Feb 052018

Oh God it’s Monday, and what a Monday!  Yesterday afternoon I was catching forty winks, before the game, when my smoke detector started chirping.  It was every 30 seconds, and it was very LOUD.  So I went down to the desk, and they came up to replace the battery right away.  I was very pleased, but did not know the new battery was defective.  The loud chirping resumed and woke me up at 1:00 AM.  It kept me up all night.  Staff replaced the battery again this morning, but I’m REALLY pooped.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:34 (average 4:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Ellipsoid Orb Report:

How can I best describe the Super Bowl?  It was not a punters’ duel.  Of the fifty two I have watched, it was probably most entertaining, breaking the record for total offence with over a quarter left to play.  The Eagles won 41 – 33.  Here are the highlights.  Note the incomplete pass TO Brady, the touchdown pass TO Foles, and the Brady sack and fumble that, in my opinion, was the game breaker.  He may have been distracted by a ripping chili cheer from me.

On the down side, now begins the great darkness, when the Ellipsoid Orb passes out of view, leaving us in darkness.  It is a time for wailing and gnashing of teeth.  But have faith!  The blessed Orb shall return.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): Um, Did He Lie? A Parody Commentary on the SOTU


Um, did he lie? Hell yes! RESIST!!

From YouTube (NY Times Channel): The Nunes Memo vs. the Schiff Memo


That sums it up well. RESIST!!

From The Baffler: WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN DISNEY would achieve the victory of total entertainment. In December, the Walt Disney Company offered $52.4 billion for most of 21st Century Fox. The deal would join Disney’s own assets—including Marvel, Lucasfilm, Pixar, ESPN, and ABC—with Fox’s National Geographic, FX, its regional sports networks, and its television studio. A transparent bid to forestall the growing market share of Netflix, the merger would amass a horde of content meant to populate two planned streaming services—and a third if you include Hulu, which Disney would control with a majority stake. Should the acquisition be approved, a prospect made likelier by Trump’s friendship with Fox’s executive chairman Rupert Murdoch, the resulting company would be, according to the New York Times, “a colossus unlike anything Hollywood has ever seen.”

I can envision Porky Pig popping out of a drum, stuttering, and saying, "Sieg heil, folks!" RESIST!!




  15 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/5/2018”

  1. Thanks, loved the videos!!!  He, Pence, Ryan, Mc Connell, Conway, Huckabee-Sanders, etc…….lie so often the real question is “Whoa, did they turn the truth???”

  2. The Baffler: OK, that settles it: Mickey Mouse is from now on Mickey Octopus, greedily grabbing media companies left and right. Too bad, because I like the Star Wars movies but now I have to wait till “The Last Jedi” is available at the library. It’s getting harder and harder to find a company in any business that isn’t part of some corporate Evil Empire.

    Had to look up De La Beckwith. If there is a Hell, hope he’s rotting there.

  3. 4:20 Looks exactly like a mouthful of Cheetos.

    Religious ecstasy! How nice!

    Parody – Beatifully written and executed. Seriously, did he say anything that was true?

    NYT – Well reasoned, well explained, absolutely on target, will not be seen by any Trump supporters, and would not be believed if it were. This is interesting IMO

    Baffler – Color me confused. Wouldn’t Disney be more trustworthy than Murdoch? Well, maybe not, if it’s so chummy with Clownface. Sigh.

    Cartoon – Too long delayed, but at least it happened. Finally.

  4. Apologies to all you Patriots fans, but I was Super Happy to the Eagles win!

    (Mostly because I really don’t care for Tom Brady – the person or his politics.)

  5. SB: I was rootin’ for Philly. What.A.Game!!!! WooHoo! and kudos to the team. The last 2 minutes of the game was a nail biter, but the Eagles held fast. What.A.Game!!!

    YT: oh, my Gawd, THIS is fantastic!!!!!! Sending on to friends too.

    NYT: Explained very well, the Democrat’s memo should also be released. It’s only fair. (which the repugs know nothing about!).

    Baffler: Holy moly, I did not know about this! Well, there goes my tv viewing. I’ll got read a book instead.

