Apr 042018

It’s a sad, but busy day here at the CatBox.  I overslept this morning, so I’m working straight through until lunch, instead of resting.  I expect Store to door to deliver groceries in the next hour.  WWWendy is coming this evening to de-stink the TomCat.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:03 (average 4:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Funny or Die Channel): How To Spot Dangerous Skin Colors


Comedy? Republicans normally rate skin color from White to Bad and react violently. RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Lawrence On President Donald Trump, Robert Mueller And ‘Subject’ V. ‘Target’


The fool is equating "subject" with not guilty. May he quickly graduate to "target" or ready to indict. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: \Viewers of the Sinclair station in Akron were startled on Monday when a longtime news anchor, Carol Foyler, inexplicably began reading the evening news report in Russian.

Foyler, who is not of Russian heritage, greeted her audience with a hearty “Zdravstvuyte,” and then read the evening’s top stories entirely in her newly adopted language.

After racing through the local coverage, Foyler abruptly segued to footage of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, admiring the launch of his nation’s highly touted new Satan-2 missile.

Viewers flooded the station with complaints, with many expressing alarm that, in the words of one audience member, “something was up with Carol.”

Dang Andy! Was she wearing her swastika and her MAGA hat? RESIST!!

From Think Progress: Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) compared teachers who are walking out of schools to demand better pay and education funding to spoiled teenagers in an interview with CBS news on Tuesday.

“Teachers want more, but it’s kind of like a teenage kid who wants a better car,” Fallin said.

In reality, Oklahoma teachers are the lowest paid in the country, according to 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Data gathered by the National Education Association, which only considers public school teachers, shows Oklahoma teachers only made slightly more than Nebraska and Mississippi teachers, with an average salary of $45,245.

Teachers are continuing to strike on Wednesday to demand more education funding.

Kudos to the brave teachers in Oklahoma, Kentucky and Arizona for resisting the Republican Reich!! RESIST!!




  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/4/2018”

  1. 5:37 I got lost.

    Census petition from the League of Women Voters

    FoD – They call it white, but I have never seen a human who was actually white. And I sponsored an albino for a while. (I said somewhere on a comment that I am resigning from the white race (which isn’t a race anyway.) From now on, my race is “Human.”

    Lawrence – Faux and Friends went down the same road – “Subject” not “target” so he is INNOCENT! Rachel, incidentally, covered some of the backstory on why, if Trump fires Mueller, the investigation will go on and on like Rose’s heart. (I might also add that I have been saying this, but on faith and without the particulars. Rachel’s reports gave me a big sigh of relief.)

    TNY – What, you mean not everyone in Akron is fluent in Russian? ROFLMAO!

    TP – Well, they ARE like teenagers – they are like the teens who are more adult than the adults. I second your kudos.

    Cartoon – This piece is from FAIR. This one is from the Atlanta Black Star. They make the same points – points of which I’ll bet TC doesn’t need to be reminded, but sometimes the rest of us do.

  2. Governor Falin must live in a separate reality. Oops, that’s right – she does, being a Republican and thus having no clue about the struggles of the Working Class.

    Cartoon: A sad day indeed. What if he had lived?

  3. Funny or Die: Well, FUNNY, and I’m not dead yet.
    Y/T-MSNBC:  OKAY BY ME!  Be still my heart.
    New Yorker: Da! Ov koursky!
    TP: Ov koursky they are the lowest paid, why would the governor want the kids to receive a serious education…it might encourage them to think?
    ‘Toon: Too sad.

  4. FoD: Yea, that’s how dt’s perceives people.

    MSNBC: I think that Mr. Mueller is being reserved with his comments, and will serve up Justice soon. The Special Counsel’s report must be thousands of pages too, I hear a drum beating……

    NYer: Spot-on, Andy. Spot-on!!!! lol

    TP: WTG!!! So proud of teachers standing up for their rights!!!! It’s been long overdue! I’m with them!! Any elected official who spouts their ignorance re: the plight of teachers, should be relegated to work at a school for a year, receive their pay, keep the long hours before/after school, pay for school supplies with their own money, receive the same health insurance/retirement benefits that they get, and attend the numerous meetings that are required to go to, on weekends, and during the summers. Oh…and also the daily/weekly duties of being a monitor on campus, grading papers, calling parents, planning, and going on field trips. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something….but you get my drift…

    Cartoon: A very sad day indeed. How would he feel about the America today??

