The Evil Empire to the North

 Posted by at 1:28 pm  Politics
Jun 102018

The evil empire to the north has struck again.  They had the audacity sell their products here in the US, in spite of the pact that we sell far more of our products there.  Furthermore, they joined the rest of our allies by refusing to admit Putin to the G-7, depriving Trump of the spot where he gets that brown smudge for the tip of his nose.  Most of all, he betrayed Trump by telling the truth, albeit an excessively polite version.  Trump declared war!


Shortly before leaving the annual meeting of major world powers on Saturday, President Trump boasted that it had been “tremendously successful” and that on a scale of 0 to 10, “the relationship is a 10.”

Fewer than nine hours later, the relationship was plummeting toward a zero. With a petulant tweetstorm from Air Force One, Mr. Trump all but blew up the Group of 7 nations that the United States has led for more than four decades and essentially declared open political war on America’s closest neighbor.

Whatever hopes that other leaders had of pacifying Mr. Trump and papering over their widening differences on trade, security and the world order vanished in a flurry of harsh recriminations. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada rebuffed Mr. Trump’s positions in public comments, prompting Mr. Trump to refuse to sign the carefully crafted final communiqué.

The blowup left the United States alienated from its allies even more than it had been entering into the summit meeting and came as Mr. Trump flew to Singapore, earlier than originally scheduled, for a risky meeting with a nuclear-armed American enemy, Kim Jong-un, the repressive leader of North Korea… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Trudeau said nothing that was untrue.  Perhaps Trump was in withdrawal, because there is no Faux Noise in Canada, so he can’t watch the people who tell him what to think.  In any event, the enemies that Trump has befriended are still the enemies of the American people, and the friends Trump calls enemies still have our love and respect.  We love you, evil empire to the north. Winking smile




  15 Responses to “The Evil Empire to the North”

  1. Gawd, what a complete moron, and such a debacle on dt’s part. Angela Merkel’s stare down to dt seated with arms crossed, was priceless! We still love our world leaders who tried to reason with him, and especially to our Northern Neighbor. I love you, Canada.

    *Saw this comment on DB, here it is: re: our diktator: “Much more at ease with tyrants who are our adversaries, than with leaders of the countries who have been our closest allies for the last 70 years.” Word.

    Hey, TC, the only thing missing on your picture of dt is that he’s missing his mustache and brown shirt.

  2. This was just absolutely amazing. Quite a stir has been caused by it on Daily Kos. In the order they hit the recommended list:

    Where are Democratic Leaders?

    Our Democratic Leaders are right here

    Canada Didn’t “betray” anyone

    A tweet was quoted in a comment on the second one as to how like a domestic abuser this is, isolating the partner from all other support, in order to claim “No one loves you but me.”

  3. (Paraphrased:)

    If you, as a proud, patriotic American saw Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau drowning, and you were only able to save one of them – where do you think Prime Minister Trudeau would take you out for lunch afterwards as a reward?

  4. As seen on CNN, while at the gym, and totally ignoring the Faux News screens:  WH aide says “There is a special place in Hell for Trudeau!”  This is what happens when you have the lunatics running the asylum!

  5. It’s getting to the point where the U.S. will be able to count its allies on one finger. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people in other countries, especially our erstwhile allies, are whispering “regime change.” We can have one of sorts in a few months if we back truly progressive candidates, make sure all our progressive kith and kin are registered to vote, and get our buns to the polls to make sure the Blue Wave is the tsunami it needs to be!

  6. He leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth where ever he goes!!!

  7. News yesterday here was that Drumpf HAD signed a joint communique, but according to By Jon Sopel, BBC North America editor:

    When I left Quebec all the talk was there would be no agreement. But lo, by the time I landed in Hong Kong to change flights I read that there was a joint communique. Success. Only to see a tweet from Donald Trump a little later rescinding his signature over something Justin Trudeau had said at his news conference. Unbelievable.

    Yesterday we were also told that the communique contained:
    * The need for “free, fair, and mutually beneficial trade” and the importance of fighting protectionism.
    * Russia: A joint demand that Moscow “cease with its destabilising behaviour” and to withdraw its support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
    * Iran: A pledge to “permanently” ensure Tehran’s nuclear programme remains peaceful
    * Climate: An agreement to disagree. The US refused to sign a pledge to implement the Paris climate change accord after Mr Trump announced the US would pull out of the agreement.

    Here’s what I think happened: As usual Drumpf didn’t read what he signed and only after his hasty departure was told that not only he didn’t get Russia back into the G8, he now also agreed on paper that his boss should stop messing about in other countries. So he needed a scapegoat to lash out on as a reason to rescind his signature and safe face with Vlad. And what better target than your direct neighbour and closest ally, eh?

    Can’t wait to hear what bloody mess he makes of the summit with Kim.

  8. Thanks all.  Hugs!

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