Apr 282016

Pardon my brevity.  I needed a morning nap. and I need to get this done and up in time to go to the prison.  That’s actually a huge sacrifice, because today is a Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  The draft is tonight.  I hope my Broncos get a good first round pick.  Store to Door just left, so I have the rest of my groceries.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:35 (average 4:16).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Just how desperate is North Carolina GOP Gov. Pat McCrory to lay the blame for HB2 on anyone but himself? Well, this sitting governor has now released an attack email against a sitting mayor: Charlotte’s Jennifer Roberts. Nothing like punching downward—that’s what all the political analysts recommend. Jim Morrill has the details on McCrory’s latest re-election strategy, starting with the email’s headline:

“Roy Cooper Ally Jennifer Roberts Admitted She Thought About Leaving Out The Bathroom Mandate, But Pushed It Through Anyway,” a headline says. […]

McCrory’s email includes TV and radio clips of Roberts talking about House Bill 2. […]

“The clips … should help refresh your memory that the topic of bathrooms was first raised by the radical left when – over warnings from the governor and other state leaders that they should have left restroom norms way they were and focus on things … Roy Cooper’s allies decided to push through Charlotte’s radical bathroom mandate anyway,” said McCrory campaign spokesman Ricky Diaz.

Fact: Charlotte passed a measure that affirmed people’s judgment in making the appropriate bathroom choice.

Fact: North Carolina lawmakers passed a Big Brother bill dictating to people which bathrooms they must use, because apparently The People can’t be entrusted with such a decision.

This whole “Charlotte made us do it!” shtick is just ridiculous.

There is only one man who opted to sign HB2 into law, Hatefuhrer of the Republican Theocratic Dictatorship of McCrorystan, Par McCrory,

From The New Yorker: In choosing the former Hewlett-Packard C.E.O. Carly Fiorina as his running mate, Senator Ted Cruz hopes to tap into the immense popularity of one of the most beloved public figures in America.

Minutes after the news of Cruz’s selection leaked, political insiders called the choice of the wildly adored Fiorina a game-changer for the Cruz campaign.

“It’s no secret that Ted Cruz has some trouble with likeability,” the Republican strategist Harland Dorrinson said. “What better way to fix that than by choosing Carly Fiorina, a person everyone is absolutely crazy about?”

Fiorina’s reputation for winning the hearts of everyone she comes in contact with dates back to her days as the incredibly well-liked C.E.O. of Hewlett-Packard and, before that, Lucent Technologies.

Andy may have screwed the pooch here. The HP employees, with whom I dealt regularly for years, all spoke of her in profane uncomplimentary terms, the most common rhyming with stitch. I think that TRUSed Uranus Cruz is so desperate that he’s offering a chance at the VP slot in hopes of getting lucky with Carly. His taste is as extreme as his policies.

From NY Times: Battered by four defeats in Tuesday night’s primaries, Bernie Sanders is planning to lay off hundreds of campaign staffers across the country and focus much of his remaining effort on winning the June 7 California primary.

That confirms the end of the nomination fight, but I will still vote for him in the Oregon Primary. On to the platform fight.



I hope they let me out!!


  15 Responses to “Open Thread–4/28/2016”

  1. 3:38  Yup, that's Corinthian, all right.

    DKos – One man who signed it and a legislature full of Moronderthals who passed it.  But NOT the city of Charlotte.  SHEESH!  In this connection I would like to share a quote from a trans woman who has both had medical treatment and also obtained a corrected birth certificate – "I got the box, I got the docs, and if I still had 'em, [the bigots] could kiss my rocks."

    New YOrker – Oh, Andy knows perfectly well what he's doing (and saying).  He knows how hated she is.  But – COMPARED TO CRUZ – she may well look like a sweetheart!

    NY Times – He has every right (and IMO responsibility) to stay on all the ballots.  There are people who have waited their whole lives to vote for someone like Bernie, and they deserve the chance, even if only in a primary.  Actually, that's why Hillary stayed in so long in 2008 – people who had waited their whole lives to vote for a woman for President.  You'd think she'd understand.

    Cartoon – Eagerly awaiting a report from you on the experience (while understanding that confidentiality must be observed.)

  2. 2:45  Well you can't chew on that Puddy Tat!  But depending on what it is made of, you might be able to get a manicure on it.

  3. NYer: I see from the picture that she's not smiling..LOL. Cruz is desperate, he didn't even stay on the stage after announcing her, he left, and then came back. He's odd, imo.

    NYT: What Joanne said. I agree. GO, Bernie!!

    Cartoon: What a gorgeous bi-eyed kitty! Enjoy your 'time' with your guys. LOL. Thanks, Tom.

  4. I take that to mean we’ll soon be hearing about fantasy football…seems way to soon.

    Basketball playoffs won’t stay in NC I was told unless the bill is repealed before then…tourism income is down…UK is giving their travelers warnings about visits to NC and Mississippi because of these laws…the list grows daily. Kind of reminds me of the way domestic violence abusers try to blame their victims for their anger.

    Carly couldn’t even get anyone to like her enough to donate to her campaign when she ran for Senate in CA.

    I’ve seen a lot of Bernie bumper stickers but none for Clinton.

  5. I hope they let me out!!

    Out?  Out?!?

    After you've worked so hard to be able to get IN???


  6. Daily Kos:  I read today that democratic lawmakers in NC are trying to push a bill to overturn the ignorant act.  Blaming it on the woman is a normal reaction for many of these cretans.  They are losing so much money they have to do something.  Meanwhile, Oklahoma is pushing through a bill to ban all abortions other than to save the mother's life.  Doctors who perform abortions for other reasons will be prosecuted and lose their licenses. What next?'

    The NewYorker:  This is one of the funniest ones Andy has done.  When she was running for the Repub. nomination, no one had a good word for her, which does make you wonder what Cruz was thinking.

    NY Times:  I plan to vote for Bernie in the Ky primary, too.  But will vote for Clinton in November if she is the nominee, which seems likely.   He has done better than anyone predicted, and has forced her to be more progressive.

    Cartoon:  Poor kitty.  Looks a little like Oreo, but he has never been in jail.

  7. Puzzle — 2:45  Well you can't chew on that Puddy Tat!  But depending on what it is made of, you might be able to get a manicure on it.

    Daily Kos — McCrory needs a desk plaque that reads: "The buck stops here!" as a reminder that he holds sole responsibility for the signing into law.  At my study group tonight, the bathroom bill ended up in the discussion as did the celebrities and companies that are boycotting North Carolina and Mississippi.  Word does get around.

    The New Yorker — "… political insiders called the choice of the wildly adored Fiorina a game-changer for the Cruz campaign."  Yeah, the Titantic didn't sink as fast as the Cruz campaign will with Fiorina aboard.

    NY Times — It is not over until it's over!  From what I have been reading, there is still work to do on the platform to bring it further left.  Go Bernie!

    Cartoon — I'm sure they will let you out, but will you want out?  I really hope the chance to see your guys was all you expected and more!

  8. I just knew Andy would have a column on Carly….I love how the man points out the obvious in such a funny way. And if we ever had any doubts about Ted's ability to make wise decisions, this cinches it.

    Glad Bernie is sticking with it.  T'ain't over yet and maybe Hillary will decide to go away… there is always hope.

  9. After an afternoon trying to sort out my Windows 10 problems there's just no time left to read and comment, TomCat, so I just hope to see your Personal Update appear in a few hours on which I can comment on (my) Saturday morning. I expect to read that you and your guys had a splendid time and that you got out without too much problems.

  10. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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