Mar 112016

I’m running late, because I felt tired and needed to take a nap from Lona this morning.  I managed to reduce my one ton paperwork backlog to 3/4 tin, but it felt good to put a dent in it.  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Todays took me 2:24 (average 4:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: For those who had any remaining doubts, Kansas has officially gone insane, with its Republican dominated legislature now trying to pass a law effectively nullifying the state’s Judiciary system:

A committee in the GOP-controlled Senate plans to vote Tuesday on a bill that would make "attempting to usurp the power" of the Legislature or the executive branch grounds for impeachment.

Impeachment has "been a little-used tool" to challenge judges who strike down new legislation, said Republican Sen. Dennis Pyle, a sponsor of the measure. "Maybe it needs to be oiled up a little bit or sharpened a little bit."

Senate Bill 439 is currently set for debate before the state’s GOP-stacked Judiciary Committee. If it is approved and signed by Governor Brownback, it will permit impeachment of any Judge who acts contrary to the wishes of the legislature. In other words, any Judge who strikes down or modifies any law  the legislature passes, for any reason– whether the law is blatantly Unconstitutional, violative of existing laws, or otherwise, is thereby subject to impeachment proceedings by the state Legislature. A previous law threatening to cut off all Judicial funding was declared unconstitutional by the state’s High Court. [emphasis original]

Governor BrownNose and his Republican goose-steppers sure are instituting KKKansas!!

From Media Matters: Samantha Bee's Full Frontal Debunks Myth That NRA Can Easily Punish Politicians Who Support Gun Safety Laws


Republican Ammosexuals are KKKrazy!!

From Addicting Info: The Donald Trump supporter who viciously assaulted an African-American protester at a recent campaign rally gave a terrifying interview to Inside Edition, and it confirms what many of us have sensed for a long time: It’s only a matter of time before someone gets killed at a Trump rally.

 Video deleted brcause it autoplayed,

Trump Republicans are simply KKK.




  14 Responses to “Open Thread–3/11/2016”

  1. 3:48  Looks like home.  Probably something to eat inside.

    DKos – I read this, I was going to say with disbelief, but of course I know it is true, I just can't wrap my head around it.  Nameless, aren't you glad you live on YOUR side of the state line (and that your governer made such a powerful statement on the "religious freedom" law your legislature is trying to pass)?

    Media Matters – I wish someone would explain to me, if the GOP is so sure that gun background checks won't prevent mass shootings, then why do they think voter ID laws will prevent voting fraud?

    Addicting info – OMG, it's Cliven Bundy in New Jersey!  Sure glad he's in custody and being charged.  Hope they throw the book at him.  (Or is that only for schoolrooms?)

    Cartoon – I am now officially tin foil hat overloaded and can't bear to look it up and read it.  But I'll bet it was "special."

  2. Is Kansas trying to become its own country the way dictaterships emerged in other places of the world?

    I guess the NRA is raising it's member fees hoping to change the myth to reality.

    Is the coverage and charges being pressed on this one to distract from his campaign manager's attack on a Breitbart reporter?

  3. DK: "What’s happening to Kansas should be a stark example to the rest of us of what the Republican Party in control of the U.S. Congress would do under any Republican President: Trump, Cruz, Kasich—any of them, it makes absolutely no difference." O.M.G.!! Have they lost their minds???

    MM: The training in schools bothers and saddens me greatly. Instead of apprehending THE shooter, our children are being taught how to defend themselves/classmates against an intruder. Almost daily I see/read about a child with a gun shooting another person. Samantha Bee was spot on with this video, imo.

    AI: More and more of these hateful ids are being vocal in their threats, as seen on this video and others. I hate looking at the violence that is being encouraged at these rallies.

    Well, I tried to drive into Austin, but I should have rented a helicopter instead. jk. It's bumper to bumper with no end in sight of cars lining the roads up here, and leading up to there. As the SXSW gets underway, parking is expensive, and at a premium. Here's a Live Blog of Mr. President's visit to Austin.

    Enjoy your evening, relax, and take care. Thanks, Tom.

