Dump Is Off the Wall!

 Posted by at 2:13 pm  Politics
Mar 212016

As much as I hate to assault you with another article featuring Fecal Dump Trump, it’s hard not to do so.  Over 90% of the articles in my feed aggregator this morning covered Fecal Dump.  So I virtually have to cover him occasionally, I like to do so in a way that ridicules Fecal Dump, and gives you a laugh.  John Oliver blasted him, because Fecal Dump is off the wall!


Donald Trump has made his wall proposal at the U.S.-Mexico border a fixture in his campaign, so much so that one man even wore a spandex wall costume to one of his rallies. “The only people more excited about barriers are high school health teachers,” said John Oliver, host of Last Week Tonight on Sunday. “The border wall is one of few Trump proposals he has talked about in detail, so instead of dismissing it out of hand, let’s take a serious proposal by a serious presidential candidate seriously.”

Here are 10 reasons Oliver offered that the wall proposal is totally ridiculous (racism is only one of them):

1) The cost keeps fluctuating

Trump initially said the wall would cost $4 billion. “Since then, his estimate has grown,” Oliver reminded us. “We’ve gone from $4-12 billion. Donald Trump’s margin of error is the entire GDP of Moldova,” Oliver said – and doesn’t even factor in maintenance, labor and design. “The congressional budget office estimates that wall maintenance costs will exceed initial construction within seven years,” explained Oliver…

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Here are the other nine:


I have a better idea than Oliver’s waffle irons. Lets build a wall around Fecal Dump Trump!!


  15 Responses to “Dump Is Off the Wall!”

  1. Nice share…I like the remake of Trump's anti-Hilary ad that makes him the brunt of the joke that Mother Jones shared…I like that Mitch has done a closed door do not support him if you want to keep Congress session…

    And I like that Bernie won the Democrats abroad vote 69% to 31% (Judy posted Politico's article on Care2)

  2. Nice suggestion. I think he did a good selling job. The waffle iron even looks better than the wall and maintenance won't be as high….peace. 🙂

  3. I can't watch John Oliver without laughing to the point of tears.  I think waffle irons would be great, if they'd throw in gluten free waffle mix.  But I am shocked – SHOCKED! – that you would embed a video that even for two seconds disses Peyton Manning!


  4. Great video by John!

    Thanks, Tom.

  5. From Joanne's link: ''Many of history’s worst authoritarians started out as losers – and Trump is a serious threat. The way I see it, it’s our job to make sure he ends this campaign every bit the loser that he started it.''

    Excellent link, thank you, Joanne!

  6. I'll donate my waffle iron to any immigrant who needs one because I already have a fantastic one so don'tneed another!

  7. Dasshole is just that!

  8. I love Oliver, and I could really use a new waffle iron!

  9. John, like usual, is hilarious and spot on!  That was more than worth getting out of bed for an hour to watch and comment.

  10. Thanks, TomCat. I could really do with a good laugh about Drumpf and his moronic wall today.

  11. LOL – I kept wondering where the waffle iron came in!  Good job, John….I suggest you run for President as you and your waffle iron would certainly be a huge improvement over Trump and his wall.

  12. Thanks all.  Hugs!! Hurrying!!

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