Sep 092016

If you've been following this site, you know that on more than one occasion, I have been critical of Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, for making multiple appearances on Vladimir Putin's (R-RU) state-owned propaganda network, RT.  I like most of her policies and positions, but I cannot abide her seeking exposure in this way, even though it's helping a foreign power interfere with the US presidential election.  But Jill Stein is not alone on Putin's propaganda network.

0909RumpDumpRepublican presidential candidate Donald Trump was doing “a favor” for his friend and television host Larry King when he “accidentally” did an interview on the Russian government-sponsored network RT, shorthand for Russia Today.

Mr. Trump was never told it would be shared anywhere else,” Jason Miller, a Trump spokesperson, told CNN, explaining that the interview was meant as a “favor” to King. Miller also told the network that “Trump wouldn’t have agreed to do the interview had he known it would be aired on RT.

During Thursday’s RT interview, Trump shrugged off suggestions the Russian government was influencing the American presidential election, instead hinting that Democrats were the ones behind the Democratic National Committee hacking scandal. U.S. intelligence agencies now have “high confidence” that the Russian government was likely involved… [emphasis added]

From <Think Progress>

25 Minute Barf Bag Alert!!

Note that, after all the free advertising US media has given him, and after all the preferential treatment US media has given him, Trump had the audacity to lambast US media for bias against him!!

Trump's handlers realize that for any candidate to participate with a foreign government's attempt to interfere with a US election is an act of criminal sedition, so if you believe the lie that Trump didn't know it was for his buddy's RT, I own a historic structure that connects Manhattan and Brooklyn, and I'll give you a really good deal for it!


  18 Responses to “Jill Stein Is Not Alone on Putin’s Propaganda Network”

  1. Honestly, it has taken this election to get me very disillusioned with Jill Stein.  I'm sure she is delighted that there is now a warrant out for her arrest in connection with the Standing Rock demonstration.  Apparently she vandalized (spray painted) a truck to cheers from the crowd.  Back in your day, TC, real protestors didn't get warrants taken out, they by God got arrested.  I throw this in because I can't add anything to your analysis of Drumpf.

    • It was a bulldozer.  I saw the video.  Had she  actually put herself in harm's way, because it was destroying sacred ground, I could support her actions.  But it was parked and unattended.  She was surrounded by her supporters and photographers.  I can't support vandalism as a mere publicity stunt.

  2. DT: The blither/blather guy. He's not a politician, doesn't know policies, (home nor abroad), lies, makes stuff up, and continues to blame others for his words and actions! There never has been an ounce of truth in what he says. I didn't watch the BBA, as I know that I will need a bag.

    Thanks, Tom.

  3. Trump and Stein love Putin, but Trmp loves Trump more ~ he is a liar, is arrogant, misogynistic, and a racist. Stein might being going to jail, and Johnson doesn't know what Aleppo is. Is there any other choice but to vote for Hillary who has proven there is no smoking gun involving her emails and no pay to play involving The Clinton Foundation?

    I am concerned that so many people have been taken in by Trump; And as long as we have media like Matt Lauer helping him I fear it will get worse. Today I watched MSNBC correspondents try to go after one of the Trump surrogates about Trumpy's love of Putin. It was frightening! It was like watching the republican primary debates with Trump taking over and not letting anyone else speak. That is their way of communicating the numerous lies and scary agenda of their candidate. 

    Trump supporters have chose to believe what they like and disregard the rest. Unfortunately, what they like most is Trump's views on immigrants, Islam, and the stupid wall! They have no idea that he is really very anti-American and that he really does love Putin. Denigrating our first black president, the generals who have led our troops in battle, and the first woman running for president means nothing to those who love to hate. Because Trump refuses to apologize for anything ever, has said he does not even ask God for forgiveness ~ to them ~ is a sign of strength. He says and does what his followers want to say and do. It's time to be worried ~ very worried. 

    We all need to get out and scream Vote for Hillary! OK, I feel better now, so I'll get off my soapbox and have my pork green chile. Thinking of you, TC


  4. I watched The Rachel Maddow show tonight and she interviewed his new campaign manager try to explain why he was on RT.  Seems he didn't know it would be shown in Russia.  Yeah, right.  I think there should be charges of treason for anyone who consorts with the likes of Putin.

  5. {{{BARF!!!}}}


  6. Sorry, I just haven't got the strength to watch 25 minutes of Drumpf banter anymore. I'll have to rely on the summaries given by you and others, TomCat until I've recharged enough to get me through the last few weeks of this sordid election. It's really wearing me down, this onslaught of unscrupulous politicians with such big egos that they won't allow a conscience to come between them and the job they have their sights set on. Perhaps I'm a little over-sensitive because I'm not born into it, but the "quality" of politicians, from left to right with a handful of exceptions, is appalling this time around with people cozying up to Putin (and Assad) without qualm.

  7. Poor Trump… mislead into appearing on Russian television…if he got any smarter, he'd be a half wit.

  8. Thanks all!  Tired Hugs!

  9. This all gives a whole new meaing to the phrase "Mind blowing!"  I had hd no idea that Jilly was ging on RT!  And Empty Man!  If Hilary does not nail him for this, somewhere along the way, I am going to have to join that crew preparing to go to Mars in 2030.

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