    • Austin is once again filled with hoards of tattooed people with hair of all colors imaginable. Oh, too be young again.

      This time last year I had to pass by on I-35 to pick up my daughter from work in South Austin. Thankfully I didn't have to do it again this year.  Our usual traffic is pretty bad.  SXSW makes it much worse not to mention adding Mr. Obama to the mix, but I was thrilled that he picked up some tacos at Torchy's. 

    • I was there when Obama came to Portland in 2012.  I waited for hours in line.

  4. I have posted something, recently, on C2, about Brownback, and his phenomenal idiocy, after an earlier reference to his style of "Red State" leadership compared to the progressive, job creating machine of Bill DeBlasio, in NYC.

    I hope Samantha Bee is on to something, here.

    Yes, Herr Rumpy is clearly "inciting to riot" as in my understanding of the phrase (can he be so charged?), and who kows where this may lead, incuding lead to murder.

  5. Puzzle — 3:03  When you eat here, just make sure you don't freeze those kitty dingles off!

    Daily Kos — So much for the separation of the executive, legislative and judicial arms of government.  Gone will be even the slightest semblance of justice.  If this happens, can the federal government step in to restore order or balance?  I can't believe this falls under states' rights.

    Media Matters — Good play!  Too bad legislators, at least Republican Ammosexual legislators, are not smart enough to understand it!

    Addicting Info — KKK Krazy!  Is it any wonder that Canada's Prime Minister,Justin Trudeau, lists civility as a major difference between he and Republican presidential candidates, specifically Herr Drumpf?  At least the fellow has been charged with assault.

    Cartoon — Sedition then, sedition now as Republicans refuse to do their constitutional duty!

  6. Thanks TC – good grief politics on both sides of the pond is going more and more demented every day – each day new and more extreme lunacies hit the media, and sane, good people are left with their jaws hitting the floor.

    MM this is surely a variation of the 'arm teachers to stop school shootings' idea.  Sounds just as effective (not). 

    Daily Kos – welcome the new tyranny.

    Addicting Info – that nasty cowardly man who assaulted someone not harming him, just walking by him, appears to have got Freudian problems – surprising really that he would expose them in public like that! 


  7. I see my catnaps are used wisely, TomCat. If you start to feel tired, just take one and you'll have more stamina the rest of the day, even for obnoxious work like paperwork.

    DK: There's only one group in Kansas that is "attempting to usurp the power" and that is the Republican legislature. Yes, "insane" is a good word for what they're doing, so is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and so are undemocratic and even fascist. Drumpf would feel right at home here. The only good thing left about it that the sane judges in Kansas can still strike down this bill unhindered and not let it go in effect. If it then then makes it all the way to SCOTUS, even this SCOTUS will strike it down, I think. The sad thing about it is that it shows again how low the GOP will go to keep in power and pursue their destruction of a state.

    MM: Excellent video by Samatha Bee. Because, really, the GOP's only solution to school shootings is aggressive "self-defense" classes for children? And self-defense books for 4-year olds? Oh yes, let's keep beavering away at the symptoms, but not the causes. Next the NRA will want the kids armed, just like their teachers. Darn, a lot of these school shootings are already carried out by kids, who are obviously armed. Who cares, it'll sell a few more guns, and trainings, and doesn't infringe on anyone's god-given constitutional right to bear arms.

    AI: The assailant stated that the protester wasn't acting like an American – the way he cowardly was, I suppose – and he should have killed him for that. Nothing to do with the protester being black of course. And Drumpf is inspiring these people to do it. As our National News site today wrote after Drumpf campaign rally in Chicago was canceled: "Anyone who is not with Donald Trump, is against him. In fact, it is against America, and everything that makes America great."  But today today Drumpf already noted that America is divided, but naturally he didn't say he was the great divider. Drumpf may not only lead people to murder, he may also lead to a rebellion, with the people on his side of course heavily armed. That will not be the peaceful revolution to end inequality progressives are hoping for.

  8. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

  9. Why was my  comment deleted asking if there were another video you could use other than the AUTO-PLAY of the video of the Trump supporter assaulting the protester?

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