    Hi, WWWendy!! Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
    *Not one word, today, from dt on MLK’s assassination today. Oh, there was a tweet, but he (I’m sure), didn’t write it. What a deplorable man. 

    • This cartoon is copyrighted, so I’m posting a link rather than the cartoon itself, but it does address your question “How would he feel about the America today??”  The link is to the main page, so in case it isn’t the one that’s up top when you get there, it is # 433.  I suspect a person could get lost in the collection, though.

      • Yup, the mountain top it is!!!

        With all the white nationalists etc, the Republicans and of course the Racist-in-Chief, Drumpf, MLK Jr is needed more than ever.  I wonder if he would be assassinated today? 

  5. Hey everyone.  I forgot to include that tomorrow I have an evaluation with the surgeon that will straighten my eye.  Please expect no more than a Personal Update, and that may be late.  11

  6. FoD: Strange comedy, it seems very unlikely that Drumpf and his Republicans would need any tips on honing their skills of detecting the right color of skin, i.e. equal to theirs both in tone and position on the political spectrum and acting appropriately vicious to the “bad”.

    Lawrence: Mueller is preparing to go from “subject” to “target” and all he needs now is Drumpf to testify under oath. Until now the lawyers Drumpf still had at the time have done their utmost to keep Drumpf away from a testimony because, as everyone knows, Drumpf can’t talk for two minutes without having told a lie. I had expected Drumpf, without any sensible legal advise, to do his usual ‘I’m the president and I’ve done nothing wrong’ stuff, throw caution to the wind and agree to testify, but Kelly and his daughter and son-in-law apparently still have his ear. So Mueller is now preparing reports for first Rosenstein then Congress to decide what to do with his findings. I think we’d rather see indictments going to the White House, because we know how Republicans will react to the reports should they get to see them. NOT!

    TNY: Kudos for some very economical writing there, Andy, tying all those people and companies into one big pro-Russian bundle.

    TP: When has despicable Gov. Mary Fallin ever been right on anything? Her best developed Republican trait is lying. Let’s hope that the good people of Oklahoma remember her and this teachers’ protest when the next election comes around. In the meantime: Kudos to you, teachers of Oklahoma, Kentucky and Arizona. RESIST!

    Cartoon: Such a sad day.

  7. Time to go.  Hugs! 26

  8. Puzzle — 3:15  Beautiful!!!  The walls were protection from invading armies, but also from sand storms which could bury buildings when it was at its worst.

    Funny or Die — That is not comedy.  That is reality in white nationalist US! . . . it is not funny!

    MSNBC — “The fool is equating “subject” with not guilty.” — I heard this on our news yesterday and my first reaction, other than laughing at Drumpf’s stupidity, was that subject does not equate to not guilty.  Also, Drumpf ignored the additional words “at this time”.  Things change as information comes to light.  May there be enough information come to light that will cause the lights to go out on Drumpf!!!

    The New Yorker — I heard from one source that a news anchor quit his job because he was forced to read the Sinclair screed.  Kudos to him!  Unfortunately there will be others to replace him.  Sinclair and Faux Noise . . . birds of a feather!

    Think Progress — Kudos to the striking teachers!  These are the people teaching the next generations to think, to keep the country prosperous.  That is a big job and it deserves responsible remuneration.

    Cartoon — A sad day indeed!  But there is a chip off the old block, Yolanda Renée King, following in her grandfather’s steps . . . well at least for now.

    Sorry I am so late.  I spent a good part of Wednesday and Thursday at the vet’s.  My Winnie, and Primo for that matter, were throwing up and had stopped eating.  $500+ later, I am still waiting for the diagnosis but expect to have the final results of the blood work which I should have on Friday, today.  I started this post on Thursday but fell asleep . . . emotions are running high.  I was given some wet cat food which all of them are devouring fortunately.  When I know the results, I will let you know.

    I hope the eye exam goes swimmingly, Puddy Tat!

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