Jan 302018

It’s another muggy, sticky day, and it looks like unseasonably warm and wet weather will continue well into February.  I slept intermittently, but am not as tired as I was yesterday.  I should get some rest this evening, while I’m not watching the Piddle Pervert Prattle.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 6:04 (average 8:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Late Show Channel): The State Of Our Union Is… Misspelled


I won’t be watching the State of the Uniom address. The State of our Uniom is incompetent. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Inequality Media Channel): The Next Big Fight: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid


Please spread this around. Here at PP, we have been preaching both the problem and Reich’s solutions for ages. The rest of America needs education on the subject. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: With just one day until Donald J. Trump’s first State of the Union address, the cast of “Fox and Friends” is working furiously on the final draft of the speech, members confirmed today.

“We’ve really been burning the midnight oil,” Steve Doocy, the host of the Fox program, said. “We have so much to say tomorrow night, and we want to get it all in there.”

Doocy said that when he read the first draft of the State of the Union address last week, he “kind of flipped out” when he realized that there was “absolutely no mention of Hillary Clinton’s Hydra-like tentacles controlling the Deep State.”

“The State of the Union address is the President’s chance to tell the American people where the country is and where it’s going,” Doocy said. “You can’t do that without talking about how Crooked Hillary is funnelling her Russian-uranium riches directly into Bob Mueller’s bank account in the Seychelles.”

Dang, Andy! Did Rob Rosenstein help you wiretap the Oval Office? RESIST!!




This is when America learned we were losing the war, and the whole damn thing was a lie.


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/30/2018”

  1. 7:42 Well, that was … interesting.

    New (copyrighed) cartoons

    Stephen – Oh, yes, that was funny. But pathetic.

    This video I put up a week and a half ago in a comment is also good when speaking to people who don’t grasp what “entitlements” actually refers to. When they say, “Entitlements,” say, “You mean all that money you borrowed from me?”

    TNY – SMDH. way, WAY too close for comfort!

    Cartoon 1 – Happy, happy! I sent you a Care2 card. Hope you got it.

    Cartoon 2 – No kidding.

  2. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your “Special” Day with Family & Friends.

    Hugzzz, Jim.

  3. LateShow: Nope, not spending the time. To quote Auntie Maxine (Waters), “Why would I take my time to go and sit and listen to a liar?” Ditto to that!

    IMC: Good video, Mr. Reich!! Passing on too!

    NYer: Yep, that sounds about right. For Mr. Dumpty and F&F. !!

    Cartoon 1: Happy Birthday!!, Lona. Hope that you are having a Happy and Great Day!! 0403
    Cartoon2: Yes, very sad event in our history.

    Glad to read you are getting your rest. It’s cold here, (by my standards), but very nice to go out, rake, and weed a little bit. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. LSC: Caustically funny!

    IMC: Dead on! This is precisely why we need to RESIST and PERSIST!

    TNY: I’d probably find binge-watching The Three Stooges more enlightening than tRumps SOTU B.S.

    Joanne, thanks for digging up that video – it is a must-see.

    P.S. Happy Birthday, Lona!

  5. Late Show: Uniom!  Make america an Uniom today!
    Reich: The Libertarians would like to see 22 Million Americans back in poverty, or more, if they could accomplish that, and get to say, “Well, you know, it’s their fault, they were just too lazy!”  there IS an excuse for 28 million american to be uninsured, it’s called “We don’t give a damn!  We’ve got ours, screw the rest of you…you obviously don’t deserve it!”  I did not sati is a GOOD excuse, just that in their warped minds…it is an excuse.
    New Yorker: Did not watch the nausea inducing Orange dunce, but can easily believe that Faux News writers helped with the propaganda speech.

  6. Lona –

    Hope you have a very joyous and …

  7. Thank you all so much for the many lovely birthday wishes in these comments here and on my Care2 profile page and in those fun cards. I’m not much of a birthday party girl, but I do love to get lots of birthday mail in whatever form. Thank you again.

  8. Late Show — The incompetence of the Drumpf régime exposed yet again!  Why would I spend time watching Drumpf spend time congratulating himself and lying to the nation when I could do other things like take out the garbage?

    Inequality Media — Reich is so correct and usually is (as in almost always!)!  I’m surprised that the Piddle Pervert doesn’t have him on some hit list.  Kudos to Robert Reich!

    The New Yorker — ““The State of the Union address is the President’s chance to tell the American people where the country is and where it’s going,” Doocy said.” — Straight to hell in the Russian Gulag.  Sad, so sad!  Andy is doing straight reporting again.

    Cartoon — Happy Birthday Lona!!! . . . and many, many more!


  9. Thanks and busy pooped hugs to all!

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