Nov 012016

Please forgive my brevity.  If ever I put two pounds of you know what into a one pound bag, today is the day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:09 (average 5:01).  To do it, click here.

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from our own Fantasy Football league, Lefty Blog Friends.



This week it was Vivian’s turn to kick my butt.



Congrats to Vivian and Rob for leading the league.

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Warren County’s Democratic Party headquarters in Lebanon, Ohio was vandalized this weekend. Out in front of the headquarters, a pile of manure was dumped. The Ohio Democrats’ response was just right.

When they dump manure, we go high! One of our best performing offices, generating strong D early vote. Lesson: keep organizing while they bs

Republicans are too full of BS to ever run short!

From CNN: Paul Ryan might be done defending Donald Trump, but the House speaker said Tuesday that he still followed through on his pledge to vote for the Republican Party’s presidential nominee.

Ryan told Fox News that he already cast his vote in his hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin, but didn’t use the real estate mogul’s name.

"I stand where I’ve stood all fall and all summer," Ryan said during an appearance on "Fox and Friends." "In fact I already voted here in Janesville for our nominee last week in early voting. We need to support our entire Republican ticket."

Regardless of how they posture Lyin’ Ryan and Rump Dump Trump are two pees in a pot!

From CNBC: FBI Director James Comey’s October bombshell is already reverberating further down the ballot.

The surprise disclosure Friday that his agency is probing emails related to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has delivered a major blow to both her campaign and her party’s hopes of retaking control of the Senate.

It’s also created a headwind for down-ballot Democrats hoping to capture seats from the GOP in close races by winning over the remaining undecided vote.

As I said two days ago, Comey’s illegal Republican Intent was not to elect Rump Dump, but to effect the down ballot.  Even this Republican source admits the effect.



A Rump Dump Wet Dream!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/1/2016”

  1. 5:03  Tasty, though.

    DKos – Of course we were prepared this time.  They've done this before at this headquarters.

    CNN – "Two pees in a pot."  I like it.

    CNBC – Yeah, they hope.

    Cartoon – You would think by '52 we would have gotten alittle smarter about the dangers, but oh, no.

    New topic – OK, this is a parody, but it surely would be great to be able to actually, constructively help.

    New topic – This is a great idea, and it looks like we can all help.

  2. DK: Classic, mature (not manure, lol), response from the Dems. Pretty cool!!!

    CNN: He's all talk, and no action!

    Cartoon: "The first hydrogen bomb test, code-named Ivy Mike, occurred in late 1952 as part of Operation Ivy; it vaporized the islet of Elugelab. See *wiki for more info.

    Hope that you have a good evening. Take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. DK: Perhaps the Dem. party can move the manure to  a local community garden, and then ask for more!

    CNN: They are two pees in a cess pot!

    CNBC: Why is it that people do not understand "dirty tricks" and tel the GOPigs to go screw?!

    'Toon: A milestone…or a millstone around our necks?

  4. Daily Kos: At least the dumpsters were familiar with the product they were handling, their party has been full of manure this year.  Glad they caught the culprit, though.

    CNN:  I just love it that Ryan cannot, in good conscience, vote for school lunches, but ignores is conscience to vote for Trump.  Shmuck.

    CNBC:  I would love to know how Comey has profited from this, I do not believe his self serving, altruistic explanation.  He needs to be fired.  He has done damage to our country that some would consider treason.

    Cartoon:  Another dismal action to prove our superiority in war fare.

    Sorry, TC,  cannot be mean to Vivian.


  5. Puzzle — 3:46  Don't prick your tongue on those prickly pear buds, Puddy Tat.

    Fantasy Football — Down one place.  Arrggghhhh!!!!!

    Daily Kos — GOPussies have a PhD (piled higher and deeper) in Bullshitology!

    CNN — Two pees in a pod . . . a rotting, despoiled pod!

    CNBC — I hope it's not true, or at least not as serious as this would appear.  And although an investigation of Comey might bring out the truth, how does one undo the harm created in 6 days?

    Cartoon — Trump Tower, NY when Drumpf loses the election.

  6. I wasn't familiar with the expression you used, TomCat, so I had to look it up. I couldn't find the two into one pound reference, but I did come across a very similar " You can't put ten pounds of s$$t into a five pound bag". The Urban dictionary defined it as meaning:  "Phrase to describe something that is extremely ugly, messy, or f***ed-up."  Jon Stewart said it of the Republican field at the start of the primaries. You say you did the "putting" yourself today, so I guess you mean you tried to do to much today? By the way, did you know Mythbusters tried to bust it on one of their shows, but couldn't and confirmed it as true.

    DK: The Democrats in Warren couldn't even use that truckload of manure to fertilize their gardens, because the strange thing with Republican BS it's not only infertile but toxic. Too much lead.

    CNN: Even Faux News won't be interviewing Ryan any longer; he's shifted position so often and so fast these past months their heads are spinning too much and the cameramen keep passing out trying to pinpoint his location.

    CNBC: It says much about America and its politicking that its voters first gave Clinton and her party a comfortable lead after Drumpf has disgraced himself in the debates and are now falling en masse for this deceit and seem willing to sacrifice their democracy to the same demagogue again. Voters are fickle everywhere, but Americans take the cake.

    Cartoon: I hope you do not get to repeat this for Washington D.C. late November 8, 2016.

    • Lona, Urban Dictionary is not always a good source.  Even I have a definition published there,

      Putting two pounds of shit in a one pound bag simply means having much to much to get done.  In the past tense couple with success, as I used it meand a herculean effort.

  7. Thanks all!  Hurried pooped hugs!

  8. Sorry about the game, TC. Gotta do what I can to stay in top, LOL! Not really. I didn't even know I was on top. I kinda thought I was in the middle. 

    Take care of yourself, TC!

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