Jan 292017


The Republican Reich, guided by the tiny, incompetent hands of Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten had an opening week with lots of outrages and idiocies.  Here are just a few of the underreported ones.

6 Cringe-Inducing Moments From Trump’s First Week You Might Have Missed

Amid the mounting horrors of Donald Trump’s first week in office was a stunning amount of boneheaded ridiculousness. The president signed an executive order banning Muslims and refugees from seven countries that rivals Japanese internment camps for racism. He also continued his tantrum about inauguration crowd size and his popular vote loss. He and his puppeteer,…



  22 Responses to “Six Cringes from the First Week of the Reich”

  1. Trump took an oath, and so did we:


    Ready to Fight Trump? Start Here!


  2. Well, I caught 1 snd 2.  I missed 3 and 4 and part of 5, but none of them surprises me.

    As to 6, I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that closing the line is normal at the change of administrations.  What is NOT normal is KEEPING it closed for so long.  However, people are finding ways to work around the closure.  Calling Trump businesses and leaving messages is one.  And there's always Twitter.

    Incidentally, I am seeing a lot of the Tangerine Traitor being called "Bannon's puppet."  I try to keep pointing out that it only looks like that as long as Bannon's and Putin's interests appear to run together.  He hasn't been in office that long.  The gloves are bound to come off.

  3. Quote from above: It was flat-out insane.

    What more needs to be said. The sooner Americans realize that an alternate reality, in which the insane can run what was up to that point the world's most powerful nation, has become their everyday reality, the better. Hopefully they do it before the "new"Voice of America resounds in their heads. Let's hope they'll keep their wits about them, join in and


  4. The Nation is protesting, and resisting!
    He's deplorable, and a tyrant.
    He cares NOTHING of the American People, thus, our power in numbers, to stop this A–Hat from doing more damage. 9 days, folks, and look what he's done so far. u.g.H!!!

  5. It's bizarre.  Trump seems to personify a weird combination of Benito Mussolini and the Three Stooges.  We've never seen anything like this in the top levels of government before.

    Even after this mess is over, we must never let the country forget that it was the Republican party that enabled it.  For now and forever, they are the Party of Trump.

  6. One very, very sick puppy, playing in his feces!

  7. I went to church this morning and the sermon was an accounting of Drumpfenfarten's first week in office and how it does not meet true Christian teachings, not even human decency!  Pastor Dave had his facts — not alternative facts — layed out so well.  With the way the first 7 days went, the remaining days of his term will only get worse, that is unless he is impeached or assassinated. I am not in favour of the latter, but being banish to Pluto sounds like a plan!



    • Except that leaves us with Pence!

      Trump is evil, but incompetent.

      Pence is malevolent and focused.

      • Impeach Pence.  Then Trump. Then Ryan,

      • True, but Pence is a conventional politician who wouldn't try to nuke some foreign capital city in a fit of temper or destroy our entire relationship with Latin America out of sheer stupidity.  Those are my biggest worries about Trump.

        Pence is a theocrat whose natural base of support is probably even smaller than Trump's.  Remember, it was pressure from the private-sector business community that made him back down on his signature anti-gay law in Indiana.  The kind of mass pressure that has worked against some of Trump's actions would work against him too.  And since he doesn't have much appeal beyond evangelicals, and certainly not Trump's populist flair, he'd likely be easier to defeat in 2020.

  8. All true – but :

    Trump has actually brought people together – I was amazed at the airport protestors, not just in NYC but all over the country.

    And even taxi drivers going on strike as their part.  (Uber still ran so folks deleting Uber accounts now)  Pictures, cartoons, reposting of things that this admin.  thought they'd eradicated  (like Pence saying a Muslim ban was "Offensive and unconstitutional").  And every stupid Trump tweet getting a barrage of disagreement.   The PM of England saying she held Rump's hand because he's afraid of stairs.  Trudeau saying refuges are welcome there.  Merkel saying she read the laws of the Geneva Convention to Rump over the phone.  And the former president of Mexico REALLY going after Trump  (the last something about plans being thought out first, not just a sh*t stream of garbage).


    Scientists coming together – people speaking with facts instead of "alternate facts".  Kellyanne Twit said she's been detained at the airport before – in handcuffs??  For hours?  Without access to phone or family or lawyer?  And how about Guiliani throwing Trump under the bus?  Trump  trying to say it's all about safety and G spilling the beans that it was about religion but they decided they had to use safety as the excuse instead….


    Charts showing where the 9/11 terrorists came from and Trump business in those same countries but no  terrorists or Trump business in the 7 countries that are being targeted.  Lists showing you have a better chance of being killed by a cow – or your own bed! – than being killed by a  terrorist.  Even a few Trump supporters admitting they made a mistake and were sorry – to which the reply was "don't be sorry – join the resistance".



  9. That was just the first week! Wait until we see what THIS week brings! 

    Never a dull moment! And we thought we'd miss Sarah Palin. Instead she was replaced by Kellyann Conway…who'd have thought? If we are going to impeach this scumbag, then we need to make it clear that the WHOLE team goes! Nobody left-especially not Bannon and Pence! Pence needs to go, too. Trump is stupid, Pence is not. Pence is the truly dangerous one!

  10. Excellent article – and this is where I meant to put the link to  the Ecowatch article but there we go – my headache is bad, and I'll blame that! 

    I'm so glad to see Arielle commenting that people are coming together in view of these horrors and are peacefully protesting this (words fail me – its the headache again!)…. list of venom coming from on high. 

    I keep praying 'God, please bring good out of evil' – I do hope and pray that a lot of good will come out of this evil and stupidity!


  11. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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