Mar 312017

I wasn’t planning to write today, but my appointment did not take much time, and I wanted to tackle the news.  Megan refused to refill the Prednisone without seeing me, and I opted not to go in.  The stretching it takes to put on George is the worst thing I could do for my chest muscles, and having to spend three hours waiting for will-call lift rides would elevate my stress level.  And since I had already spent the night waiting for her front office to get her the message, and I am in not as much pain as I feared, albeit far moré than I’d hoped, I’m rolling the dice that I van get through the weekend without it.  Tomorrow will definitely be a short day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Now that the White House realizes it’s bound to a suicide vest known as the "Freedom Caucus," Donald Trump’s aides are on the hunt for Democrats who will help the popular vote loser bring his legislative agenda to fruition.

Under normal circumstances, building a relationship with a Republican president in order to influence legislation might make sense. But these are not normal times. To negotiate with Trump would be to lend credibility to someone who is quite possibly an illegitimate occupant of the Oval Office, has stacked his cabinet with unqualified hacks intended to undercut the very foundation of the federal government, tests the Constitutional limitations of his office at every turn, and who, as our own Laura Clawson pointed out, can’t go two sentences without expelling a lie.

Fat chance!! In the Senate, I think there are only two or three DINOS cowardly enough to goose=step with this Fuhrer. Miserable Manchin [DINO-WV] and Horrid Heitkamp [DINO-ND] even plan to vote FOR Whoresuch. If either is yours, tear them a new one. RESIST!!

From Politico: The road to a Democratic Senate majority in 2018 runs through Texas — yes, Texas.

Facing a grim midterm map, Democrats are desperately trying to put enough GOP-held seats in play to take advantage of Donald Trump’s unpopularity and carve a credible path back to Senate control. The odds are so long that Democrats must pin their hopes on taking out Ted Cruz in the reliably conservative bastion of Texas.

Their first ray of hope is the entry of three-term Rep. Beto O’Rourke — a 44-year-old former hard rock musician and internet entrepreneur who speaks fluent Spanish — into the race on Friday. Though Cruz is universally known, Democrats insist he’s not invincible, pointing to the first-term Republican’s poor polling numbers and prolonged focus on running for president.

And they say O’Rourke is formidable enough that they can make a case to donors that they actually have a shot at winning the state — and the Senate overall.

If Democrats challenge TRUS Pervert Cruse by opposing him with a Howler howls off key, has mange, body odor, and halitosis, that masturbates continuously, and that throws feces at all in range… support the monkey! RESIST!!

From Think Progress1. The Trump family’s apparent kleptocracy

Chaffetz told Coppins that he is unconcerned with issues like Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway using her position to urge people to buy Trump’s daughter’s line of jewelry or questions about his son-in-law’s investments.

“I don’t see how that affects the average American and their taxpayer dollars. Just the fact that a staff person’s family is making money? It’s not enough,” he explained. “These other little intrigues about a wealthy family making money is a bit of a sideshow.”

This is the first of five Trump crimes that the House Oversight Committee Chair does not consider worth investigating. Click through for the other four. RESIST!!




  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/31/2017”

  1. DK: Lead the way, Mr. Lynch!!! I'd say something more graphic than 'Get Bent' too. Stand up Dems!! c'mon!

    Politico: I listen to Mr. O'Rourke, love this guy!!! "“People want to win and they want to play offense. And Texas represents that,” O’Rourke said in an interview earlier this month. “Texas is how you win back the Senate." He's THE MAN in my book!!

    TP: o.m.g.!! Get real, Chaffetz! YOU should be investigated for bowing down to dt, and not doing your job! UGH!

    Cartoon: "In New Jersey, March 31 is annually celebrated as Thomas Mundy Peterson Day in recognition of his historic vote." As well it should!!!

    Prayers for you, that all goes well this weekend. Take good, good care, and Rest & Relax. Thanks, Tom.

  2. 5:29  Guess my mind was on the road.

    Appears to be sound decision making.  We'll all hope and pray it works out.

    DKos – Manchin can hardly even believe he's trying to help his people can he?  If so, he's as delusional as they.  I think his positions are just for the votes.  Heidi's situation is not quite the same, though I think she is wrong too.  My (alas) Bennet is thinking of voting for Gorsuch.  I wrote him a letter in my own words, including pointing out that such a vote would be a betrayal, not only of us his constituents, but of Barack Obama, who campaigned hard for him last time he was up for election.  I do not expect to get a reasoned answer.

    Politico – I really don't know Texas, so I will defer to Pat B. – and be VERY glad she is optimistic!

    TP – Chaffetz as an overseer?  Maybe on a cotton plantation!  But not in the House!

    Cartoon – I celebrate every black voter, and every other voter, in my own heart.  I might be willing to celebrate the last Republican voter.

  3. DK: One can not negotiate, nor curry favor, with Rumpy, as he will only take what he wants and then say "Screw off!"  By the way, there is a wonderfully trenchant analysis of Rumpy, and the GOP as Anarchists, rather than Fascists, by Bill Moyers, at:

    Politico:  I have cousins in Texas, and will have to talk to them about this!

    TP: Rump gets a "by" on so many things that would have scuttled any other canidate, and I wonder if this has somethong to do with his stance as not a politician, and/or, as a celebrity!  Of course domestic abuser John Wayne Bobbit was also seen, by some, as a celebrity, after his abused wife separated him from his "manliness!"


  4. Puzzle — 4:20  OK Puddy Tat, but remember the food here is all junk food . . . no fresh dawg or tastey birdies.

    Daily Kos — Why do people like Manchin and Heitkamp stay with the Democrats when they vote like a Republican?  If they think they can negotiate with Drumpfenfarten, they are sadly mistaken.  He lies like a rug and does not honour commitments — just ask all the contractors etc that he has stiffed.  Dems need to grow a pair!

    Politico — Who'da thunk?  Texas?  Is hell freezing over?  Go O'Rourke!!!  Show them a progressive Texas!

    Think Progress — Chaffetz is bought and paid for by Drumpfenfarten, just like Jeff Sessions and others.  He walked out of an angry town hall.  Let's hope that his constituents walk out on him in 2018!

    Cartoon — The real celebration will be with the ousting of the final Repulican! Don't get me wrong, Peterson's first vote should be celebrated.  But with Republicans, that progress is coming to a screeching halt, and that can't be allowed to happen.


    Resist and Persist!!!


  5. Sorry about the Prednisone, but you made the right decision not to go in and see Megan, TomCat. That may have made matters worse. So sending you good vibes to get you further on the road of recovery and a world without pain.

    DK: I hope Democrats in Congress are strong enough by now to make it clear to any dissidents that a vote with the Republicans/Drumpf is a fall from grace in the Democratic party. There's no room for DINOs.

    Politico: Agreed, from our point of view anything is better than Ted Cruz, but that doesn't mean anything will get enough votes to defeat him. So you need a man of some substance and preferably a progressive and not a DINO who's willing to work with Drumpf. I hope Beto O'Rourke is all that and can't wait to hear how he's establishing himself as the one and only choice for Ted Cuz's  senate seat.

    TP: Can Chaffetz as chairman just dismiss cases, and start investigations on others, of his own accord? If that is the case, Chaffetz needs to be under investigation himself. The way he's shielding off both Drumpf and his family/staff, contrary to what he said before, is an indication that he now only sees "the check and balance of government" only as a way to keep his bank account well balanced and his power and status as chairman of his Oversight committee in check.


  6. Thanks all!  Hugs!

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