Jan 252018

It’s another busy day.  I overslept and got a late start.  I met with the Community Services Manager here to put in an application for a room in the Alder, a building in the neighborhood that is finishing a complete remodel like the one starting here.  If one of their units will fit my size needs, and their handicapped shower will fit my disability needs, I should know next week and can plan to move in late April or May.  What a pain!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 5:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Dobbs calls for purges of non-Trump loyalists in DOJ/FBI

Barf Bag Alert!!


Dobbs is getting even more disgusting as time passes! RESIST!!

From YouTube (Inequality Media Channel): Welcome to Class! In Focus: How to Ignite Social Change


The Reich on the left is Right! Everybody in the US needs to see this. Please spread it around. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Amid reports that Donald Trump might soon be summoned to appear before Robert Mueller, the White House doctor wrote a note on Wednesday indicating that Trump was too sick to talk to the special counsel.

“Donald Trump is not well,” Dr. Ronny Jackson wrote.

The doctor’s note offered a laundry list of ailments afflicting Trump, including flu-like symptoms, upset stomach, headaches, dizziness, confusion, and what Jackson called a “wartime foot injury that appears to be acting up.”

Jackson acknowledged in the note that his current assessment of Trump’s health was at odds with the robust picture he painted last week, but added, “Every patient is entitled to a second opinion, and this is mine.”

Dang Andy! Do you think it’s a case of Raving Bullshititis? RESIST!!




  15 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/25/2018”

  1. MMC: I yi yi yi yi! Mr. Dobbs, what the Hello Kitty have you been smoking lately?

    Re Social Change: I was at the People’s Congress of Resistance in September, and the Women’s Convention in October. I learned a lot at both, and made some great connections – as you, TomCat, learned from the article I wrote and sent to you.

    Cartoon: Funny AND spot-on!

  2. 5:12 I always say, just because something is poisonous, that doesn’t mean it can’t be cute.

    New (copyrighted) cartoons

    Lou Dobbs – Yes, he is. He’s also getting attention from Malcolm Nance, who says his words are actionably seditious. 

    Left Reich – Public universities are indeed extraordinarily important. Yes, both my degrees are from private ones, but that was for financial reasons (seriously – unusual circumstances made them much less expensive for me.) I do want social change, and I want it very badly. But Republicans don’t – unless you include as change “getting more so.”

    TNY – Excellent example of how a report can change depending on who it’s prepared for! LOL!

    Cartoon – Yup.

  3. MM: WTH??? is WRONG with you, Dobbs?!!

    YT: Excellent! Mr. Reich is fantastic, and such a good speaker, teacher. w/pass on too.

    NYer: omg, this is hilarious!!! A dr’s note saying he’ll be absent. I think this is a meeting that ‘Cadet Bone Spurs’ (Ms. Duckworth’s wonderful description) will not be able to get out of. lol, Andy.

    Cartoon: You bet!!!

    Ugh for you having to move, it’s hard, and the warm weather may not help either. Hopefully, it will go well, and you’ll be relaxing in your ‘new’ apartment quickly. Have a relaxing evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. If you like the place you move to, can you stay there, or do you have to move back to your current place when the remodeling is done?

  5. MMC: Dobbs is, and has always been a s**thole!
    New Yorker: Oh, poor dear!
    ‘Toon: “Facts are just annoyances,” said St. Reagan.

  6. MM: Call out the men with the straitjackets, Dobbs rant is so insane he’s an obvious threat to himself.

    IM: This will have to wait until I find some time during the weekend.

    TNY: Magnificent! “Every patient is entitled to a second opinion, and this is mine.” I guess Drumpf has influenced everyone in the White House, including his own doctor, to give an opinion one day and the next day give a second opinion that completely opposes it, and then perhaps even a third, denying the first two ever were given. Has anyone tallied the number of opposing opinions Drumpf himself has ever given on the subject “Mueller”?

    Look at the bright side, TomCat: The Alder is all freshly remodeled and probably better suited to modern needs, such as accessibility and special provisions for handicapped and it is very likely much more comfortable than your current quarters. Perhaps it is also on another road, giving you less annoyance from loud people under your window. And apparently it is in the same neighborhood, so WWW can help you out with the same or even more ease. But the moving itself? Nah, that’s never going to be easy. Sorry.

  7. Puzzle — 4:58  Somebody was back in the psychedelic 60s or 70s when they conceptualised these puppies!

    Media Matters — “crimes against a sitting president … for dishonouring their oath of office, for violating the constitution”??? — Sounds like Dobbs, senile  greedy old phart that he is, is describing Republicans during the Obama presidency!  The pResident of the WH and Republicans are the ones that are dishonouring their oaths of office, the rule of law and the constitution.  I listened to a couple of other short clips of Dobbs ranting on and he is, if nothing else, consistent in twisting everything to glorify Drumpf and Republicans.  He and all Republicans including Drumpf, are in dire need of a comprehensive lesson on the constitution.

    Inequality Media — Although I have not seen this video before, I have seen the graphs.  it is amazing that anyone could support A.

    The New Yorker — And I’ll give him my report — Take 2 aspirins and call me in the morning is not going to cut it!  Drumpf is a seriously sick person!  With animals that sick, we euthanize them.

    Cartoon — For Republicans, there are only alternative “facts”.

    The thoughts of moving is horrifying!  I have moved enough during my lifetime to not do it again.  The thoughts of it gives me nightmares!

  8. Thanks all.  Pooped hugs! 09

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