Jan 292018

It’s  another super-muggy day, and I’m very tired, so I’ll be brief.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:03 (average 4:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Billboard: With no shortage of gripping political and social issues at hand, performers and presenters at the 2018 Grammys had plenty to tell the world during the televised New York City ceremony. From all the night’s speeches and salvos, here are the ones we found most gripping…

1. Camila Cabello Salutes the DREAMers

​Camila Cabello introduced U2’s Statue of Liberty performance in dramatic fashion. She shouted out America’s immigrants, specifically those in the country under the DREAM Act. With the status of DREAMers under siege by the Trump administration, the Cuban-born artist — who emigrated to America at age five — did her best to make Lady Liberty’s meaning especially clear: "These kids can’t be forgotten and are worth fighting for."


Dream their dream!! I shared one of seven. Click through for the other six. RESIST!!

From NY Times: Tamesha Means had been pregnant for just 18 weeks when her water broke in 2010. In pain, she rushed to a hospital near her house in Michigan. But because it was a Catholic health center, doctors there did not tell her that continuing her pregnancy could threaten her health and that abortion was her safest option. Instead they sent her home. They did so again when she returned the next day, bleeding, with painful contractions. They were preparing to send her home for a third time when she miscarried at the hospital.

Cases like this, in which a provider’s religious beliefs take precedence over a patient’s needs, could become more common because of a series of recent White House decisions that please the anti-abortion movement. The decisions may make it more difficult for teenagers wanting to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, for gay men looking to prevent HIV and even for women seeking breast exams or pap smears.

Earlier this month, the Department of Health and Human Services announced the creation of a “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” to enforce laws protecting health care providers’ right to opt out of certain procedures, including post-abortion care or gender-affirming surgery, because of religious objections. (The website displays what appears to be a female Muslim doctor in a hijab smiling enthusiastically — a twist on the administration’s usual attitude toward Muslims.)

If the people running an institution will not provide all the care for all who need it, they have no business in health care. This is pseudo-Christian, hate-based RepubliCare. RESIST!!

From Vox: On a night that featured the biggest stars in music, it was Hillary Clinton who got one of the loudest reactions of the night. Clinton appeared at the end of a pre-taped skit in which various musicians read excerpts from Michael Wolff’s best-seller Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, purportedly auditioning for the audiobook most likely to take home Best Spoken Word Album at next year’s Grammys.

Here’s video.


If I worked at McDonalds, I’d feed him a turdburger!! RESIST!!




  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/29/2017”

  1. NYT: That incident will be far from isolated if the mealy-mouthed reich-wingers have their way. The U.S. has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the “developed” world, but the so-called pro-lifers are doing nothing about that.

    Cartoon: “Your” as in “anybody who isn’t part of the one-percent fat cats.”

  2. 4:21 Maybe Squatch can save him.

    New (copyrighed) cartoon

    Word of the Day (from a comment on Daily Kos): GUANOPSYCHOTIC

    Billboard – Yup.

    NYT – This crap is already way too common,and, as the article points out, will become more so under this regime. I can only quote a comment made on a Raw Story article over the weekend: “PRO-LIFE IS MURDER! (X about 30 or 40)” Did I mention that Pro-Life is murder?

    Vox – Someone was brilliant here.

    Cartoon – Yup.

  3. Billboard: Liked the cameo of Snoop Dogg, and of Hillary reading from the F&F book, and I found Kesha’s song moving. Haven’t seen the whole clip, but they are my favorites. So far…

    NYT: Absolutely horrid and horrible that they do this. She could have died!!! Of course, they (gop) embraces this, so dam two faced, and they don’t care either!!

    Video: Classy!!! WTG, Hil.

    Cartoon: A–H–E !!!

    Get your rest, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *Joanne, dt=GUANOPSYCHOTIC.  Word.

  4. Billboard:  did not see much of the show, but did catch Cabello’s intro. and thought it wonderful!
    NYT: Yeah, just what their Christ would do!  They are hugely dangerous to the country, might not stop until they’ve created their own version of Iran, right here!
    Kudos to Hillary!
    ‘Toon: No, his plan is to reduce your earning power so low that you can not be taxed.  He and the Koch Machine will be happy when ALL the rest of us are living in squalor, as seen in the Brazilian slums.  Their Libertarian aims to have the LIBERTY to do anything they damned well please!

  5. Loved … LOVED … LOVED Hillary’s “In-Your-Face” reading from Fire & Fury

  6. NYT: Republicans can’t bear the separation of church and state, so they push religion into healthcare where the damage is even more acute. Repulsive. Doctors who ignore their Hippocratic oath and put their religious, i.e. personal beliefs above the welfare of their patients should be struck off, as they are in other countries. Hospitals and other healthcare centers should be fined to the gills when they allow any of their staff to have their personal convictions stand in the way of treating patients to the best of their abilities, not have laws created for them to opt out.

    Vox: Yes, the Grammy’s definitely in the bag! Looking good there, girl. So relaxed. Comedy far better becomes you than the stress of running for president.

    Cartoon: How could we possibly think Mitch would raise his own!

  7. Hilary’s turn in the reading of “Fire and Fury” was the only part of the Grammys that I have watched. Nothing could top that! Loved every second of it!

  8. Thanks and pooped hugs! 19

  9. Puzzle — 4:24  Not me today JD!

    Billboard — I can’t say much about the artists or their work because I have never heard of most of them.  But I can agree with their spoken words of equality for all.

    NY Times — “If the people running an institution will not provide all the care for all who need it, they have no business in health care.” — AMEN!!!  Healthcare should be a universal right, if it isn’t already.  To me, this incident is an act of attempted murder . . . and Christ was not about murder.  Christ was about love and acceptance for all equally. . . even Drumpf and Republicans.  Christ also said “he who would be first, will be last.  And he who would be last, will be first.”  Not something pseudo Christians like to remember.  Banish Republicare and all who espouse it.

    Vox — I just started reading the book and agree, 2019’s spoken word award should go to the readers of Michael Wolff’s best-seller Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.  Where do I audition?  A turdburger?  Amen!!!

    Cartoon — No doubt there!

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