Apr 122017

I’m waiting for Store to Door to deliver groceries and Wendy comes this evening.  Except for my antibiotics, yesterday was my last day of meds, Prednisone and Oxycodone, so now I have to see, if I can make it without them.  I’m feeling strange.  Hugs!  RESIST!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:56 (average 6:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  20 Responses to “Personal Update – 4/12/2017”

  1. (6:48)  Warmer, yes, but MUST it be ORANGE?

    Oh, wow.  Best wishes in the recovery.  We are with you!

    Prayer/Good wishes/White light request:  Carolyn Turner, current head of Advocates For Change (AFC), a Colorado group which fights for prisoners' rights, was in a car accident recently.  The initial report was her right ankle, ribs and sternum were broken. Then they learned that her ankle was actually crushed.  I see her when we visit the same prison on the same days (which obviously will not happen in the future for a while).  Having personal knowledge of how difficult it can be to visit when one has any physical issues, I am hoping for a full recovery.  Thanks.

    Sometimes this column needs a hanky alert.  This is one of those days. 

    Cartoon – A sad loss in possibly even sadder circumstances.

  2. This is just so COOL! Your getting better! Can you get around in George? Glad you are feeling BETTER !! Cheers to Wendy!

  3. Puzzle — 4:55  I am not a fan of marmalade unless it is the name of a cat and then all bets are off!  My Winnie almost was named Marmalade because he is a ginger tabby.

    Cartoon — FDR had more compassion for the people, and more foresight than all of today's Republican's combined!

    Feeling strange?  Is this something you should be talking to Megan about?  I have had the stomach flu since last Friday which has kept me very close to the loo.  I went out yesterday afternoon thinking I was good but still tired.  We had sandwiches and fruit at the meeting I attended, and then I was up half the night again leaving me very tired at physio. On top of that, the stomach flu has meant many sugar lows.  I wasn't allowed to do any bicycling today incase it tanked my sugars.  Ha, they tanked shortly afterward anyway.  I sat in my car popping glucose tablets and resting so I could drive home.  I don't like having to take the glucose tablets but I sure do like the taste. Take care Puddy Tat!

    • Although I don't think this'll work for you if you're a diabetic, Lynn.  One of the recommendations when treating a stomach flu is to avoid all things sugary, but you need to pop those glucose tablets to raise your sugar level, but that may prolong you stomach flu symptoms, which in turn… Nasty cycle which I hope you'll manage to snap out off really soon, Lynn.

      • Thanks Lona.  I managed to eat some spaghetti last night with no effects so perhaps Tuesday night's episode was just the last hurrah so to speak for the stomach flu.  I feel pretty good today.

    • Hope you feel better.

      Please can those bendibs I emailed you about.

    • Love this "paw print" graphic. Colorful!

    • Do feel better…soon!

  4. I do hope you're coming off the Prednisone and the Oxycodone doesn't make you feel strange for to long, TomCat. The doctors weren't reluctant to give you another dose for nothing…they could have some side effects when taken longer than a few days and then when you stop taking them. You haven't taken them for too long, though, so you should be feeling better soon, although perhaps a bit anxious if you think you may relapse again? When in doubt, follow Lynn's advise and call Megan.

  5. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

  6. Great ad – I hope it shows a thousand times everywhere.

    Sending be wells and hugs to all who need them…. we are all suffering from too much trump.  I'm waiting for the day when that sob is led away in handcuffs and Jeff Sessions, Betsy Devos, and Tom Price are with him.

  7. Best wishes for EVERYBODY'S health.  I'm done with my 2nd Z-Pak in a month and a half, and now, an inhaler for spasmodic damned coughing.

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