May 052018

(Hoping to put together a “Sunday Smile”.  But not only still monitoring my brother, but my aunt is in town from Illinois to celebrate her 90th Birthday!  So lots, and LOTS of family stuff going on!)


  8 Responses to “Want to Wish Everyone a Happy …”

  1. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

  2. Right back at cha, Nameless. Love the picture. (which I’m stealing…btw…ty!) 

    Enjoy your treasured time with family, too! 
    Thanks, for post, 
    and to Joanne for cross-posting

  3. Don’t worry yourself with it, Nameless. It’s nearly Sunday here and you’ve put a big smile on my face with your sinkular joke. Enjoy your aunts visit and birthday. Your brother is in my thoughts, and so are you.

  4. Just curious, did your Aunt drive herself from Illinois…?
    Sinko de Mayo back to you… lol.

    • No.  She still drives, but just in town and to church out in the country (my uncle farmed, so they went to the old family country church my Mom was baptized, confirmed and married in).

      Her sister & one of her sons (my aunt’s nephew, my “cousin”) went up to get her.  Awfully nice of them since it’s a 800 mile R/T.

  5. Great minds fall in the same ditch! ?

  6. Missed that one, earlier, but best wishes for a full recovery from whatever bug has you down!

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