately for the US.  I’ve said this before, but it still bears repeating.  If 10% of US citizens had half, or if half of US citizens had 10% of the knowledge of and insight into US politics that this Canadian gal regularly displays, our country would be far better off.  Congrats Lynn!  She is a treasure, whose contribution to this site cannot be overstated, but I am stating it again.  Please join me in piling on the kudos and praise, because our Sasquatch is without equal.  That mouth is so big it dwarfs her feet!




  24 Responses to “Lynn Squance Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”

  1. I will laugh if it turns out that the glitch that lost your comment the first time is what ended up putting it into the 99,000th position. Justice is seldom quite that poetic, though. And hey – whenever your comments hit, they are (in an very old saying) as full of wisdom “as an egg is of meat.”

  2. YAY!! A worthy Recipient!
    Well deserved, and Congratulations, Lynn! 
    I love your posts, and your comments. Keep them comin’, and again, my Best Wishes! WooHoo!

  3. Bravo Lynn! Perhaps someday I will have the “big mouth.”

    • You’d get my vote every day for a BIG MOUTH award.  Please keep yours flapping for progressives in Georgia and the entire country!

      Thanks Freya!!!

  4. 12th “BIG MOUTH AWARD”! WOW! Keep up the good works.

    Agree with TC in that if 10% of american voters had your insight, 

    USA might be a truly awesome country. Keep your comments a-rollin’ forward.


  5. WTG ? Lynn  ?

  6. FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Congratulations, Lynn, on a well deserved award!  

  8. Congratulations with a very much deserved award, Lynn!

    We don’t believe you’re real, we know you’re real. We get proof of it every day!

    • LMAO!!!  You must have found this pic of me going after Boehner on a bad day.  I’ve had my hair coiffed since then and a touch of purple added to give me that rakish air.

      Thanks Lona!!!

  9. Thanks Puddy Tat for the kind words.  I started coming to the site in August 2011 with a hope of learning more about Canadian politics by shining a light on US politics.  It was the Harper era here and he was acting a lot like a Republican.  Well I learned, Harper was defeated, and I am still having fun flapping my jaws.  I learn so much from everyone and knowledge is the gateway to truth!

    Thanks again to EVERYONE!!!

  10. Woooo Hoooo Squatch! 03

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