    Cartoon: Yep! 3 trials, and 30 years later, an unrepentant mean, vile racist who died in prison.

    What a bummer for you!! Sorry to read about your experience with the smoke detector. That’s happened to me, and yes, they’re annoyingly loud. You should get ear plugs too, for situations like this. Hope that you get your rest, take care, enjoy your evening, and Thanks, Tom.

    *By the By here = I find Trump’s smirks and smugness very, very annoying. I can’t stomach listening to him either. As my dad used to say when I was a kid…, “God gave me this hand, and I’ll wipe that smirk right off your face!” He’s rolling over in his grave now, with the way ‘things’ are going now. 1111

  6. Ellipsoid Orb: One marvelous game!
    Parody Project: If mouth opens, lies pour forth!
    YT/NYT: Nunes- If mouth, or pen moves, lies pour forth!
    ‘Toon: s**thole!

  7. SAD UPDATE – 

    I got a dreaded call (that I knew would eventually come) from Mom’s Assisted Living center: The nurse said Mom has begun her “transition change”.  It’s a term I’ve never heard before, but apparently it means that it’s the beginning of the end.

    She said Mom is not responding to their questions, and didn’t help in putting herself to bed.  Her VS are still OK, but her oxygen saturations is dropping. 

    … The second Hospice nurse called (the Hospice service we engaged has been wonderful!) and said she was there to assess Mom, and it appears she’s beginning what is called “terminal agitation”.  But she has no mottling, although her nailbeds are a little bluish.

    They had a brochure letting family/loved ones know what to expect when the end is close at hand, and I remember reading about terminal agitation and what to expect.

    She’s getting Lorazepam and Morphine to help with this – standard Hospice medications at the end.

    The fly in the ointment is that Iowa & northern Illinois are in the midst of a major snowstorm (3″-5″) – and we’re supposed to be getting snow tomorrow.

    I had dearly hoped to be with her when she passed, but that’s seeming less likely.  But she has the Lord with her, so I’d just be an extra.  Plus I do not want her to linger (even though she’s not in pain) for my own selfish wishes.  (Not that I have any control over that.)

    And I’ve talked to Pastor twice to update him, and he said he was going out this evening to be with her.  That’s a comfort for me.

    Thoughts, Prayers, Meditations, etc. would be most welcomed.

    (And I apologize to Lynn – I know this is already a difficult time for you so close to the anniversary of your Mum’s passing.  I cling to what Joe Biden [who has more than his share of sorrow] told a gathering of Gold Star families: “Trust me when I tell you that there will come a time when the memory of your loved one will bring a smile to your face before it brings a tear to your eye.”  For me, that time will be most welcomed – but until then, it’s just hard …)

    • I got the dreaded call this morning that Mom had passed at 1:30 AM on 2/6/18.  Fortunately Pastor was able to go be with her late Monday evening when I called him that she was rapidly declining, which I appreciate given the snowstorm they’re experiencing.

      Just checked the Iowa Road Conditions, and it looks pretty good.  Busy packing for a fairly long stay, and hope to finish that & corral the critter so I can get on the road.

      My brother will be coming in from Tampa on Wednesday and will stay for a week.

      Other than the funeral home, we’ve made no arrangements yet. 

      I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.

    • My condolences to you, Nameless. No matter how old she was, how inevitable it was and how well prepared you both were, losing your Mom and last parent is hard, and I’m sorry you couldn’t be with her. My thoughts are with you, dear friend.

  8. Oh!!! Nameless!!!!
    My sincerest condolences to you and to your family during this most difficult time.
    Please know that you are in my prayers, and remember! we are here for you.

    “The Lord is close to the Brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in Spirit.” Psalm 34:18

  9. PP: What craftsmanship, both in performance, making of the video, but above all the fact-checking of the State of the Uniom. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    NYT: Got to hand it to The New York Times, they make excellent short and precise videos explaining a subject, especially now they’re no longer playing nice to this administration and just give the truth as they find it.

    TB: We’re no longer headed for a totalitarian state but a for a totalitarian globe. Big Brother XXXXL

    Sorry your smoke detector really had it in for you, TomCat. Better get some sleep now.

  10. Thanks all.  Sad hugs. 21

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