Sep 112016

I expect Wendy to arrive momentarily, and we have a full schedule of chores to complete, including the dreaded task.  Today is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos have already meditated.  May the blessed light from the Divine Orb shine upon your team.

Wendy just left and we got everything done.  I’m pooped!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:41 (average 6:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Erin O’Flaherty, one of the contestants in this weekend’s Miss America pageant, wants fans to know a few things about her: She was raised on a farm; she is a trained livestock judge; and she supports suicide-prevention programs.

But in the brief, get-to-know-me videos posted on her official Miss Missouri Facebook page, there is scant mention of the main reason that she has attracted so much attention before the Miss America 2017 finale on Sunday in Atlantic City: Ms. O’Flaherty is the first openly lesbian contestant to compete in the pageant.


Kudos to Erin for the courage to be the first. It’s a small step in the right direction for the pageant.

From Liberals Unite: Corporate welfare schemes and crony politics rule the day In Rick Scott’s Florida and, sadly, the working-class is stuck with the bill.

Thanks to Gov. Rick Scott’s corporate welfare schemes, Floridians are about to suffer the same disastrous results of trickle down economics that other Republican-owned states are suffering. Huge budget deficits, fueled by tax cuts for the rich and corporate welfare programs, are projected to cause a whopping $1.3 billion deficit in the Sunshine State by 2018.

You Floridians had better get rid of Republicans or both your homes and your economy will be under water!

From Washington Post: "To just be grossly generalistic [sic], you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables [sic],’" Hillary Clinton said at a New York fundraiser on Sept. 9

When Hillary is wrong, I say so. Half is much too low an estimate.




  16 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/11/2016”

  1. 5:29 (6:51) Does anyone actually use that kind any more?  Aren't they easier to pick than the puzzle is to solve?

    NYT – Kudos indeed.  Best of luck to her.

    LiberalsUnite – Is he up for reelection this year?  I think they are stuck with him till he is.  Even then, I wish them luck.

    WaPo – You are right of course.  But I still wish she hadn't said it.  Ah well.  What's done is done.

    Cartoon – And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

  2. Bravo to Ms. O'Flaherty – there are many kinds of beauty, none of which should be defined by sexual preference.

    Flori-DUH….they picked him, they get to live with him.

    Your last line made me laugh, TC….funny and right, too.

  3. That must have been some hard work for the two of you, TomCat; even the dreaded task that can't be named got done. Rest on your laurels, my feline friend, they make excellent bedding for a good night's sleep.

    NYT: While I rather see beauty pageants gone for good – no matter how much talking about talents and accomplishments they put in them, the looks are foremost and the only thing that really counts – having the guts to be openly lesbian and enter as a contestant should count as a small step forward of sorts, I guess.

    LU: Unless the voters finally come to their senses, the sun is going down on the sunshine state and on 99% of its inhabitants. The only thing trickling down is the water over the levies and boulevards, and soon that trickling will turn into a flood.

    WP: Clinton already apologized for her honest outburst. Perhaps she's afraid the Drumpf devotees won't like her after what she called them? LMAO

    Cartoon: A day that should have taught the Western World a lesson. Should have…

  4. NYT: Glad to read this, and the very best to Miss  O’Flaherty. I wish her well.

    LU: "How many times do people who vote for Republicans have to be hit over the head before they realize that corporate welfare and tax cuts for the rich are a scam?" I'm asking the same thing here, ….in Texas.

    WP: She spoke the truth. I don't see DT apologizing for any of his lies.

    Cartoon: Words ring true, what an awful day.

    My prayers were answered at church, btw. Awesome game. Hope that you get some rest. Enjoy the rest of your day, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  5. If Rump Dump Drumpf still had the Miss America pageant, Erin O'Flarity wouldn't be in it, for sure! Sad that it has taken this long for this to happen! Kudos to her home state!

    Florida's governor looks like a walking skeleton! He is doing the same to his state that our illustrious Failin Fallon is doing to my state! The people on disability that are on a state check are getting screwed! She said that the people that were shorted in their checks in, I think it was May, would get the part that was shorted by July. Never happened! Just wish that we could turn our whole state BLUE and get rid of these blood-sucking repuglikkkants OUT!!!

    Makes me pull my hair out by the roots when she apologizes for something that would not even raise an eyebrow if Rump Dump Drumpf said it!!!

    Wow. That picture is burned in my mind. Remember where I was when it happened, just like most people. I heard it on the radio in line to drop my kids of at school. I first thought it was a small plane, like a Cessna or something. By the time I got home, the other plane had hit and the WHOLE WORLD changed. No words can describe how much I grieve for the victims and their families!

    • I could be wrong, but I don't think it was Miss America that Rump Dump had; I think it was Miss USA.  They are separate – one goes on the Miss Universe (I think that's Miss America but I am far from sure) and the other goes on to Miss World.  Gee, you can really tell how much I (don't) care by how vague I am.  I'm glad young women can get scholarships from them, and I know the winners do good work, and that's about the extent of my interest.

  6. I am glad Wendy is so reliable, hope the dreaded task went well.

    NY Times:  Good for Erin! I hope she wins.

    Liberals Unite:  I shared this on Facebook since some of my most conservative friends live there.  Scott will have to go down as one of the worst governors Florida has ever had. He makes Jeb look like a liberal.

    Washington Post:  She has taken more heat for this statement than any other.  I agree with her

    Cartoon:  One of the saddest days of my life and the rest of the country.  I would love to know if the hints and innuendos I have seen about how much our government knew that could have prevented this are true.

  7. Puzzle — 4:25  I think I found the key to this puzzle.

    NY Times — Kudos to Ms O'Flaherty!  It takes guts to be the first, but she is not the last.

    Liberals Unite —  Rick Scott, Republican and criminal.  It is past time that he be put out to pasture for the good of all Florida.

    Washington Post — I agree with Clinton, but she will be hounded about it, by Drumpf at the very least.  Drumpf has said much worse but what is his penance?  Nada!

    Cartoon — Like many people, I remember where I was and what I was doing when news of the attacks came out.  And today, the mother of Mohammed Atta, a chief attacker, has said that she believes her son is still alive and being held at Gitmo.  See

  8. NYT: Good for Erin, indeed!

    LU: The man is a disgrace to all but the GOP!  They, of cpourse should be the HOP- Hoodlums On Parade!

    WP: I believe, Mr. TC, that you are quite right!


  9. Dear Mrs. Clinton.

    Apology NOT needed Stay with your feelings. Bigotry, Racism and Hate are disgusting and if you think as do many of us,SPEAK OUT. and get well soon,Trump in the White house is a BLOODY nightmare

  10. Thanks and very tired hugs to all!

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