Oct 292016

I’m back in the saddle, but the next week is so very busy that I’ll be intermittent.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are meditating at home against the Chargers and it will be televised here.  May the Divine Orb blast the Chargers in the butt with their own lightning bolts and shine its blessed light on the other teams, especially my Broncos.It’s also a Wendy day, so don’t be surprised if I publish late.  Today, I’m feeling so ground down, that I’m made it a point to include humor in both articles.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:02 (average 5:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): Why Donald Trump is Obsessed with Dictators


These dictators are the Republicans that would serve as models for Trump in a Rump Dump Republican Reich.

From KP Daily Funnies: Hamilton Parody: Hillary Rodham Clinton!


Like they said, lets flush the orange turd.

From The New Yorker: James Comey, the embattled director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, presided over a special ceremony on Friday evening to commend the brave F.B.I. agents who had to touch Anthony Weiner’s computer.

In awarding the commendations to the agents, whom Comey called “the bravest men and women this country has to offer,” the F.B.I. director criticized the political uproar that he said had overshadowed “their selfless acts of heroism.”

“These agents have performed far and beyond the call of duty,” a visibly angry Comey said. “I know we’re eleven days away from an election and tensions are running high, but we shouldn’t let that subtract in any way from what these brave agents did with their own hands.”

Dang Andy! I know there is nothing of substance here, but the way Republicans and the pie in the sky set will spin false equivalence around this, I really wish he had an Oscar Mayer Weiner!!




  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/29/2016”

  1. 5:07  Brrrr.  (And it's not even that cold here today.)

    GQ – I get so angry myself, it's a little refreshing to see someone else who is taking Trump with the anger he deserves.  And since it's a man, presumably pundits won't be complaining he is shouting.  I hope.

    KP – After seeing a special on PBS a week ago about the making of Hamilton, I appreciate this more than I would have done earlier.  Awesome.  Yes.  (Both.)

    New Yorker – Oh, good grief.

    Cartoon – And I guess all the Republicans are so heavily sputtering and foaming at the mouth that they can't comment.

  2. Keith Olbermann is spot on. Hadn't seen him in awhile, glad he's back.

    KPD: Hilarious! Let's flush him down the drain!

    NYer: Straight up reporting! Almost..LOL.

    Cartoon: Amen!

    Hope that you have a good day with your meditations, we play the Lions. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. NOW founding anniversary!!! I remember that! Just barely! But I knew then that I didn't want to be like the women that came before me! I was about 10. But my oldest sister was 16 and I thought everything she did was the bee's knees, which it was!

    Andy made me do a spit take on this one! L. O. L.!!!

  4. Youtube:  Why is Trump obsessed with dictators?  He wants to be one.

    KP Daily Funnies:Yes!  Let's flush this orange turd!

    The New Yorker:  Bless Andy!  Comey may soon regret this action, he has interfered with a federal election being well aware that was not protocol.  I signed a petition tonight requesting his resignation. 

    Cartoon:  N.O.W. was and is one of the best advocates women can have.

    I hope your Broncos win.

  5. Puzzle — 4:08  I hope it is warm by that pool or you will freeze your furry tail off Puddy Tat!

    Youtube — Wasn't it Republicans in the past that accused Obama of trying to be king, or dictator?  Of course Obama was not a king or dictator.  He was showing strength while dealing with the obstructionist Republicans in Congress.  Drumpf will certainly try to be a dictator if he gets the keys to the White House.  But one dictator that Keith did not mention was Hitler.  Keith was certainly spot on!

    KP Daily Funnies — Flush the orange turd!  Funny!!!

    The New Yorker — Amusing!  I seem to recall that the Drumpf campaign commented at one point that they would release damaging "stuff" on Clinton.  Could Comey, good little Republican that he is, be reponsible for that?  May a camel walk up Comey's nose backwards and fart!

    Cartoon — The work is not yet finished!

  6. Enjoy your blessed meditating, TomCat. Humor is an excellent way to combat the blues, especially when it actually makes you more BLUE.

    YouTube(GQ): His anger is my anger, and I'm not even American.

    KPDF: "This whole song was rigged." LOL How we're going to miss this type of rigging after November 8th.

    TNY: " …the F.B.I. director criticized the political uproar", yeah, right…the media uproar you mean. After Comey made his "investigation" public without any specifics, but with a lot of maybes and vagueness, the media climbed over each other to turned this into the hype the Republicans wanted it to be. Even our news and the BBC's was equally unspecific but implied a lot by repeating over and over again how this would damage Clinton and how it already had damaged her, starting a large expose on the e-mail affair again. They couldn't do Drumpf a bigger favor and my dormant TEAbuggery Avoidance Syndrome came alive and roared. Andy's lucky I'm reading this at all.

  7. Thanks all!  Hugs!

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