The Price of Integrity

 Posted by at 1:46 pm  Politics
Feb 222017

Few situations are more difficult than the dilemma faced by career nonpartisan employees in federal service, as Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten and the incompetents and extremists in his Republican Reich are ripping to shreds everything those employees have spent their careers building.  What can one do?  The price of integrity is high.  Just ask Ned Price.


A longtime Central Intelligence Agency analyst is speaking out on his decision to resign, after more than a decade of service, because of the Trump administration.

"Despite working proudly for Republican and Democratic presidents, I reluctantly concluded that I cannot in good faith serve this administration as an intelligence professional,” Ned Price, a former intelligence analyst and National Security Council spokesman, wrote in a Washington Post op-ed published Monday.

Price, who worked in the agency under President George W. Bush and President Obama, said he did not make the decision lightly.

"There was no greater reward than having my analysis presented to the president and seeing it shape events. Intelligence informing policy — this is how the system is supposed to work,”… [emphasis added]

From <The Hill>

I encourage you to click through to Price’s op-ed and read his entire statement.

Ned appeared with Rachel Maddow to discuss his decision.

He escaped with his integrity.  Since he is expressing a desire for public service, he might consider running for public office.

There must be many thousand more federal workers facing the same dilemma.  I hope they have the integrity to quit as well.  If liberals ever force Republicans out, I believe people like Price would be welcomed back.


  6 Responses to “The Price of Integrity”

  1. "Good faith."  Two words which I value highly (and their meaning even more highly.)  How could I predeict that these two words would one day bring me to tears? 

    I would surely HOPE that anyone resigning under these circumstances would be welcomed back with open arms by a SANE administration.  But I have to say the current "administration" is separating, not the men from the boys nor the women from the girls, but the hope from the faith for me.

  2. Kudos to Mr. Price for standing up for his values, dedication, commitments, and beliefs. I wish this gentleman the very best in his endeavors for his future.

  3. Rumpy would be very likely to berate this fellow, as ethics are not his favorite thing! 

  4. Kudos to Ned Price!  I wish him well.  Integrity can be a difficult thing to possess at times.  Some others may be able to follow suit, but others may not be in a financial position to follow suit, despite wanting to to.


    Resist and Persist!!!

  5. Mr. Price is a courageous man made of strong moral fiber and I wish him well in any future employment that will honor those qualities. He came away with his integrity intact and that will certainly be the case for a number of men and women working in the intelligence agencies, but, for whatever personal reason,  many may not be in Price's position and not be able to cut ties that easily.

    I've no doubt the pressure on people in the agencies will grow with vague threats of being sued or "never work a day again". And if they quit they'll be made out to be the leaks to the press. No Drumpf still inhabits that alternative reality show of his; he won't have them quit on him, he wants to fire them personally. Because it makes him feel so "powerful".

  6. Thanks and AMEN to all!

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