Oct 142016

My apologies – and my explanation excuses:

Typically, I put my "Friday Fun" posts together on Thursday.  But yesterday morning was my annual furnace maintenance day, so the morning was shot. 

And then in the afternoon I had a medical equipment "Urgency" (not an "Emergency" but something that needed tending).  And when I was coming back from the hospital in midtown KCMO – through rush hour traffic – there was an accident up ahead closing down TWO lanes! 

I had to get off and take surface streets, so it took me over 90 minutes just to get home.

So I didn't get to work on the one I wanted, but I’m hopeful I may be able to get it done by Saturday or Sunday.  But the weekend is data entry time at Hillary Headquarters (since I can’t phone bank or canvas people because of my lack of hearing, it's my contribution to keep Satan out of the Oval Office) – so if not, then next week.




  5 Responses to “Friday Fun – MIA … Literally!”

  1. That's a good story.  As much as I appreciate your fun, I'd rather keep Satan out of office.

  2. Posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4015849

    Well, we've had a chapter of accidents, I guess.  I've been out for 12 hours (back safe at least) and had issues along the way.  I too would rather keep Satan out of office (if that isn't an insult to Satan, who at least is intelligent enough to make plans.)

  3. Traffic is a major headache here too. I almost hate driving anywhere now.

    I can almost see the 'Eternal Flames of Hell' breakng loose in the WH, if he gets elected. He's going to be one nasty loser too.

    Thanks, Nameless for post, and Joanne for cross posting.


  4. Glad you made it back in one piece, Nameless. And thanks for posting this.

    I'm the last one to say anything about starting a story, and in my case restarting…and restarting…and, and being overtaken by personal and/or political events. I think you've got your priorities straight on this one too: keep Satan out of office, otherwise you may no longer be able to lift our spirits with some Friday fun however hard you try.

    • Sorry about the sloppy typing, that should of course read:" thanks, Joanne, for posting this".

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