Either way, Bernie Matters!

 Posted by at 2:45 pm  Politics
Mar 192016

Many of you, like me, feel the BERN, and some of you, I’m sorry to say, are becoming frustrated, because  Hillary’s ever increasing delegate lead makes her the most likely nominee.  Please don’t be frustrated, and please don’t give up.  Please do everything you can for Bernie, short of trashing Hillary.  Lets leave intra-party filth-slinging to the Republicans.  It suits them so well.  Keeping-on is not a wasted effort, because, either way, Bernie matters!


As he has been for most of the past year, Bernie Sanders is on the road. On Thursday, he was scheduled to hold a town-hall meeting at the Twin Arrows Casino, east of Flagstaff, Arizona. You read that right: the seventy-four-year-old Vermont senator was set to issue his trademark call for a “political revolution” and to demand more income and wealth redistribution at a capitalist mecca in one of the most conservative states in the Union.

That, in itself, says something about Sanders and the historical significance of his campaign. He has cast aside many of the rules and adages of American politics, one of which is that it’s hard for liberals, never mind self-described socialists, to win support in the Sun Belt. And although Sanders now seems unlikely to win the Democratic nomination for President, he has achieved much more than that.

In reaching out to the young, the idealistic, and the disillusioned, he has earned far more votes than virtually anybody in the Democratic Party (or the punditry) expected. He has expanded the political space, bringing controversial issues like rising inequality and political corruption, which had previously been considered the province of leftists and policy wonks, into their rightful place at the center of the discussion. And by refusing to accept corporate money and basing his campaign on individual donations, he has reinvigorated American democracy.

It is obvious that Sanders has, in the process, put a scare into Hillary Clinton’s campaign. What is perhaps less widely acknowledged is how close he came to upending it…

…But it is also evident that, in the past ten months, Sanders has defied the pundits, alarmed the comfortable, and inspired the young. He has turned what looked to be a political coronation into a lively and hard-fought contest, forcing his opponent to modify her positions and raise her game. He has demonstrated that Presidential campaigns don’t have to be beholden to big donors. And he has shown that, surprisingly enough, there is still a place in American politics for an independent-minded speaker of uncomfortable truths. What’s more, he isn’t done yet.  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The New Yorker>

Hang in there!!  You are imitating Star Trek by going where no one has gone before.  Your efforts for Bernie now are paving the way for an Elizabeth Warren in 2024, and a Jeff Merkley in 2032.

However, it is also possible for all your hard work and generous giving to go for naught.  The next President will appoint two, or probably three, Supreme Court Justices,  A Republican would give us a count of 7-2 in favor of SCROTUS (Republican Constitutional VD).  Elections would become strictly ceremonial, because Republicans would determine who is allowed to vote.  A Republican President would cause the US to devolve into a permanent Republican Reich.  Therefore, whichever Democrat wins the nomination, we mist vigorously support that Democrat, while we remain thankful to Bernie for putting and keeping progressive ideals on the table.


  11 Responses to “Either way, Bernie Matters!”

  1. Yes, what he has accomplished is remarkable.  And it ABSOLUTELY is not over.  Do not fall into the trap the MSM wants you to of thinking that all states are equal.  The order in which states have their caucuses and primaries is NOT set by someone trying to make sure the delegate count is representative all along the process.  The states that are coming could easily all go for Bernie.  But in any case, he has promised to take the fight to 50 states, and he is a man who keeps his promises.

    My mentality is still with Plan A.  I'm glad there is a plan B, because I am a belt-and-suspenders kind of person, but I will consider the details of Plan B when I need to, and not a moment sooner.

  2. Numerically there are more delegates remaining than have been determined…and the South is pretty much done.

  3. Go, Bernie, GO!!


  4. It ain't over, no matter what others would try to lead you to believe. They want us to think that it's hopeless so that we give up. Know what? I haven't given up.  Still got my Bernie signs up in front of the house and my Bernie sticker on my car.

    I'll vote for Hillary if it comes to that but I've still got my hopes up for Bernie.


  5. I love your first comment.  Too many Hillary supporters and Bernie supporters are trashing each other, and we don't need to do this.

    The New Yorker:  Bernie has won, whether or not he gets the nomination, because he has forced Hillary to change some of her postions, and shown how much can be accomplished without big money.

    I agree, we need to support whomever receives the Democratic nomination, the clown car group will finish wrecking this country if they get in office. 

  6. If all names were available, and if I could vote, it would be for Bernie.  However, that is not the case.  If, as it appears will happen, Clinton gets the Democratic nomination, I would vote for her.  Yes, Clinton might be much closer to Wall Street and big money, but she is heads and shoulders above any Republican!

    It is extremely important that all Democrat voters get off there asses and vote in November.  It is either that or be prepared for a right wing Reich, the likes of which have not been seen.  Further, having a Democrat in the White House is not enough.  Last time, Republicans obstructed a black POTUS, and we all know how that fared. Whether the next POTUS is a self proclaimed socialist or a women, the POTUS will face more and continuing obstruction by Republicans.  Obama faced obstruction because he is black.  Clinton and Bernie will face obstruction because she would be the first female POTUS and he the first self proclaimed socialist.  Only a Democratic House and Senate can prevent a future tied in obstruction.

    Every Republican in office is

    one Republican too many!


  8. Thank you, Bernie Sanders, for all you have done, and continue doing, for America. The fight isn't over and if you are not nominated, I'm sure you will go on pushing America and American voters in the right direction together with a growing number of Democrats and independents in Congress.

    I hope I can also say thank you to all disillusioned progressives who, despite their frustrations, have voted for Hillary when she was nominated, their frustrations with the GOP candidate being so much stronger. I hope I can thank you all in November for doing what was best for your own country and the rest of the world.

  9. Thanks all!!  Hugs!!

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