Happy St. CATrick’s Day

 Posted by at 1:01 pm  Holiday, Politics
Mar 172018


May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields and,

Until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

May all your purrrrs be purrrrfect!


  11 Responses to “Happy St. CATrick’s Day”

  1. Can’t add to that.

  2. And may all that green beer and Guinness you guzzle not give you a murderous hangover! 10

  3. Happy St. Catrick’s Day! I’m sure St. Patrick doesn’t mind, either. πŸ™‚ Love your poem too!

  4. I had asparagus today, it was a good day for asparagus, maybe I’ll even pee green.

    • It being St. Patrick’s Day and all, I’ll forgo the genetics WRT being able to smell the urine odor of asparagus.

      (Hey – maybe that’d be a good “Friday Fun” … then again, maybe not.)

  5. But here’s a little guy who’s ready to CELEBRATE!

  6. And here’s a little guy who has celebrated a bit too much …

    (In all honesty, my current Nike is the first critter I’ve ever had who does those “shoulder rolls” on a routine basis.  Then he wants his tummy scratched.  Anyone else have cats that do that “shoulder roll”?)

    • Not me,  I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it before.  It makes sense, though, if one wants one’s tummy rubbed.   Ummm – I gather Nike does want his tummy rubbed?  It’s not a clever trap?  I have seen cats do that.

  7. Happy, though belated, Saint CatTricks day to all who celebrated it in style and are now nursing their Guinness hangovers. ☘?

  8. Thanks all! Hugs!  Love the GIFs! ?

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