Feb 042018

It’s a high holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  The walking rectum likes the Patriots.  Go Eagles!  I’ll be spending the afternoon in meditation.  WWWendy is due in about 45 minutes to destink the TomCat and help with chores, including making a big load of chili.  That way I can cheer the Eagles from one end and Trump’s Patriots from the other.

WWWendy just left and greets you all! The chili will produce a magnificent green cloud!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:20 (average 5:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Fox & Friends Cold Open


I wonder if the SNL crew really understands just how close to the truth they are. I think, yes. RESIST!!

From Washington Post: Longtime televangelist Pat Robertson is recovering after suffering an embolic stroke, according to the Christian Broadcasting Network [hate channel delinked], a Virginia-based television network Robertson founded.

Robertson, 87, was rushed to the nearest stroke center Friday after a family member recognized “the onset of symptoms,” the CBN report says.

“Within minutes of receiving [clot-busting drugs], Dr. Robertson was awake and responsive and able to move all of his limbs,” CBN states. He is expected to make a full recovery.

As much as I cannot stand this Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian and purveyor of Republican hatred, I would not wish a stroke upon him. However, if he makes a full recovery, but loses the use of his vocal chords, that would be a blessing for the world. RESIST!!

From NY Times: For Republicans in the states, the political warning signs keep mounting: In Virginia, it was an electoral shellacking that nearly snapped their 20-year grip on the State House. In Wisconsin, it was a midwinter rout in a special election for the State Senate, fought in a conservative district.

And in Pennsylvania, it has been an exodus of state legislators from the Philadelphia area, where more than half a dozen Republicans have opted for retirement over a strenuous campaign in 2018.

“It looks like it’s going to be a war zone,” said State Representative Gene DiGirolamo, a moderate Republican, of his native Bucks County, a spacious suburb on the New Jersey border.

As national Republicans dig in to defend their majorities in Congress in the midterm elections, party leaders across the country have grown anxious about losses on a different front: state legislatures. Over the last decade, Republicans have dominated most state capitals, enacting deep tax cuts, imposing new regulations on labor unions and abortion providers, and drawing favorable congressional maps to reinforce their power in Washington.

November can’t come soon enough! RESIST!!




  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/4/2018”

  1. 5:12 No comment.

    New (copyrighed) cartoons

    SNL – They probably know exactly how close they are. But one wonders how many viewers know, even SNL viewers.

    WaPo – Recovering from the stroke will not pull him out of his dementia. That’s, as they say in the game, past praying for. I wouldn’t wish the stroke on him either. But I might not exactly wish the recovery.

    NYT – I can see it now. State legislatures as polarized as Congress. I’d love to be wrong about that; leftist state legislatures would be a blessing indeed; but we’ll see.

    Cartoon – Oh, like old Pat?

  2. SNL: Hard to believe folks watch this show. Faux, I mean. Groveling ids, bowing down to the der Führer.

    WP: Yep. Suffice to say, I agree with your comment, Tom.

    NYT: As we know Republicans, and what they like to do, it’s payback time come the mid-terms! Hope Texas goes blue!!! Lupe Valdez (first Latina sheriff), is running against Abbott here, (gov) and I hope that she wins!! Wouldn’t that be WONDERFUL news??!!!

    Cartoon: I had to laugh at this one! Right on!! Such as dt+wh= Tragic Comedy

    I thought we were going, but nope, we’re staying home for the game, cooking a big old crock pot of chili with chips/dips on the side. HI WWWendy!!! Take good care, enjoy your game, GO EAGLES!!! Thanks, Tom.

  3. So Pat Robertson is 87? Only the good die young.
    The cartoon is funny AF!

  4. SNL: Marvelous!  And on TV as seen at the gym, Donnie, and Jr. are insisting that the Nunes memo “exonerates” the clown!  That, of course, is what they want their fools to  believe, an we can all move ahead.  Also seen at the gym, although a bit incongruous in that setting, was a young man (late teens, or early 20’s) in a sweat shirt that read “All I want to do is watch musicals and take naps.”  What a citizen!  Ought that not disqualify hi from ever voting?  How hard would it be for him to buy into tDumps fantasy universe?
    WP: TC, you are a much more forgiving soul that I!!  Where is Karma when I want it?
    NYT: The ticking clock seems to be getting louder!!
    ‘Toon:  I had much the same thought as Joanne.  

  5. What’s the shape you used for your Cartoon?  Looks like some kind of microbe.

  6. Love the cartoon!
    I watched the skit on SNL, their writer are always on target.
    The NY Times:  I hope all the Republicans are running in fear, surely the American voters are about to wake up and see the ruin they have caused in our government.

  7. Puzzle — 4:33  I was hosed!

    Washington Post — Pat, it is retirement time!!!

    NY Times — I think we will see even more gerrymandering, voter suppression and all matter of Republican “criminal” activity in order to win 2018 mid terms.  May Republicans all be caught and punished with retirement!

    Cartoon — How true, how true!

    Eeee Haw!!!  Eagles 41  Patriots 33  Eat your heart out Trumpy!!!  That sure made my day when I heard it!

  8. SNL: Brilliant sketch that they must have written in minutes; so much “inspiration”out there.

    WP: That family member had dear old Pat rushed into the hospital to make sure not to much damage was done and Pat could go on making millions for them for a few years more. If Pat would have kicked the bucket they would have inherited a nice sum, but the well would have dried up for sure.

    NYT: Ah, articles like these warm the cockles of my heart. Hope to see more of them soon and a continuing stream by November.

    Cartoon: ?

  9. Thanks all.  Very pooped hugs! 24

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