Nov 102016

I’m still feeling gob-smacked.  I discarded the poll and will not do a poll results article for it, because I feel shame that we could have been so wrong.  There is a new poll up, and it is most appropriate for the occasion.  In the last fifteen months, I have survived flesh eating bacteria, I have survived a month in a coma, I have survived the loss of a leg, and I have survived cancer.  Whether or not I can survive Herr Reichsfuhrer Drumpfenfart is still an open question, but I sure as hell am not giving up!  Nevertheless, never before have I been so ashamed to be a US American.

Jug Zone Puzzles:

Yesterday’s took me 3:49 (average 5:53).  To do it, click here.  Today’s took me 2:54 (average 4:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): A Beautiful, Faraway Dream


Bingo, Sam!

From NY Times: It was a revolt against elite complacency, an almost palpable shock to conventional wisdom and conventional politics. Opponents could barely comprehend the poll-confounding news. This was June in Britain, not November in America, and the upset was the British decision to leave the European Union.

The election of Donald J. Trump as America’s 45th president has strong parallels to the British decision, known as “Brexit,” but the impact will be much bigger, in Europe and the world.

Mr. Trump’s victory was hailed by European far-right leaders, including the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban. And there were immediate concerns about how the anti-elitist surge will affect other European votes…

I certainly hope this voting trend does not continue in other places, but the impending Reich in the former US  republic proves one thing. The abject fools known as Bridiots for voting for Brexit have now been demoted to the second stupidest group of voters in the world.

From YouTube (GQ Channel): The Terrorists Have Won: Donald Trump is the New President


Amen, Keith!




  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/10/2016”

  1. You were one of the first I thought of, TC, on that horrible, terrible, very bad evening.   I suspect we all will have to go thru the 7 stages of grief but I'm stuck at #1 – ANGER.   Anger that people  could be so stupid, so uninformed, so …so…. SO Republican!

    There is a lot of rage out there and it will have to be expressed somewhere somehow.  I wish I had the grace and dignity of Obama but that's not gonna happen.  

    But as Tim Kaine said, "we may be kilt, but we're not whipped"…. and we will fight on.

  2. You have gone through so much, physically and emotionally, and came through it all. I'm so relieved and proud of you, Tom. Yes, you never gave up.  Speaking for myself here, nor will I.

    I too, also thought of you, and the panel here, as well as family, and having to tell the (family) children that DT has won the votes to become our next President. KO is so spot on with his video also.

    Get some rest. Thanks, Tom.

  3. Wednesday:  5:59 (5:53)  Whatever.
    Thursday:  3:50 (4:23)  Yeah, I'd eat those.  But then I don't need to watch my blood sugar all that closely.  Careful, you.

    I saw the poll earlier, voted, commented.  Well, we were wrong on the last one, but we were in good company.

    When you finish looking at Keith O, page back one post (bottom of the comments, lower left of the center panel) and look at Keith E – and do whatever you think best.

    I knew the terrorists had won when the Patriot Act was passed.  But even I didn't know it would last so long and get so much worse.

    Oh, yeah – forgot – Happy Birthday, U.S. Marine Corps, 241 today.

  4. Puzzle — 3:14  Look at that . . . a puddy tat leisure space with sand box, fresh water, scratching posts and lots of climbing equipment!   3:15  With your lack of restorative sleep, I think you need these more than me. . . but only these three!

    Youtube — Sam is so funny . . . and so spot on!  Now, time to get back to work.

    NY Times — Here in Canada, we have MP Kellie Leitch who is running for the Conservative leadership vacated by Herr Harper. She "…hailed Trump’s presidential victory as an “exciting message that needs to be delivered in Canada as well.”  Here is the link to the McLean's piece .  Disgusting!  Leitch has no idea about Canadian values as far as I am concerned.  Let's hope that Canadians have more sense than Americans when it comes to politicians.

    Youtube — There's that ditch again!  Keith is spot on!

    Cartoon — As I had read and then Lona reminded me, Kristallnacht was 9-10/11/1938 in Nazi Germany.  Prophetic to 2016 USA?

    I'm in a bit of a hurry as I'm teaching this afternoon.  Later.

  5. It's nearly 12/10 here now, so I really need to stop with reading on Trump now, otherwise I won't sleep, again. I'll come back to comment all fresh and energetic (I hope) tomorrow morning.

  6. You tube:  I might agree if the outcome had been different.

    NY Times:  How did our world suddenly become so right wing?

    GQ:  While I agree with this, it is incredibly depressing.

    Cartoon:  That is what he hopes for.

  7. But TC – didn't EVERYONE call this wrong?  (And didn't Hillary win on numbers, so in a sense you were right).  You were the first person I thought of and prayed for (then everyone else) as this was such a vile shock.  

    Can't this be an opportunity for grassroots voters to take back control of the Democratic Party and take it away from big business?  Trump's promises of jobs for the poor will never come to fruition – he never had a plan – so their voters will surely think again about supporting him…  I hope! 

  8. OMG. I'm sick of him already! He will go down as the one president that wiped away all progress from the last 50 years! I hope that women that voted for him will remember where we were in progress when this fool got into office!

  9. Thanks all.  Hugs!

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