Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now!

 Posted by at 10:04 am  Politics
Jan 022017

Almost a month ago, Noam Chomsky appeared on Democracy Now! to commemorate their twentieth anniversary.  In the process, hew discussed ways in which the ascension of future Resident (NEVER President) Trump, threatens not only the United States, but also, the survival of humanity.


On December 5, over 2,300 people packed into the historic Riverside Church here in Manhattan to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Democracy Now! Speakers included Noam Chomsky, world-renowned political dissident, linguist, author, institute professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "We now face are the most severe that have ever arisen in human history. They are literal threats to survival: nuclear war, environmental catastrophe. These are very urgent concerns," Chomsky said. "They cannot be delayed. They became more urgent on November 8th, for the reasons you know and that I mentioned. They have to be faced directly, and soon, if the human experiment is not to prove to be a disastrous failure."..,

From <Democracy Now!>


Folks unable co watch the video can click through for a complete transcript.

I think Chomsky makes a lot of good points here.  There can be only obe response.



  9 Responses to “Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now!”

  1. We can't ignore the resonance of his words…
    Rise up, Resist, and React!!
    Excellent video, passing this on too.
    Thanks, Tom.

  2. I will check it out soon, but want to say that after the U.N. abstention on the Israel vote, one of my acquaintances was sending stuff about how awful our action was. I responded, in part, by sending something that referred to Chomsky. He, in turn, responded that he'd never heard of Chomsky. My response, before sending him some biographical material was, "If you've never heard of him, it is because we live in different cultures." Yeah, he probably reads the N.Y Post BS sheet, and watches Faux News. We both live in N.J., but each, apparently, in his OWN N.J.!

  3. What Mitch says is profound.  I am often astonished by people or events that loom large to me but which others seem never to have heard of.  Maybe each of us lives in his or her own world – a truly frightening thought when some of those worlds are clearly built on falsehoods and fantasies.  I read that the Wall Street Journal, in essence, plans never to say that the Cheeto-faced ferret-wearing shitgibbon is lying.  They say this is because the word "lie" implies intent (with which I absolutely agree in principle).  I commented there that I could live with them avoiding the word "lie" if they would only use other words, like "false," or "fake," or "phony," or even "non-factual," which don't imply intent.  But they won't.

    RESIST !!!

  4. Joanne's point ABOUT THE WSJ, MUST BE SEEN IN THE CONTEXT OF "FAKE NEWS," AS THE WSJ IS OWNED BY RUPERT MURDOCH, of Faux news, who allowed his former employee, Roger Ailes, to convince him, for business reasons, that it would not be good to come out in support of Obama, for president! Let's send that Motherfucker back!

  5. I have viewed the talk, and can only applaud it!

  6. You can leave it up to Noam Chomsky to bring all of it together, clearly, rationally and comprehensively. And sadly his speeches and articles are getting more sombre and depressing as humanity seems to be hellbent on destroying itself and take the planet with it. I never realized it before, but one of the scenarios Chomsky puts before us on how this could happen is beyond ironic: through global warming, water is rapidly becoming the new oil, the shortage of which may pitch archenemies with nuclear power against each other soon. If they deploy their nuclear arsenal, this may be the start of a nuclear winter which will finish off what global warming has started: us and everything else on Earth. It may be a fitting end to our species as we're the ones the caused both, but the rest of the planet doesn't deserve that.

    We can only hope that more people across the world heed Chomsky's message and RESIST the Drumpfs and Republicans that are among us everywhere. Only then can humanity hope to save itself from itself, as no other motivation is strong enough to turn the tide.

  7. A very good presentation by Chomsky.  Through some technical difficulties earlier today with the video, I found there is a second part which is a conversation with Chomsky and Harry Belafonte.  I recommend that part as well.

    We are the authors of our own downfall.

    I agree with you Lona that the new oil is water, fresh water for crops and consumption.  Add that to climate change/global warming (which are not the same) and the potential for nuclear holocaust, we really are in quite a pickle.



  8. Thanks all!  Very tired hugs!!

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