Jan 262018

I’m, feeling very tired, because I slept poorly last night.  It was a combination of the extreme muggy weather and having a lot on my mind.  Please pardon my brevity.  On the plus side, Carrie emailed me to tell me she has Barry home from the hospital with a catheter and a special diet.  The the cause of the problem, was not his kidneys.  It was a prostate problem, and they are waiting for analysis by a Urologist.  They appreciate your  prayer and support and say thank you.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 5:28).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): The Trump / Fox echo chamber

Barf Bag Alert!!

Faux Noise is the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda. The White House is the Republican Reichsministry of Perversion. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Inequality Media Channel): How We Can Lower Drug Prices (When Big Pharma Pulls the Strings)

Democrats have tried repeatedly to pass all three of Reich’s suggestions. Republicans have obstructed every attempt. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: One day after Donald J. Trump offered to testify under oath for the special counsel, Robert Mueller, a newly discovered video of Trump lying under oath has sent shock waves through Washington.

In the video, which experts believe was recorded approximately one year ago, Trump places his left hand on a Bible and raises his right hand before uttering a stream of falsehoods.

“The video shows him lying in front of what appears to be a substantial number of witnesses, including his wife and a Supreme Court Justice,” Davis Logsdon, a professor at the University of Minnesota Law School, said. “It does raise questions about what, exactly, testifying under oath means to him.”

Too true, Andy. Afterward he lied about inauguration crowd sizes. RESIST!!




  13 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/26/2018”

  1. 5:20 Maybe Squatch can save them.

    New (copyrighted) cartoon

    MM – None of this is new, but it’s the best presentation and explanation that I have seen. Kudos to Media Matters. Share it around!

    IM – It’s not just about drugs that Democrats have repeatedly tried and failed to pass reforms about. They have failed because the Democratic has no power. Yet everyone, including so-called progressives, is currently blaming the Democratic party for failing – such as on the budget. (I also don’t believe the members of Congess who do in fact work for Big Pharma et al would believe us if we tried to tell them they work for us. Not for an instant.)

    TNY – Except I don’t think there is any question as what testifying under oath means to him. To wit, NOTHING.

    Cartoon – Vultures, by scavenging, help keep all other creatures healthy. Republicans are not qualified to be represented by the vulture, or even to kiss their (often urine soaked) feet. (The urine kills bacteria, thus assisting in keeping the vultures healthy.)

  2. MMC: Figures. The Orange Ogre doesn’t have the brains to be original. He’s just a mouthpiece (and what a mouthpiece!) of Rethuglicans, who are stooges of Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Fossil Fuel, etc.

    IMC: WE HAVE THE POWER! The petition, the phone call, the e-mail, the letter, and above all, the ballot!

    TNY: Spot on, spot on. Now let’s use this against him and his minions.

    Cartoon: Sorry, but that’s a myth. Read more here.

  3. BBA: He should just get a job there, and be done with it. He doesn’t bring anything to the table anyhow, as this administration shows no dignity for doing the job as potus.

    IMC: It’s gotten over the top, with some families. This is very difficult for most folks, I have family members who need meds daily, and thankfully, both are on Medicare/medicaid.

    NYer: Good Grief !! He’s lied about 4-5x’s a day, hasn’t he? ugh!

    Cartoon: Yup! though, I do like vultures in their habitat, and we have lots of them here.

    Relieved about Carrie, and her husband’s good news, hope his prostate w/be alright.

    Hope that you get some rest, take good care, enjoy your evening, and Thanks, Tom.
    *I should have posted this link on the other post about our Dreamers, but here it is:
    “Trump’s State of the Union Will be Packed with Daca Receipents:

  4. MM: When Faux News dictates what Drumpf is thinking and Tweeting on, often undermining his advisors in the White House, it isn’t only us who are in serious trouble, but those WH advisors too. If they can’t stop him from watching Faux News so many hours a day, I don’t put too much faith in them stopping him from going ballistic over some perceived sleight either. Now that is truly scary.

    IM: Sadly the only thing that talks these days in most governments is money, and mostly that is big money from Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Washing Machine 03. So how are we going to convince our parliaments to stop listening to all that money? We, the people, need to put democracy back on the map.

    TNY: It may not be satire nor funny in any way, but thank you of reminding us how Drumpf has absolutely no problem with spouting a large number of falsehoods when under oath. During his inauguration he vowed to serve and protect America and he has done nothing but serve himself and destroying the country since. Vows mean nothing to him.

    Cartoon: Unfortunately the dodo has replaced the eagle in 2016

  5. Puzzle — 3:41 Sorry JD, I could not catch him!

    Media Matters — “When the network that has spent years serving as the propaganda arm of the Republican party is dictating what the rest of the media covers, we’re all in serious trouble.” — AMEN!!!  The dumbing down of America, part of the raison d’être of Faux Noise!

    Inequality Media — Yet another reason to get big money out of politics.  Big money . . . the opioid of the American system of government.

    The New Yorker — When Drumpf said he would testify under oath, my initial thought was that he’ll just lie as always.  An oath means nothing to him.  Just look how Drumpf honours his Oath of Office, or more accurately, dishonours his Oath of Office.  Andy, you’re reporting again!

    Cartoon — That may be the case, but you did get a turkey, an orange one at that, for POTUS!

    Glad to hear that doctors have been able to help Barry make progress and that he is home.  Prostate problems are never easy though.  Continued prayers for Barry and Carrie.

  6. MM: When some people ask me what I think led to the idiot’s becoming president, I tell them that it is a result of Faux News’ 20 years of BS!
    Reich: “In all other advanced nations….”  Maybe we are NOT after all, and advanced nation!! Look at statistics about incarceration rates, about birthing fatalities and on, and on.  McConnell in the mirror is so spot on!
    New Yorker: tDump would lie to, well, he does already, Mother Nature!  
    ‘Toon: We have the Turkey…in chief!

  7. Thanks all.  Sleepy Hugs. 29

    On the vulture, that was a reference to vulture capitalism only.

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