Jan 312018

Last night was the first, and I hope last, State of the Union, aka Uniom, address of Resident Donald Trump, Fuhrer of the Republican Reich, pawn of Russia, and serial pussy grabber.  I did not watch it, but I have read several reports about it.  I understand that it was a teleprompter speech that was too long and two lumbering  Most important, Trump pretended to be someone else, someone who cared.

The strangest thing about watching President Donald Trump deliver a State of the Union address was how normal it seemed. Tuesday night, in his first State of the Union, the president offered a workmanlike speech that seemed worlds away from the tumultuous, gridlocked lived reality of American politics over the past year—and the likely reality in the year to come.

Looking back to his speech to a joint session of Congress last February, Trump recalled, “A new tide of optimism was already sweeping across our land. Each day since, we have gone forward with a clear vision and a righteous mission—to make America great again for all Americans.” He added, “Over the last year, we have made incredible progress and achieved extraordinary success.”

The reality is somewhat less rosy: By a wide margin, Americans believe that the nation is on the wrong track, and the president’s approval rating is historically low. Trump has struggled to push his agenda through Congress, just squeaking a big tax cut in at the end of last year. That presents three challenges for the president, and his speechwriters: How do you boast about victories you haven’t had? How do you present new proposals when many of the old ones are still on the table? And how do you handle the Russia story that seems to consume most of politics each week?

The answer from Trump was simply to conjure his own reality, outlining a set of some accomplishments, delivering the standard list of policy proposals, and ignoring the Russia probe altogether. The speech was long, and there was little in the way of thematic unity, though he spoke of a “new American moment”—a concept borrowed from Hillary Clinton, of all people. This president is not often good at hiding his emotions, but he did so Tuesday. As a result, not only was the picture he painted of America removed from reality, but Trump himself was also practically unrecognizable… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Atlantic>

Here is the complete list of honest statements by Trump:

[end of list]

Here is the complete list of Trump’s statements that were worth hearing:

[end of list]

Here is the complete list of Trump plans that are good for America:

[end of list]

On the other hand, I have two Democratic Responses and one Democratic interview that are worth the listen.

Joe Kennedy III

"This is not right. This is not who we are."  AMEN!!

Bernie Sanders


In addition to exposing Trump’s real intent, Bernie could not have made a better case for Social Democracy.

Kamala Harris and Rachel Maddow


I think Trump intended to call for the removal of Mueller, but Kamala’s suggestion that he was calling for his own impeachment was far more appropriate.

Kudos to the Democrats!



  10 Responses to “The State of the Union is Screwed”

  1. Vox has a transcript of Bernie.

    The Hill has a Kennedy Transcript.

    Aunt Maxine’s transcript is not yet available, as the speech won’t be televised until tonight, on BET.

    I found no info on a transcript for Donna Edwards, and I know I am missing someone but, as they say, the memory goes first. I did get a short quote from her in an email: “That means remaking our government to actually work for the many and not just the few. We need health care for all. We need to end Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy, and ensure our nation has the means to invest in our infrastructure, education, good-paying jobs and retirement security. We need to get big money out of politics, by making elections at every level publicly financed, cutting the cord with developers, banks, big pharma, oil and gas companies, and all the interests that control public policy in states, cities, counties, and Congress. We need to make it easier to vote, not harder. Easier to join a union, not harder. Easier to get a good education, not harder or more expensive.”

    And now I’m embarrassed. Not because I couldn’t remember Elizabeth Guzman’s name, as I wasn’t familiar with her, but because I failed to remember that the fifth response was in Spanish. I think that’s important and I should have remembered.
    As to Senator Harris – very poised, well-spoken, and a sense of humor – which is pretty durned hard these days.

    • WRT the questionable comment about removing people, here’s an analysis that I find, unfortunately, extremely likely.

      MoveOn and some other groups are putting together an in-the-streets rapid response plan in case Trump does [attempt to] fire Mueller. You can find details and locations events are already set up HERE. This list includes locations I have never seen before, which means there is over-the-top support.

  2. Watched Bernie’s video of ‘what Trump did not Tell us’ !! very informative.Joe Kennedy’s video was spot on as well. Heartfelt too!
    Watched Ms. Harris’ too.

    Info out there says that Pence penned (most/part of) the speech too.

    Saw a comment, can’t remember where..(crs), but Kudos to whoever penned it regarding dt and the speech.”Trump spent much of the time (sotu address), clapping for himself, and he managed to hit the other hand every single time while pointing his finger to the crowd.” lol.

    Yes, even though I did NOT listen nor watch it, please dear God, let it be his last one.

  3. Fortunately, I didn’t watch it!

  4. Sen. Kamala Harris begins with noting that “…the truth was lacking,” and I’m certainly not surprised, and I am sure I am not alone in that belief.  I did not watch it, saw some of Kennedy’s rebuttal, , and my wife told me that she’d heard that tDump’s popularity ratings went up 10 points after the speech.  
    I tried, quickly, to find comparisons, as in “What is the history of ratings changes for other presidents’ after their first State of the Umion address?” No success with that.  Perhaps someone else can find it.  Without a comparison the statistic is meaningless.
    I urge anyone, again, to read “Democracy in Chains, The Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America,” by Nancy MacLean.  As an Alternate article just pointed out, the Koch Machine is apparently focusing on SCOTUS, working to fill it with more Scalia, Thomas and Gorsuch types; reportedly spent huge sums of money to pressure Gorsuch’s approval.  They want to change the constitution so that it reflects their sense of entitlement to EVERYTHING!

  5. Last night my Dutch newspaper carried an analysis of Drumpf’s State of the Union as its one front-page article. I’ll try to turn that into a PP article without violating any publishing rights, because it gives a very good impression of what people in the rest of the world want to hear on that subject.

  6. Kennedy started with ” … an American city built by immigrants … ” and ended with ” … sat high atop mum’s shoulders with a sign ‘Build a wall? My generation will tear it down!”.  AMEN!!!  Kennedy spoke with heart and reminded me of his grandfather, Bobby, and his great uncle, Teddy.

    Bernie started with talking about what Drumpf did not say in comparison to his campaign promises on various topics including, but not limited to, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid.   He ended with: “Only together, when millions of people stand up and fight for economic justice, for social justice, for racial justice, for environmental justice, only then can we create the political revolution that will turn this country around.”  AMEN!!!

    Kamala Harris started with talking about the lack of trust in government and then said “… I found the truth lacking.” and ended with “… that’s not what leaders are supposed to do.  We’re not supposed to convince the American public of policy because we make them afraid, and apparently that is what this president needs to do.  It’s irresponsible.”  AMEN!!!

    A very consistent message from Democrats, and finally some truth coming out of Washington! 

    Bernie gave the ultimate exhortation . . . “… stand up and fight …”!  I will add “Silence is Consent!!!”

  7. Thanks, tired hugs, and Amen to all! 23

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