Mar 122016


Donald Trump supporter Birgitt Peterson, center, of Yorkville, argues with protesters March 11, 2016, outside the UIC Pavilion after the rally for the Republican presidential candidate was canceled.

You can't even mock Donald Trump supporters anymore. 

They’ve embraced Godwin in “Full Monty” mode!


  8 Responses to “You Want Scary? THIS Is SCARY!!!”

    • I've seen some other photos from different angles, but this is definitely the clearest of what that salute looks like.  And, yes, it certainly scares me!

  1. Yikes!  Thanks for cross posting JD!

  2. o.m.g.! Sickening….

    On December 15, 2015, a Donald Trump supporter yelled out "sieg heil," a Nazi salute, as a Black Lives Matter protester was removed from a Trump rally in Las Vegas.
    It's at the end of the video, but one can plainly hear it.

    Thanks Nameless for this, and Joanne for cross posting

  3. Good one Nameless!!  Yrump would certainly bring in the Fifth Reich.  The Foiurth Reich ended when Crawford Caligula trashed the country so bad, that he could not try for a third term.

  4. To me, this is inciting a violent response.  The first amendment probably classifies this as freedom of speech. There is a fine line and those opposed to Drumpf must keep their response non violent, something many Drumpf supporters have trouble doing as evidenced by yesterday's unprovoked elbow to the head incident by a 78 year old Drumpf supporter to a protester.

    If Drumpf wins in November (which I don't think he will), the US will no longer be able to lay claim to the self declared title "leader of the free world".

    This is sickening and totally vile!

  5. When the first pictures came out of the crowd raising their hands Nazi-style to swear allegiance to Drumpf, his supporters supporters and Drumpf himself were indignant that the comparison with the Nazi greeting was made. They were only raising their hands! So what's their excuse now? The Roman soldiers saluted their leaders that way? Go and test Birgitt Peterson on her knowledge of Roman history and find out she has none. It's even doubtful if she knows it is the Nazi greeting that ALL Germans were supposed to make during Hitlers reign. Drumpf has been catering to whites in particular, including fringes like the KKK and White Supremacists. Knowing the latter's fondness for Nazi paraphernalia, my guess is that dear Birgit and the one who cried out "Sieg Heil" in Vegas belong to that vile clan. If the GOP really doesn't want to nominate Drumpf they should draw more attention to these occurrences. I can't imagine that ALL Trump devotees want to be associated with White Supremacists or the KKK, though the way things are going I might have a serious lack of imagination. 

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