Gas from the Sphincter

 Posted by at 1:45 pm  Politics
Mar 012017

I did not watch the speech.  I had less than 100 industrial strength barf bags left, and George told me that if I used him for the overflow, he would reject Stumpy for a month.

In recent weeks, as the horror of living in  a Republican Reich has begun to unfold, it slipped my mind that the Fuhrer can be very skillful at following a script on a reality show.  His speech was nothing like his persona and was completely unrelated to his policies.  It was good enough to fool casual viewers, who have not been following recent events, to think Trump might not be so bad, after all.


President Donald Trump got rave reviews for his disciplined, restrained first address before Congress, but a pressing question looms — can this Trump last?

There are signs Trump and his aides are proactively trying to keep the good vibes going. They yanked the rollout of a new executive order on Trump’s controversial travel ban that sparked mass protests across the nation. Vice President Mike Pence was trotted out on the morning shows to deliver his ever-on-message talking points – even saying Trump’s speech was “all him,” even though many of his aides had a heavy hand in its crafting. And Trump himself was banal on Twitter, simply writing “THANK YOU” on Wednesday morning.

But there are real doubts Trump can stick to his pledge on Tuesday night that the “time for trivial fights is behind us,” and Democrats were eager to claim the presidential figure appearing in the well of the House was a phony.

“This president’s speech matters a lot less than the speeches of just about any other president because they’re detached from his reality. He talks one way and does another,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said on CNN Wednesday morning, adding on ABC that Trump “talks to the working folks of America, they were his main constituency, but the way he’s governed has been totally with the hard right special interests against the working people.”…

From <Politico>

For better commentary, here are several clips from MSNBC.

Bill Maher weighs in on Trump

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s ‘Real Time,’ joins Chris to discuss Trump’s Join Address and his call to "drain the swamp."


He’s right! It was nothing like the real Fuhrer, but he did drain the swamp. Most of the decent people are drained and gone.

Moore: we are witnessing new chapter in Orwell’s 1984

Michael Moore discusses Trump’s aggressive agenda outlined in hist first address to Congress.


All of the Fuhrer’s talk is doublespeak!  I call it RepubliSpeak.

Maddow: Trump disconnected from his own policies as president

Rachel Maddow discusses with an MSNBC panel what accounts for the disconnect between what Donald Trump says unscripted and in interviews and what Donald Trump reads from teleprompters and signs into law.


Rachel made it clear that Trump is not governing at all, I deduce that the Fuhrer has outsourced government to his Nazi cronies.

Democrats on new footing in the Trump era

Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and DNC deputy chairman, Rep. Keith Ellison, discuss Donald Trump’s address to Congress and how the Democrats plan to take back power in Washington, D.C.


Steve Bannon on steroids is a most apt description.

Before wrapping this up, I need to add one thing.  For Trump to put the widow of the SEAL he murdered through his incompetent dinner table "planning" of his failed Yemen raid on display and then to claim the standing ovation she received is just so evil that decent people everywhere need to



  14 Responses to “Gas from the Sphincter”

  1. Note to Media:
    The fact that Twitler was able to read the complete sentences that someone else wrote for him while not drooling does NOT put him on a par w/ Cicero.

  2. I'm going to comment first and watch later – partly because I can't imagine that I could possibly improve on TC's analysis, and partly because, though I didn't watch, I have been reading some.

    I'm not familiar with columnist Brandon Friedman, but user "Pollwatcher" at Daily Kos (who wasn't familiar with him either) found a Twitter feed of his which I thought revealing.

    Van Jones is taking a lot of heat todayfor saying "Trump just became President" and "This is the kind of thing that can lead to reelection," but everyone who is upset is taking it that Van perceives it that way himself, and I am not so sure.  He could be talking not so much about Trump as about the electorate – and we already know the electorate is easily fooled.  It could be cautionary advice – and heaven knows we need caution.

  3. I may watch laer, certisanly dod not watch last night.  I thoroughtly agreewith TC' assessment, and find Chuck Schumer's comment to be a very nice way of saying that bullshit is bullshit, is bullshit!


    • Man what the hell am I drinking? 

      Too much in a rush, got to get dinner started, sorry.

  4. Will get back the videos later. Or tomorrow.
    Love your picture of DT, didn't listen to him at all.

  5. Across the ages, in most cultures worldly and religious rulers kept "the people" quiet with entertainment of some sorts: quick, easy digestible chunks of excitement and emotion, anything that got the adrenalin flowing for a while. In modern day culture is seems to be all about entertainment and we have now come so far that the American president is not-the-popular-vote elected solely on his entertainment qualities. And if Drumpf doesn't acknowledge that, his acolytes certainly do.

    So together they made the most of it. The address was planned on prime time, so even the 'enemies of America' would air it. They knew he couldn't get away with a campaign off-the-top-of-his-head speech, so the wrote one for him an put it on teleprompter. They didn't put in very obvious lies, but a lot of insinuating, out of context or unverifiable stuff instead. They put in the widow (next to the 'second lady'?) of the man Drumpf sent to his death in a botched operation in Yemen for the emotional pitch and Drumpf read the script well, giving a reasonable impression of a president unless he went off teleprompter when he had to share the lime light with someone else and true Drumpf came out again (talking about the applause the widow got as if it were his ratings).

    But the main thing was: it was reasonably entertaining for a presidential address to Congress. Never mind that the address had little to do with his policies he and his bottom-of-the-swamp cabinet are putting in place. Never mind he'll say something different and equably disconnected from our reality tomorrow when he's not on auto-cue and he's found his phone which Bannon had confiscated.

    As Rachel, and others now, has said before: don't listen and react to everything Drumpf and his minions say; watch what they are doing instead and


  6. I did not watch Drumpf's, not-my-president, speech to Congress as I have become allergic to the sight of him on the internet. The barf bags, nearby, are on a continuous stand-by . sigh… I am totally opposed to the 84 billion dollar increase for the military. 
    Bernie Sanders' BRILLIANT Response To Trump's Speech To Congress
    Published on Feb 28, 2017
    Bernie Sanders isn't buying what Donald Trump is selling. In his response to the President's first speech before Congress, Sanders calls out Trump for going back on his campaign promises, lying about corporate tax rates, and continues his push for a single-payer healthcare system. 14:15min (CC)

    Drumpf used the widow of Ryan Owen and covered up his own incompetence in handing this situation of a botched military raid. Simply shameful. 

  7. Watched some of the speech and then put it on mute before my head exploded.  Have we set the bar so low that  just because lizards and snakes don't fall from trump's mouth, we think he has seen the light?  He uses a widow for his own glorification when that same day he vilified the military.  He talks about clean water when that same day he rolled back Obama's clean water program.  He talks about condemning hate crimes against Jews when that same day he suggested they were doing the crimes themselves to make him look bad.  All distraction to take our minds away from Russia and all the other crapola this man is doing.  I give his speech a Z-

  8. I did not watch Drumpfenfarten's speech however I did hear snippets.  (Sometimes I think we get more American news than Canadian or other international news.)  I couldn't believe what I was hearing! From a delivery perspective, the language was educated and diplomatic, not the brass and crass language usually associated with Drumpf.  I wonder how long Drumpf had to practice to get pronunciations correct.  From a promises/policy perspective, there were more flip-flops from previous pronouncements than we experienced in 2012 with Rmoney, and that is a lot!

    The only words of Drumpf's that I would believe are "I'm going to screw the country for my own benefit.  The hell with anyone else!"


    Resist and Persist!!!

  9. Thans all.  The big irony here is that, although none of us warched it, we al;l know more about it tnan most who did.

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