Jun 022017

It’s a profoundly sad comment on a president when the highlight of his (hopefully truncated term) is having made up a nonsensical word.  But it looks like Twitler reached the Zenith of his presidency (probably accidentally) when he Tweeted out the neologism “Covfefe” – which he or someone deleted a few hours later, so all we have are screen captures.

So to mark this solemn occasion, I thought we should revisit some of the better takes on “Covfefe” – the “Meme of the Week” – because it’s all downhill from here on out.  (Not that he reached any peaks prior to this – but “Covfefe” is probably going to be as good as it gets … *sigh*.)

I realize that you've probably seen a number of them already, so I doubt you’ll laugh your covfefe off.  But I do hope some of them will provide a chuckle, or at least a smile.

From the “Obama-Biden Bromance Meme”, I think Joe actually followed through on this one

And the reaon is because this was the most popular definition:

And right away, there was Spicey defending it by doing his normal bang-up job of lying:

And Kellyanne Conway joined in circling the wagons by explaining where the word came from

Leave it to the Trump clan (?Klan?)  to try and make a buck off of it …

Well, RC Cola decided that they weren’t going to be left out of the entrepreneurial effort

And just when I was about to head out the door to buy some RC Cola, we learned that it was a rogue account and is now suspended. 

But this Big Boy restaurant had more success


And even “Wheel of Fortune” got in on the act

But “Covfefe” does have a couple of serious medical issues to be concerned about

And an even bigger concern for all of us was this …

But the one we all hope and pray is true is this translation:




  14 Responses to “Friday Fun: A Compendium of “Covfefe” Chuckles”

  1. “Covfefe”… sigh…

    • Had I been psychic and known this would be the topic, I would have waited to comment this link.  But I didn't – so at least I can show you the one Lona the Napster liked the best:

      (If you wanted to bid, sorry – the auction is already over.)

  2. Thanks, Nameless. Best laugh I had in days.

    I had done some research on this too, just for fun and it is really getting very trendy around the world, but that'll soon die down again now that Drumpf has given all of us new material after his White House announcement that he wants to make a new deal, a much better deal for America, with those other 194 countries that have signed the Paris Accord. We can expect lots of new tweets on that subject, I suppose.

    Before signing of I'd like to leave you with this funny, but also interesting covfefe meme as food for thought:


  3. I especially like the last one …

    IF ONLY!!!

    • I pretty much agree … BUT with the huge caveat if Pence is actually next up (not a given, given his own Russian ties).

      Then the question is: Frying Pan … or Fire?

  4. LOL Nameless.  In prison slang a fefe is a homemade sex toy for men.  Could Trump be describing Putin's use for Trumps hair?!!?  EWWWWW!! surprise

  5. Like Evelyn, I am particularly in favour of the last definition — "I resign."

  6. Thanks, Nameless.

  7. These are hilarious!!, Nameless
    I would hope that the real meaning of 'covfefe' is "You're FIRED" AND change locks on all doors to WH too!

    Thank you, Nameless, for post, and Joanne for cross posting.

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