Gore Remembers

 Posted by at 1:50 pm  Politics
Oct 122016

Imagine a world in which the President of the United States had paid attention when warned of an impending terrorist attack using airplanes and taken the measures needed to prevent it.  There would have been no 9/11, no Iraq War, no torture, no Bush Reich, no unPATRIOT Act, no Republican Recession and more.  We would have had that world, if Republicans had not used a third party to get close enough to steal the 2000 election.


At a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton in Miami, Florida, Al Gore reminded millennial voters that “every vote counts,” a slogan that applied to his 2000 campaign in the state, which he used as a cautionary tale to those considering sitting the election out.

“You will often hear people from podiums like this one say something like that at election time. I know. I’ve heard it. I’ve even said it before,” Gore said Tuesday. “But honestly, to those of you here and those who can hear my voice by whatever means, this election really matters.”

“The world is on the cusp of either building on the progress and solving the climate crisis or stepping back, washing our hands of America’s traditional role as the leader of the world, and letting the big polluters call the shots,” Gore warned. “The choice is that clear. It’s that stark. The consequences for not just our children and grandchildren and future generations but for all of us, are really quite significant.”

“So because of that, please take it from me. Every single vote counts,” he said to cheers…

From <TPM>

Move-on provided us video of that event.

Don’t forget, the Green Party accepted help from Republican operatives, who went door to door in Democratic leaning districts in FL to convince voters to shift their support from Gore to Nader. Had this not succeeded, Bush could not have gotten close enough to steal the election. Little has changed. Today the Green Party is accepting help from Trump ally, Vladimir Putin (R-RU), using his propaganda network, RT, to convince voters to shift their support from Clinton to Stein. Imagine where we might be if the Bush Reich had never happened. Don’t let it happen again.


  14 Responses to “Gore Remembers”

  1. I would say "From Gore's mouth to God's ears" – but, alas, it isn't God we have to convince.  God already knows.  Afraid this one is on our plate.

  2. Somebody please get this message to the die hard obstinate 3rd party fans!!

  3. Bernie Sanders:

    "This is not the time for a protest vote"

    • Many people, not all, who supported Bernie never listened to or heard all he said, but only what they wanted to hear.  Yes, there are people who do that in every election.  But now, some of them feel that Bernie betrayed them.  Nonsense.  He made it clear from the get-go that he would support Hillary if he diidn't get the nomination.  But – they didn't hear that, because they didn't want to.

      Also, and this also happens in every election, some (by no means all) supporters of Hillary acted very patronizing towards Bernie supporters, and some (by no means all) supporters of Bernie acted very patronizing to supporters of Hillary.  Yes, this is so common it is a proverb (plus royaliste que le roi), but it is extremely unedifying, particular when supporters of one blame the other candidate for expressions which he or she would never have countenanced.  And some are still smarting from those wounds.

      I don't know about everyone else, but I freely admit I am TERRIFIED of Trump.  But when one is terrified it's more important than ever not to get hysterical.  It doesn't matter whether a particular argument convinces us; we are already convinced.  We need to get into the skins of those who need convincing, figure out what would convince them, and frame our argumants that way.

  4. I wish they would listen to Bernie Sanders and follow his example.  We will all pay for their decisions to either not vote, or to vote for a third party candidate.  Bernie was my first choice, but he did not get the nomination.  Hillary is actually the most qualified person to ever run for office.  Too bad the Republican mud has stuck.

  5. Remember the Alamo!  That was the cry of Texian soldiers in 1836 as they defeated the Mexican army of Santa Anna at San Jacinto in April 1836, following Santa Anna's "no prisoners" at the Alamo in March 1836.

    "Remember 2000!" should be the rallying cry for 2016 Democrats.  Don't forget what happened in 2000 and don't let it happen again!




  6. Can't help but think how different the world might be….

  7. Drumpf voters will stick to him, not able to see beyond the little world that, stirred up by Republican fear and hatred, they've created for themselves. They're unable to break down the barricades against common sense they've put up to feel safe, but the voter who hasn't made up his or her mind already can make that rational choice Al Gore, Bernie, and hundreds with them are referring to.

    It's may not be the choice they think will change the world for the better. They may be right, nothing will change overnight and as if by magic. But it certainly will prevent the world from getting much worse. To vote Blue may not be the best choice, but it is the better choice. Yes, it is that grim. It's not only the better choice for America, but for the rest of the world too. It is the choice for the future Al Gore stood for then and stands for now. It is the choice for a future Bernie stands for and will continue fighting for after a Clinton has won the election.

  8. I want to see the HumptyDrumpf machine CRUSHED! Plain and simple! Their dirty tricks and LIES and a gonna sink this nation!!!

    Climate change IS REAL cause I can remember when it was not this crazy with the storms, droughts and hurricanes! Anyone as old as I am should remember, TOO!!!

  9. Thanks and Amen to all!

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